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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Great photo story again, @Midnyte! I also love how everybody's toon brought a backstory this time! Haven't had that for quite a while....
  2. I would All-Out-Gaultier this! 😎 Because, how could you not: Green!
  3. Judgement, I have a really soft spot for Vorpal on some of my toons. The thought of you taking aim, making a cool spin move to release a number of phantom copies of yourself in a cone towards a mob, and have lots of orange numbers pop up out of nowhere, is just soooo cinematic in my mind! 🙂 My other favorite is mighty, because who doesn't love some good knock-up? I love some good knock-up, whenever I can get it! Only thing is, both powers are basically smashing/lethal damage, which makes their effectiveness a bit of a mixed bag. Lore is exclusively driven by best theme fit, I don't care about numbers here at all. That is also one of the reasons why I almost never end up with the BP lores. They somehow never seem to really go well with any of my concepts...
  4. I have several options here, but given the current team composition I think I will bring some melee damage with Violet Valkyria, Sword/Dark Brute. Don't know if she will be tough enough to tank all those heroes we need to fight, but I can give it a shot. Maybe all the dark debuff will save it 😎
  5. This is fun. Throwing in a couple of mine here... Elvish Impersonator - Zombie MM Gin Toxic - Posion/Psi Defender Cathode Ray Dude - Energy/Electric Blaster Micro Menacement - Claws/Fire Stalker And technically not a pun per se, but I still need to giggle everytime I run across these toons in my character list: Heavy Assault Poet - Symphonic/Psi Dominator Betty Bondagebunny - Plant/Pain Controller And well, you probably have to count my Main and Global as well here, I guess: Bananiac - Plant/Radiation Controller I may or may not add a few pics later on for your entertainment. EDIT: added pics...
  6. That is an interesting aspect. I have to think about that a bit. Ho would you usually slot Fold Space? I have to admit I have never used it on any toon up to now, but I always enjoyed it when suddenly new victims got dropped on any of my melee shredding machines and I didn't have to get moving. I am seriously tempted to build with FS now and try it myself. Probably sacrificing some defense or resistance for it, but in general Controllers are not that dependent on passive protection anyways, so that may be a trade off I would be willing to make.
  7. If I manage to have another run at powerleveling a toon from lvl16 to 45 by the end of the week, I will be there with Disco Infernale, Symphony/Fire Dominator. Because I think this theme got the song but they got no melody 😎 Freak Freak da Funky Funk Funk! In case this ain't going fast enough, I have a Theme Teamer Classic ready, the wicked Mr O'Hallows, my Fire/Nature Controller. Exchanged the pumpkin head with something more suitably "regular" for the event 🙂
  8. @TrixieKixx For saturday, I have readied Prince Elija Motombe, Katana/Regen Scrapper and secondborn heir to the Ebony Lion Throne, seat of the rulers of The Independent Kingdom of Malawenji.
  9. I didn't even know there are easter eggs in Midnighter Club. Sign me up!
  10. Agreed. I found CC to be generally quite effective, especially if you can lay down even more Holds around you from other sets. And I also like powers that you don't have to do anything with other than run into mobs, like The Cloud or The Cloak 🙂 And yes, Containment! Still a very nice build, thanks for that @Wimbochismo! I will see if I can tweak it a bit to my playstyle, but it is greatly appreciated.
  11. Bananiacs Storytime: When I started to play again 3 years ago, all I knew was the basic Hero and Villain ATs and what standard IOs did for you. I never had a toon go beyond Lvl 30 at that time, hardly knew any of the higher level zones, not to mention any of the "high end features" :). I was a Pro in the Character Creator, though! All my costume slots were in use and I did a living on building a toon, running it to level 6 or 8 or 13, then going back, deleting an old toon and creating another new one 😄 There were really only 3 that made it beyond that and would never get deleted: Lilac, Dark Anaesthetist and Bananiac. 2 Controllers btw, with Bananiac being a Spines Scrapper back then (resurrected as a Controller now, as he rightfully should have been!). This is why I am so happy to run with you guys, because I learned so much about this game just playing. While at the same time having an excuse to come up with new concepts, characters or costumes of course. And I feel like I have been getting better in understanding many of the more complex systems in this game now, to a point where I can start explaining things to some of the more casual players being around. The forums are a rich source for information, and I took my time over the last 3 years to read up guides on Inventions, The Market, Incarnates, Accolades, Travel, Combat, and other ATs outside of Controllers 😎 Helped me appreciate even more all the great features this game has. And many of them are not obvious or self-explanatory, for sure! Still a lot left to learn, but no rush in doing so. I am quite happy with where we all are at this moment.
  12. There is of course a Midnighters in Steel, next to the University at the usual spot. Croatoa University has one as well. Redside I only know and use the one in Cap. And, just for the record, the Midnight Mansion in Night Ward is where you go for the fast badge, but for some unknown reason that one does not have a Cimerora Portal 😑
  13. Awesome Action shots again, Midnyte! Thanks a lot!
  14. Wondering: Is the Fly Trap a good place for the Achilles Heel proc? If so, why?
  15. Hi again, can't help it, I like Controllers. And so far this one here is my latest lockdown specialist. This is my shot at his build and on paper I quite like it already. Just not sure about some of the slotting options I have used, I am still not quite comfortable with the proccing and effects of attuned IOs. Main goal was getting AM and Earthquake close to perma and a solid (not neccessarily maxed out) defense and SL resistance. Mitigation is supposed to come from lockdown and debuff. Please take a look. Any comment appreciated.
  16. I like the "Battrix" version of it. It is nice to rediscover some old toons from earlier days. Looking forward to the Royal ITF. I have a trio of african prince/princess siblings which I always wanted to push, they are still in their teens. Will have to work on getting one of them to 35 next week.
  17. Zapphire Ray, Stone/Rad Controllerdragon. I may rename the guy for this, just haven't found a cool name yet to fit the theme.
  18. 42 deaths, the Blue Patches were often and many, I guess. About a mid-tier result for this. 😉 Not counting the dozens of faceplants in the 1st attempt, where those patches hit us really hard. A band full of long-animation-and-summoning-time-powers-Misfits will do that for you.
  19. @TrixieKixx I am planning to come with my Ill/Dark Controller Le Filou, dressed up in his best mad scientist attire. Thanks to the Mapserver Madness now freshest Level 50 with all incarnate slots unlocked but Hybrid.
  20. Things to come! We should definitely plan to run some kind of Storms Theme some day when this goes live...
  21. I levelled up without any Set IOs, simply using standard DOs, SOs and later IOs. You should definitely slot enhancements whenever you can and keep them updated. Otherwise you will get slowed down even more and everything will take forever and a dime. It was still fun and felt like a nice progression. But the full build only went in there at 50, and it was a very early attempt with lots of help from others. It kept this toon fun to play in harder endgame and incarnate content, and the occasional exemplaring in lower level teams.
  22. I shopped a quick 2 levels this morning while having my before-heading-out-to-drop-off-kid-and-get-my-lazy-ass-to-work coffee on an ongoing event in Talos... so looks like it is still going.
  23. How did the job thing go, by the way?
  24. I repurposed one of my idle toons and named him Sci-Fi Lime Pie, a Beam Rifle / Atomic blaster. Not 100% sure if I will be there in time tomorrow, however. Note to myself: Clock now back to normal, so business as usual again.
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