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Healix last won the day on March 19

Healix had the most liked content!


1343 Excellent


About Healix

  • Birthday 01/22/1004

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  1. I spotted this guy in Oro, and thought he was so awesome, I just had to try an AI version. I hope the creator is ok with it! ☺️
  2. Puros, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, and one of our heroes. May he rest well, knowing he was loved and well thought of.
  3. JJ, just for those times, you could turn off the particles and have a clean clear view of everything. (this also works great for invasions and huge teams where there is a lot of chaos) commands turn them off and back on /noparticles 1 /noparticles 0
  4. AMEN. A huge thank you to all the wonderful folks who work hard here/help improve our gameplay QoL.
  5. Argot'BurWot......or as my friends and I always called him, Ronald McRikti
  6. Skyhawke
  7. ahhh. ok! Thanks so much!
  8. I have tried clicking on the 'apply now' in the window section of the menu options so many times and it just keeps flashing. All the other tabs work fine and I can click and apply. Tried saving/loading options also, still won't work. I am stumped.
  9. also, you can create a macro or bind that shows villains, hostages and civilians. I made a bind using Esc so I could easily reach it when I was running or flying /bind Esc "target_custom_next notmypet"
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