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Display Name

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Everything posted by Display Name

  1. This is kind of petty, I guess. But it's not meant to be petty. I was wondering if the time left for the exp boost buff would be made to appear on the info pop-up when you right-click the status icon under the health bar? It would be more convenient that right-clicking the icon in the Powers list.
  2. Someone was complaining about them the other day because they couldn't click on them while the animation was running. And another player seconded it. I didn't have any problems because I went to the next one and was the only one there. There was a similar problem with a floor-hatch in Dr. Aeon's TF where only one person could click it at a time. Meanwhile, you're surrounded by several dozen Gold Brickers blasting you with their canons. They fixed that a few patches ago. I was wondering if they could do something similar to the elevators in the Lamba itrial.
  3. Is there any way to improve the elevators in the Lambda iTrial?
  4. Is it possible to assign Flashback arcs as WSTs? Sister Psyche's TF (Clamor & Destruction, lvl 25-29) comes to mind.
  5. It's obvious that crippling the rewards has failed. I'm only suggesting a more productive approach. No need to dismiss my suggestion.
  6. Can the exp/inf earned in the AE be returned to normal levels? Crippling them only increased the demand. Now, the LFG channel is flooded with "sitter looking for farm" messages.
  7. Oof! I'm having a little trouble completing this concept. The theme is assassin. The toon has arrow powers and ice powers. She's a "sweet girl, corrupted." I used the assassin costume because now she's an assassin. I didn't use the assassin mask because her face is already modified. I chose the right eye because she's right-handed. She has a Legacy Composite Bow as her weapon of choice. I'll modify any part of her if I like the suggestion. Edit: the face is Face 3 that I *would* like to remain the same. And the hair is this color blue (below) and solid white, although I'm completely open to hair color changes. Also, I prefer Stilettoes or Thigh-High boots. I used Thigh-Highs here. But that's just a whim.
  8. I'm having some trouble with the assassin costume. I didn't include the assassin's mask because I've already modified the toon's face. I wanted something to "connect" the neck area but all I could get were the chains. Any suggestions? This toon's theme is assassin, so I really wanted to use the costume.
  9. On my Controller, I have the power "Tornado" which is a Storm Summoning power. The description (when you right-click *and* when you select "Info") both say "PBAoE." But it's actually a "Targeted AoE." I just wanted to respectfully point out that the description might need updating.
  10. On my Controller, I have the power "Tornado" which is a Storm Summoning power. The description (when you right-click *and* when you select "Info") both say "PBAoE." But it's actually a "Targeted AoE." I just wanted to respectfully point out that the description might need updating.
  11. I studied Healer players long before I decided to make a Healer. I wanted to do it right. So by the time I was ready to create a Healer toon, I made sure that I included the Teleport Target power in the build. That way, I can move the defeated player to a safe space and do what I have to do. Soon, I realized that powers are not enough. Sometimes toons die faster than you can recharge. So I invested in Resuscitator (when another player introduced me to it.) This is available at the S.T.A.R.T. vendor (Wares > Temp Powers > Buffs > Resuscitator.) It's EXPENSIVE (500,000 per ten charges.) But... But, yes. PLEASE WAIT at least a little bit of time for old geezers like me to recognize your defeat and react. Too many times, I cast rez and the player is already standing up. So I'm just left with Clear Mind and Recovery Aura (for End,) which takes a long time to recharge.
  12. Dude! This is not just "City of Heroes." This is the "new and IMPROVED 'City of Heroes.'" Two words: travel powers. Mind. Blown. I wasn't a Live player. So I don't know what it's like walking barefoot ten miles through the snow, uphill (both ways) to get to a mish and back. And I thank G-d for that!
  13. Now I'm not trying to make this an urgent request but can sound effects be added for bare feet? Walking across a floor with my barefoot toon and hearing the click of my heels just doesn't give off an "immersive" vibe. Heck, the modders can probably do this because there's a mod on the modding website that destroys the patriarchy on the Sonic Attack sound effects. Shoutout to Lithobraker for destroying the patriarchy's control over Sonic Attacks (Gender-Neutral Sonic Attacks mod!) Wait, what was the question? What's the link to the modding site? Oh, sure! Here ya go: https://mods.cityofheroes.dev And, yes. The Female Nude Patch works great with the see-through Sybil outfit, you pervert! 😛 To be clear: you *have* to have the patch installed to see nudity. You don't have to play City of Heroes with your eyes closed. All of the mods are local, meaning they only affect the user's computer. So while you're hearing these pleasant Gender-Neutral Sonic Attack powers, everyone else is looking at you sideways for giving in to the patriarchy. But anyway. Bare feet sound effects? Please?
  14. Full color Statesman statue mod looks really good! Is there only the statue in Kallisti?
  15. Oh, come on! Who isn't jealous? Can we fix this injustice, please? Pretty, pretty please?
  16. It's the image for the Brightest Sun badge obtained from Twinshot's arc. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Brightest_Sun_Badge
  17. I had a player doing a mish "naturally" (ie: not a Flashback) advertising the need for help in LFG. I had my healer logged in at the time and offered to help. It turns out, the player was getting their hiney handed to them and were very discouraged. They didn't know how to create builds for their toon(s) effectively and were literally about to quit for good. I asked them not to quit and to give me a little time to show them why. We finished the arc and then I introduced him to a supergroup some of my toons are members of. The support in the group is pretty freakin' awesome and I showed him how to join (the toon I was on was not a member.) He joined and within a day or so I saw him posting in the Discord and getting the support he needed. I've also directed other players to that group and like to think that I've helped them. But I'm pretty sure that I helped that person. I do other things too but that's the only example I wanted to share. I'm not *always* glad to help but I'm *often* glad to help. Currently, I'm still trying to get the sixteen trillion+ badges in this game. No thanks to the latest updates and events! (kidding! thank you!) I didn't post the name of the supergroup because I'm of the opinion that if someone wants to know they'll DM me. And the rest of you couldn't care less and are probably mildly irritated by shameless recruitment plugs.
  18. Is the waypoint located in the correct place on the map every single time? In other words: can I ignore this glitch?
  19. In the Seer Marino arc "Oh, Wretched Man!" there's one mish where the players' objective is to steal research about Ghost Widow from the Legacy Chain. In the building where I completed the previous mish, I immediately called the contact to start the next mish. The (red) waypoint appeared at the exit. I exited the building and the (red) waypoint led me back to the door of the building I had just left. I finally found the Legacy Chain mish by following the waypoint on the map itself instead of trying to use the Nav window. Edit: I was running this arc from Flashback if that makes a difference.
  20. Does Water Blast/Water-related-powers work on the flames in the Hellion Arson zone event?
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