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  1. SIgh... There were three badges I didn't enjoy doing for this event. The Handsome/Beautiful badge and the Valentine delivery badges (Matchmaker and Missed Connection.) Valentine tips I didn't like the delivery badges especially because I would have to join a team, play a mish or two and then continue playing until the arc was ended even though I had already picked up the three max Valentine tips. The time commitment for this was enormous! And then it happened. One day, I casually beat up some Hellions in Atlas Park and got a Valentine tip!? I had received no inf/exp because I had outleveled them. But I got the tip! From then on, I farmed tips by street sweeping low-level zones. I tried to stay out of the way of low-level players street sweeping for the inf/exp and would move to another zone if there were a lot of players doing it. But I found that street sweeping is a fast and efficient way to generate Valentine tips! And there's no time commitment! You just beat up enemies until you get three Valentine tips and you can stop any time without letting other players down! Best of all, you don't have to defeat and entire group to get a tip! I took on this group of Clockwork one time and the last one got away. But I received the tip anyway and just let it go. Note that if you talk to DJ Zero, he'll sometimes *recruit* you to deliver Valentines. This adds a counter in your "Closest to Completion" category under Badges (in your Nav window.) The counter is easier to find in the "Events" category. Also note that if DJ Zero doesn't recruit you, this counter won't appear. I haven't figured out the condition that causes DJ Zero to recruit you to deliver Valentines. But it really doesn't matter because the counter has no effect on your ability to get the badge. Handsome/Beautiful badge Ugh! Not only do you have to put a team together for this, you have to get someone of an opposing alignment! So if you're blue and doing Ganymede's arc, you have to recruit a red or a Loyalist (goldside) for the last mish. And if you're red doing Scratch's arc, you have to recruit a blue or a Resistance player. Since this takes place in Pocket D, most players offering to join were level 1 and looking to level up. They came for the farms but they'll take a ride with you while they wait for a farm to open up. Sigh!! So to make it attractive, I would up the difficulty (+2/x4) so they would get some decent exp. Then I would have to keep them alive while we (slowly) battled our way through each mish. And then it happened. One evening, while attempting to recruit, a player casually pst'd me and told me that I could solo each arc if I switched alignment on the last mish. Wait... WHAT?! I tested out this hypothesis, and HE WAS RIGHT!!!! The caveat is that you *have* to launch the last mish in the arc *before* switching alignment! Otherwise, you can't talk to the contact to launch the last mish! Lol! This also allows you to immediately dive into the second arc because you're already teh correct alignment for it! And when you're on the last mish of the second arc, change back and now you have the badge and the same alignment you started with! Mind. Blown! Here are some macros that might help Ganymede arc: /macro target target_name Operative Tupelo Scratch arc: /macro target target_name Terrigol /macro target target_name Operative Finch Widow Maker badge You can speed-run this up until the last mish. But the last mish is super easy. Here are some macros that might help along the way: /macro target target_name Librarian /macro target target_name Night Widow Assassin Heart of Light/Darkness, Partygoer and Toothbreaker badges Honestly, it's WAY easier to earn the Toothbreaker badge during the Spring Fling than it is during the Winter Event. In the Spring Fling event, you can catch Snaptooth immediately upon entering the mish if you fly up and over the cliff to the north. At the top is a grassy airfield and Snaptooth spawns in the middle of it. Watch out for the Arachnos enemies! You have to defeat him three times to finish the mish. And you have to do this mish five times to get the Toothbreaker badge. It's better if you have a team for this one because those Red Caps can overwhelm you. I think that's all that I have! Have fun!
  2. I noticed this in Steel Canyon at first: I could see the exploration badge in the AE building in my Vidiotmaps overlay but not the AE waypoint itself. But now, I don't see the AE waypoint at all on any maps. This happened before the Valentine Event started. I'm using the City Mod Installer and Vidiot Maps installed through that. I don't know if this is on my end or Homecoming's.
  3. The Crusader mishs didn't take me to the correct locations...? Is it called "Imperial Crusader?" Edit: I found it! It *is* "Neutropolis Crusader!" When I saw "Imperial Crusader" it confused me... Thank you so much!
  4. Isn't it time to release the costumes for these beautiful women in their beautiful costumes for players?
  5. Yesterday I found a zone with a minimal population and opened presents and defeated enemies nonstop for several zone-wide runs. The Winter Lord never spawned. Earlier today, I performed a "control" experiment. I found a zone with a minimal population and started opening presents and moving on without engaging the Winter Horde spawns. I opened presents nonstop for several zone-wide runs. The Winter Lord never spawned for this, either. My conclusion is that there is a time limit to meet the minimum threshold of "triggering" the Winter Lord. I still can't tell if spawning the Winter Lord is merely opening presents, opening "naughty presents," or defeating Winter Horde spawns. That's as far as I can test without assistance.
  6. Earlier today I was going through Port Oakes to get some presents with minimal competition. I was using this map: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/File:Winter_port_oakes.png I couldn't find the present marked on the map at approximately this location: /thumbtack [-7.1 124.5 -36.1] Is it inside the building? I couldn't open the door. Underground?
  7. Maybe I should clarify: searching through a list of 24 names (especially with my eyes) takes too long. Simply typing $loc in the chat is very efficient in comparison.
  8. That is *too cool!* Oh, no! I said it!
  9. So. You want that badge but you can't get the Winter Lord to come out and play! And even if he does, you still don't get the badge! What can be done about this? Well... A few things. But it also depends on the players around you. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Winter_Lord 1) What? First, let me point out that there are TWO badges that can be obtained from this event. Well, not exactly. But there *is* a badge for defeating 100 Winter Horde enemies. And you'll spawn a *lot* of them by opening presents. If you're solo, they're usually easy to defeat. Next, let me say this and be perfectly clear. No, leaving the enemies there does *not* affect the present's ability to respawn. In fact, one player told me that his route brought him back to a present and he spawned a SECOND group. Not only has this been tested but a dev confirmed it. But hanging around near a present's location definitely WILL delay it from respawning. If it's not there, move on. *Should* you defeat the enemies from a naughty present? Well, if you clicked on that link above, you'll see this in the first paragraph: "Winter Lords were changed to spawn after a set number of presents are opened (or possibly when a number of "naughty" present spawns are defeated)" Notice that it says the trigger to spawn Winter Lord might involve defeating enemies. I have no way of confirming this. But just in case... 2) Where? The best place to hunt the Winter Lord is... You guessed it! Atlas Park. You can literally do nothing and wait. It usually takes approx half an hour to 45 mins for him to spawn. This is because several naughty players are out competing for presents. There is no zone event notification except for a purple message that flies across your screen. In other words: if you blink, you'll miss it. The best way to know when he's spawned is by keeping your Broadcast channel open. You'll see msgs start to pop up saying "Where's Winter Lord" or something to that effect. Sooner or later, some player will find him and type $loc to broadcast the location. Here's a macro to help you search. /macroimage "Badge_winter_event_02" "Winter Lord" "targetcustomnext enemy alive Winter Lord" (shoutout to Iamblazed 247 for helping me put that together!) Now comes the hard part. 3) When? And how? And why? Too many times, I've seen players just go at it without a plan. Sigh... But there are requirements that make it virtually impossible to get the badge from this approach. The plan is very simple: form a team and *then* go at it! Post in the Broadcast channel and LFG. Good hunting!
  10. Wow! First Winter Event in three years and I decided to run this TF to badge my toon! Oof!!! https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Lord_Winter's_Realm I usually run 20-24 players because it takes a while to recruit and players get antsy. The wiki says you can have up to 36 but I'm not waiting that long. The main reason people want to do this is to farm Candy Canes. I think you need something like 250 to purchase *all* of the badges from the Candy Keeper. And that's just the badges. Candy Canes shot up in price, too! Ouch! This particular TF has some bugs. Like, serious bugs. They're probably all known, so don't go in expecting to badge Bug Hunter! I just thought I'd post a few things I've learned from being repeatedly asked "can we go, again?" 1) You lose the star. Players should be notified of this before you start so that you can get it back ASAP. 2) Players will drop. However, one of the best features of this TF is that you can recruit while the TF is running! Whut...? Yes! I've done it over and over. 3) You might be one of the players dropped. And worse, you might have to get reinvited five... I said FIVE times. Yes! This happened to me! The best approach to running this TF is educating your league prior to starting. It can save a lot of frustration. 4) When Lord Winter's hp are brought down to 75%, he'll summon a Winter Guardian. You don't have to go looking for it. It will come to you. It *is* important to keep Lord Winter from regenerating. Some players will inevitably break off and go looking. Some will stay on Lord Winter. I usually don't interfere with either group because they're both doing something useful. 5) BTW: Lord Winter will summon a Winter Guardian at 50% and 25%, too. 6) If you go looking for the Winter Guardian and find it, don't say "Here!" No one know where you are in the league, and you can't Follow someone by clicking their name in the chat. Type $loc to broadcast your location. See how easy that was? This TF is not that hard if you educate the league prior to starting. Good hunting!
  11. I'm not sure that team size affects it...? Earlier today someone posted the coordinates for the WL. As I approached them, I saw a player leaving the scene. I don't know if they were wandering around and found it or if they spawned it. But at the site there were only three enemies. The two smallest ones and the Winter Lord.
  12. So I'm editing my original post because I'm starting to learn more about the process of spawning the Winter Lord in a zone. I want to stress that the reason you'll want to do this is for the exp/inf/merits (6, I think.) But in addition to this, you'll also get a badge for defeating him if you (or your team) does at least 10% of his hp in damage. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Frozen_Fury_Badge I've heard of at least two ways to spawn him. Both have the same procedure. I've heard people say that 100 presents have to be opened to spawn him. Players don't have to be on a team or league and, in fact, don't even have to be aware of each other for this counter to tally. A later post in this thread by TheZag says that it might be the number of "naughty" spawns that occur in the zone. From 50 to 200. Again, it's not necessary to be on the same team or league for this counter to tally. The "naughty" spawns hypothesis sounds more plausible. This is why Atlas Park regularly spawns the Winter Lord because you usually have multiple players being naughty. Now, once the Winter Lord spawns it becomes *important* to form a team or league to engage him. That is, unless you're capable of doing 10% of his hp in damage single-handedly. And hey, it's Atlas Park. The Winter Lord might be a pushover to you. But that's what I've learn so far. It's enough information to devise a strategy, at least. Good hunting!
  13. Thanks! I had to respec my badging toon (and threw "Hover" in there for good measure) and was able to badge gold fairly easily. I used a single Fly IO in each power to avoid depreciation. BTW: Does that prevent depreciation? As opposed to putting four enhs in a single flight power, I mean.
  14. Technically, the name of this zone event is "Deadly Apocalypse:" https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Deadly_Apocalypse https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Deadly_Apocalypse And I've noticed that my ability to badge this event is inconsistent. Here are some examples: 1) I was leading a ToT league in Kallisti Wharf and it was my first time doing so. Everything was going pretty smooth (I've ran leagues before) until the thunder cracked and sinister music started playing! Then it was like the entire Homecoming server suddenly wanted to join my league! I was literally unable to move while I was busy sending invites, moving players around, etc. We quickly filled. Meanwhile, a player who usually ToTs there (and has the name "Mistress") ran banners To Hell and Back! I went from zero banner badges to fully badged in just a few mins. All while standing still halfway across the zone!? 2) Yesterday I was part of a league in Peregrine Island. Once again, the thunder cracked and sinister music started playing. The league lead (Jack Rabbit, a *fine* example of a league leader) immediately started giving us instructions and moving into position. The rest of the league was sluggish to move but finally got going. During this banners event, I didn't get a single badge!? And I was at every location on time and blasting away. I was disappointed but just laughed it off because I knew Jack Rabbit was doing their absolute best. Most of the time, my results are sporadic. I'll get some badges and miss others. I've heard people say that banners is bugged but after paying attention to what's happening in the league while it's going on, I think I've figured out what's wrong: players are not participating on a level required to badge. Case in point: Today, I was in a ToT league and the league leader gave clear instructions for each team. My team was assigned to blue. I went straight there and waited for my team. After waiting too long for everyone else to get there, I was suddenly ATT'd to the purple banner. Somehow, team 2 ended up there!? Ok, well maybe they're a little color blind...? No worries, we'll course correct as the event progresses. Then, the banners became vulnerable and the league leader instructed everyone to engage the green banner. Naturally, I moved immediately to the green which was only a couple of hundred yards away. Meanwhile, my team didn't budge and remained on purple. I think there was one other person on the team who went to green but we didn't do enough damage to badge. This was starting to aggro me, so I said something about following instructions in the league chat. Afterwards, I started badging because presumably people started paying attention. At the end, I missed the Monstrous badge for the Greater Mystic. But I chalked this up to the team not knowing how to handle that part of the event. Before I continue, let me offer some advice for getting the Monstrous badge. When the last banner goes down, *start searching for the Greater Mystic!* Just head in the right direction, at least! That way, when someone finds them you're already close. Don't just wait for someone to say "here" and *then* start moving. You're not going to make it in time because people usually don't wait. But my observations have brought me to the conclusion that there's no bug or glitch in banners. It's just that players either don't know how to do banners or aren't paying attention to the league chat (or both.)
  15. I think that there's a possibility of range being an issue. If you're too far away but still in-zone, you might not get the badge. I've noticed this with exp/inf, too.
  16. Something I noticed about the Kallisti Wharf ToT league: If I go to the hosp, I stop receiving exp/inf rewards. Once I get back "in range" of my team/league, then the exp/inf rewards resume.
  17. BTW: Solarverse, I'm sorry for our differences! I hope that this puts credit towards forgiveness...?
  18. This is my toon WITH the (patch) Edit: Yes, the vulva is perfectly visible and anatomically correct.
  19. So... Solarverse is correct. Let's try it this way. https://mods.cityofheroes.dev You'll see the "Female Nude Mod" in the alphabetical list. This is my toon without the mod:
  20. I'm in Night Ward playing a mish with the objective "Recover the Manual of the Dead." Underneath it says "Retrieve Tremaine's Manual of the Dead." I entered this mish through the green mansion (Midnighter Club) in the door under the stairs where you first enter. In the mish, there's a badge in a circular room. But the badge is UPSIDE down!? There's no legend to tell me what the badge is... Did I glitch the mod somehow?
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