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  1. Blasters - Energy Manipulation - Please make Energize and Boost Range toggles. Earth Control - Please add -Defense enhancements to Quick Sand. Make Volcanic Gasses affected by Domination. Make Earthquake move with you like Carrion Creepers.
  2. Cloaking is very useful for getting into position. The problem is you have to choose between the advantage of being unseen against having your gun happy pet out shooting everything in sight. It doesn't jive with the rest of the set.
  3. Ice Shield, Glacial Shield, and Arctic Fog are all solid defense buffs. Frostwork is one of the few powers in the game that increases max HP. Infrigidate can be turned into a proc bomb Benumb wrecks enemy regeneration. Must have for any enemy ranking higher than Boss. Sleet wrecks enemy damage resistance. It can be loaded with both Achille's Heel and Annihilation -resistance procs causing Sleet to drop enemy damage resistance anywhere from it's base 30% up to 62.5%. ALSO has -30% defense debuff as well. Oh, and it also knocks enemies down in case you want some damage mitigation on top of it all. It's my favorite power in the game. I can't think of anything I'd rather have more. Heat Loss ensures Endurance is never an issue for you as well as further debuffing damage resistance. And the whole set is loaded with Slow which reduces enemy power recharge. The only downside is the only buff that helps you, the caster, is Arctic Fog which leaves you the squishiest member on the team at all times.
  4. View This Build In MRB I went all out with -Resistance debuffs with this one. The strategy is to get into melee for Hot Feet and Disrupting Aura but use the ranged attacks Shriek, Scream, Shout for more -Res. Total -Res Shriek: 7.5% Scream: 7.5% Shout: 7.5% Disruption Aura: 15% Sleet: 30% Possible Total: 67.5% Procs Fury of the Gladiator: 20% Achilles' Heel: 20% Annihilation: 12.5 Grand possible total of 120% Damage Resistance debuff. For those new to the game resistance debuffs are great because they increase your maximum damage, not your base damage. Let's say your Shriek does 50 dmg. You enhance it by 100%. It now does 100 damage. Damage resistance debuffs don't increase base damage. They increase total damage. So if you debuff them 100% your attack will go from 100 damage to 200. Additionally, this applies to all attacks against that enemy from your team mates as well. AND it increases the damage of Procs too. The biggest negative to this build is running Disruption Aura and Hot Feet together is going to slaughter your Endurance until you have Cardiac Core and Perma Domination. It's a long road but you'll end up with a ridiculous monster. /Sonic/Ice also pairs incredibly with Ice Control and Plant Control and pairs fairly well with Electric Control and Earth Control.
  5. Oh yes! Glue Arrow makes for an amazing proc bomb!
  6. Tubalcain

    Melee Dom

    Fire Control not only has great damage but great control as well. Its single target hold (Char) has a 1 second cast animation. Most set's animation is twice that which lets you throw it out and get to hitting a lot faster. Put the Knockback to Knockdown proc on Bonfire and it will knock enemies down constantly like Sleet and Earthquake do. Lastly, Hot Feet is a massive damage aura around you. It REALLY sucks your endurance though so plan for that.
  7. Edit! My mistake! Grav's immob does NOT negate knock back.
  8. Why does the pet class not get more pets from their epics? Not only that, there's so much more that could be done with them. How about some support and buff powers? Summons and support, that's the summoner role. Not half assed attacks that are useless with our damage and endurance consumption mods. Get some paladin concepts up in here, An aura that reflects damage back onto enemies. Maybe limit it to your pets for balance. But it would make secondaries with high pet turn over like storm or trick arrow a lot more viable and fun. There's a lot of stuff you could do with this. You could really evolve the AT's roll in the late game with some creative new Epics that FIT the AT's party roll.
  9. I was able to put healing procs into Dark Empowerment and the regeneration is showing up in the summon's stats. But when I put Steadfast Protection and Gladiator's Armor +defense into Enchant Undead the defense bonuses don't show up on the pets.
  10. Yeah that's why I was asking! I'm well versed in how the power works and why no one takes it. But I don't have any experience with the harder difficulties and was wondering exactly this. I was hoping power to remove an enemy from combat entirely, even a very powerful enemy, would be useful. I mean, that's what it's there for. That's what it was a designed for. It's just, up to this point, none of the content was difficult enough to need it.
  11. I have an idea for making Sleep useful. Institute a "Groggy" effect. When Sleep is broken early by the targets being attacked they are Groggy, which debuffs their movement speed and damage. Maybe even their defense or damage resistance. The Groggy affect could take effect when the target is successfully Sleeped. So you'd need to stack mags for it to affect bosses. It could scale with how many mags of sleep are on the enemy and lasts for the duration of the Sleep mez so slotting for more Sleep duration would cause the Groggy effect to last longer.
  12. Can't help but notice that when you use Wormhole there's a lag where the enemies are aggroed on you but they haven't been teleported or stunned yet. So the whole group turns and opens fire on you. Makes being a grav dominator pretty tough since locking down enemies before they can attack you is their entire thing.
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