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Everything posted by Adipup

  1. Released - Entrechat
  2. Several types of horns are missing from Full Helmets and Medieval Helms heads for Male, Female and Huge characters, even though they're all available with Standard, Full Masks, Hats, Hoods, Helmets and Half Helmets heads. All: Missing from Full Helmets > Detail 2: Bull Horns, Demon Horns, Rhino Horn, Diablo Horns, Devil Horns, Ram Horns Male: Missing from Medieval Helms > Detail: Devil Horns, Rhino Horn, Thunder Horns Female and Huge: Missing from Medieval Helms > Detail: Devil Horns, Rhino Horn
  3. Not an item request, but it would be nice if the developers fixed the footstep sounds for existing base items to make them more consistent. Right now, only a few don't have the default "stone" footstep sound, and it's a bit jarring.
  4. Released - Moonsetter
  5. I'll add something to the speculation pile. I hope the update lets us change a character's origin, too.
  6. I thought I'd try out this tool by converting a couple of mods I put together a few years ago, and they work great as piggs! They're both audio mods. One replaces the login screen theme with the theme from CoH: Freedom ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eogi9J_4fX8 ), and the other replaces Pocket D's ski chalet ambience to remove the annoying yodeling. You can find them here if you're interested: https://mods.cityofheroes.dev/modView.php?id=197 https://mods.cityofheroes.dev/modView.php?id=198
  7. That's a bit disappointing, but thanks for testing it out for me!
  8. "All Icon/Facemaker tailors are now also cosmetic surgeons and renamed any surgeons to match other tailors of their type. This does not include Trainers." Does this also apply to Icon/Facemaker NPCs in bases?
  9. I found another misspelled emote in the menu. The Idle > Loyalty > Vigilante Loyal emote is misspelled as VigilaneLoyal when you click on it.
  10. Thanks! I found it. It's called Seers_SummonReinforcements_Hit and it goes in the Powers folder.
  11. I'm not talking about a looped sound, though. I mean the sound that plays when you use those portals. I decided to record it and attach it here. Maybe it's also used somewhere else in the game and you recognize it from there? Aleph point sfx.mp3
  12. Does anyone know what the sound file for the "point" base teleporters is? (i.e. Aleph, Beth, etc; not the entrance portal). Thanks in advance!
  13. There doesn't seem to be a megathread for costume part suggestions, so I figured I'd just put all the ones I thought of here, in no particular order. 😄 More casual shoes would be nice, such as sneakers with shorter (or no) socks, shorter combat boots, and sandals. More types of shorts for male characters, since they only really have boxing shorts. (I know you can just use knee length pants for a similar effect, but it's a bit long for my tastes) More hairstyles. If it's possible, a good place to start would be porting male hairstyles to female characters and vice versa. Splitting up some more accessory categories would also be really useful: Splitting up head accessories into a head section (horns, halos, headbands, antennae), an eye section (glasses, goggles, eyepatches) and an ear section (earmuffs, earpieces). Splitting up mouth accessories into a jaw section (mandibles, chin guards, beards), and a mouth section (cigars, mustaches). Splitting up shoulder accessories into a shoulder section (pauldrons) and a neck section (neck chains, ties). So yeah, that's everything I came up with that seems possible. Let me know what you all think.
  14. I'd like to replace Homecoming's main menu music with the theme song from CoH Freedom, but I can't find it anywhere, even after using the Pigg Viewer linked earlier in this thread. I know the file name is supposed to be h_music2_loop.ogg (I got it from ParagonWiki and every music file there seems to have its original name: https://paragonwiki.com/w/images//b/bb/H_music2_loop.ogg). I can't find it in the spreadsheet Oubliette_Red shared either. If the song isn't in pigg files, then where is it? The developers had to have either found it somewhere, or put it somewhere, for it to show up in the game, right? Or was it renamed at some point? If anyone can help me, it would be appreciated. Edit: Nevermind, I finally found it! It turns out I had to look in the hc-beta subfolder instead of the piggs one. The path to replace the main menu music is data/sound/ogg/frontend/h_menumusic_loop.ogg, in the main Tequila folder as usual.
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