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Captain Fabulous

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Captain Fabulous last won the day on September 11 2023

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About Captain Fabulous

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Have you tried Winlator?
  2. Yeah, the slowness in Traps is something I experienced with a Beam Rifle/Traps Corruptor I tried out and wound up remaking as a Beam Rifle/Devices Blaster who then got remade again into a BR/Time Blaster. In fairness, if the team is moving that fast then your traps aren't really needed, but still it's nice to feel as though you're contributing.
  3. Yup, this is what's happening. If the mission isn't set by the team leader it will default to the level of the first person who enters if they also have the mission. The only thing you can do to minimize the problem is for the lead to get and set the mission before putting the team together. This way if anyone enters early it will be the at the lead's level, not the level of the person who enters. The downside is that this allows people to enter before everyone is ready and unfortunately there isn't anything you can do to stop people from talking to Posi and starting a Nemesis run or skipping the ceremony (I posted in the suggestions forum that the event should be altered so that only the mission owner can talk to Posi, which would eliminate this problem). Griefing has been RAMPANT for this event, and yeah it's been infuriating. I don't know why people gotta be assholes. But here we are. Unfortunately there isn't a lot that can be done about the level issue. It's just how the game is set up. It's not something limited to the Spring Fling.
  4. But can it run Crysis?
  5. Yes, but this is a suggestion & feedback sub forum. I wasn't writing up a PSA or bug report with a workaround. This post is to suggest the devs change Posi's interaction due to player griefing. I'm well aware you can do it on your own and that it's one way to avoid this issue, but that was not the point of this post. It would be worth bringing this up in general discussion which I might do later today along with a few other general etiquette suggestions for this event.
  6. This part ^^^^ It also presumes the average player knows they can get that badge on their own and how to do it, and I'm fairly confident there are a lot who don't.
  7. Yes, I'm aware that it's easy to get on your own, and I started doing that to avoid this issue. But it's an issue nonetheless. Any setup that allows trolls to easily grief other players should be fixed.
  8. Too many jackasses are griefing people and preventing them from getting the Down in Front badge by skipping the ceremony even after being asked not to. It's happened at least a dozen times tonight on Excelsior. And since the logs don't note who did it there's no way to know.
  9. Me too. My understanding is that it's still in the game files somewhere. I wish someone would unearth it and make it an option, tho it would require a speedup/trim. As for Hasten, I'd 100% be onboard with lowering the recharge so that it could be made perma with just 3 SOs. Y'know, what Jack promised he would do right before the massive ED nerf, but later reneged. Lying liar. I'd also be OK with lowering it to ~50% and making it a toggle.
  10. So is this a viable combo, or am I going to regret every single one of my life choices?
  11. Choose "minimal fx" if available in the costume creator. Use black/black as colors. Reduce the particle effects option in graphics settings. Use a "reduced effects" mod via City Modder
  12. Speculation: if there is a slight delay in the application of the proc their counterattack will cue up and go off before the effect of the hold proc is applied.
  13. LIES! Everyone knows the plural of Kronos is Kroneese.
  14. I remember how Jack claimed he was deep into Greek Mythology but would then pronounce Talos as "Taylos". 🙄
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