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Everything posted by brass_eagle

  1. Agreed pets should always have KD -- the Decoy does have taunt though if IIRC. Not sure if that changes anyone's view (not sure about the dominator version).
  2. I will say, I'm not sure what patch you are referring to. Your phrasing is a bit vague there. The --Doppleganger-- code will include any powers it is coded for. I know that doesn't help. But it has been the case with other sets and their penultimate tier powers as well. The strength of the Marine Set (while warranted don't get me wrong) just makes fighting your darker side that much harder.
  3. I'm sorry!!! I really .... don't use them ... >.> Next time I'll hide them for you 🙂
  4. DISCLAIMER at bottom-- So-- I'll give my experience here because sometimes I run Who Will Die marathons... All pictures are run at +0x8 This is known. If you skip clearing the Awakened (HERO), they stack with the Nemesis that spawn later. *They are attackable before the nemesis spawn* on blueside. Intended by the current devs or not is another matter. It's just always worked like this when released in the paid pack -- this is the ONE MISSION where you shouldn't skip mobs... BEFORE YOU SPEED TO THE TALK... The PPD are NOT FRIENDLY:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Villain version will AUTO STACK on entry WITHOUT any prompting: Personally, I think it's completely fine to let them stack. I'm not even sure if the engine can replace -- Just reporting what I run into from running these missions.
  5. I will add -- I did see that note. I filed it away. It has been my player experience that little has changed. Did not mean to take away from your point. It is a valid one--I do still experience it. I will try and take video.
  6. Lol @Snarky don't pretend you try and sassy walk. However, I agree. Though the animation of skeletons has evaded the team as far as I'm aware. I wouldn't expect it... contribute knowledge if you can!
  7. I'm going to completely honest here -- this has existed (in my experience) for these specific powers existence (lots of of existence usage here). For [Transference] and any kinetic buff that centers around the enemy, if they die, so does the buff (in the process)... here's why: The powers spawn Pseudopets on the the target. If you use them if they are about to die, that pet can die and the animation still plays. The opposite example is Twilight Grasp from Dark Miasma (Affinity), the Pseudo pet spawns on you. Not base on the enemy. So the heal still goes off. But if you die mid animation, well... at least you look pretty on the ground. --- If you are unfamiliar with Pseudopets, read up on them. I'd be glad to tell you what I know via PM. Can it be improved now? I think so. Everything can be improved if only you deem it worthy. But it's how it has worked and programmed in by the OG devs. I agree with you that powers should just work. But engine limitations will be present. The second wave of [Whitecap] I haven't had much experience in. So I will take your word for it. ----- And as always, I appreciate the effort to bring things to light and reminders. Don't stop! EDIT: Pseudopets are "THE" way to get things done that aren't "I point I shoot I hit" traditionally in the engine. The volunteer devs have made great stride in enhancing that. Hopefully they can do more. Even with whitecap... I feel there were time constraints, but still it works better than most powers.
  8. I've noticed this for quite some time, just keeping the issue current. For me, I was able to find City of Heroes Homecoming last (by memory). Since this is out of our hands, is there any way to convince whoever runs the Homecoming Wiki to provide a link in plain sight? I use the "Getting Started" link but that's a scroll. And every time I go there I get a pop-up to "update my bookmark" when I'm really trying to get here.
  9. ICK!!!!! But seriously, if it gains any traction it is good to have an establishment at least.
  10. Are you getting that from detailed info? Because it isn't an any iteration of the info available on Practiced Brawler. EDIT: AH! I figured out the confusion. I will add you are right on the confuse only. It only requires the toggle. If you are reading from City of Data, please note that the 50% movement resistance, the 30% recharge, tohit and base defense resistance are only for PvP (mouse over the black and white person icon on the left, PvP information is not on the right unless explicitly stated in description). On live you can see this if you click [Practiced Brawler] detailed effects and toggle on PvP effects. For general gameplay, there is zero reason to take practiced brawler. I stand by that and will amend the previous post about the confuse protection. EDIT: There were multiple edits here to figure this out -- I will say @Without_Pause, I do agree with you, the text could be better. I find even on recent sets like Marine Affinity, some of it could do wonders if written better. Even some of the old text on the Homecoming Wiki is just ripped from Paragon Wiki. It can confuse new players. Or players that aren't CoH nerds like us.
  11. So I went back to check (on live) too since I didn't remember also. You may not believe this, but [Master Brawler] is superior as long as you have [Focused Fighting] & [Focused Senses] (ranged and melee def toggles). These are tier 1 and 2. Text to reference in the MB description: "Owning this power will also improve your Focused Fighting and Focused Senses powers." These powers provide all the protections of [Practiced Brawler] in magnitude... in addition also provide confuse protection in [Focused Fighting]. ---Never pick practiced brawler as a sent, lol. Or lose an absorb and confuse protection, as well as your auto-click for a power. Anyway, hopefully that helps Troy. List below to help. Everything in normal white text is shared between [Practiced Brawler] & [Master Brawler] w/ appropriate powers at level 50. 10000% Knockup Resistance 10000% Knock Resistance 10.0 mag Knockup protection 10.0 mag Knock protection 8.30 mag Stun protection 8.30 mag Hold protection 8.30 mag Immobilize protection 8.30 mag Sleep Protection 8.30 mag Confuse protection -- focused fighting w/ [Master Brawler only] You only need to take [Focused Fighting] the protection and toggle it on. No other prerequisites. All data from real numbers in the character creator on live at time of posting. EDIT: You get the confuse protection from just toggling on [Focused Fighting], please see @Without_Pause for pointing this out below. There still is no reason to pick Practiced over Brawler aside from PvP. As they provide the same benefit as long as you have those two toggles on. There is a fringe case, where you want to stack the protections if you can recharge fast enough, but I have yet to see it in my years of playing.
  12. I do believe your argument is valid, and your build is valid. EA does have a Psi hole though. It is true. Not strictly, just true. But as with anything in this game. You can build to help with that, yay CoH! Your anecdote proves that if it is also true. I know that Troy is not newer player, so he may have gleaned this off your post. Newer players may not! But you never know, Troy once tried to send me 800 mil for some enhancements via e-mail, and sent to the wrong one. I'm only bringing that up because I never want to let him live that down. It is helpful information to let OP know that they may need to build for Psi because there is a factual, Psi hole in the armor set! Success with Psi late game stories likes yours are a testament to that. Just never expect Energy Aura, as an armor set, to fully see you through Psi territory. Though to be honest, I do love the Psi/Tox protections they added to most armor. Now if we could see that for Thermal Rad and Sonic Resonance 😞
  13. I'm just going to throw out a couple of ideas that I have experienced and seen in help chat as well @Momo_Arasaka (I also very much appreciate that you have done search-fu to find your issue on the forums (really love that)): 1. Talos is a Static Zone map--Atlas map tends to get reloaded for the holiday events. Halloween event (Halloween Atlas) is active. This tends to compound if you have any map add-on installed, like Vidiot Maps. Since the Halloween event ends tomorrow (today 11/5), see if this issue still remains after reset this coming morning. It may resolve itself today. 2. Hinted at above, map add-ons can sometimes cause funky things and may need a re-install, or to install the correct holiday map. If you do not have one, try re-verifying files. 3. If you are experiencing this on other non-hazard zones aside from Atlas, see if you can get a list of which zones it's affecting for you! That would be helpful. Hopefully #1 is the case. Atlas Park is special during Halloween and Winter. Maps in particular go old-school. EDIT: If #1 is the case, you may see the same thing again when the winter event starts in a month.
  14. For SR, I'm not sure of anyone that really takes the click anymore. It's one of the few sets that has the "one or the other". Unless you are looking for extreme mez protection. Troy, if you take Master Brawler in Super Reflexes, it adds mez protection to your toggles. While adding absorb. It's probably the cheatiest set, while also being the least engaging Sentinel secondary I've experienced. It plays differently and feels much stronger than the standard Super Reflexes. I can't speak to anything else but Ice Armor for Sents. I do know one of the GMs prolifically hates and claims Ice Armor (for Sents) has one of the worst powers in the game (the power is the Energy Absorption adaption). Mine isn't leveled up fully, but I had fun. Didn't feel particularly powerful though. I've only intermittently explored Sents, and just getting back into them myself.
  15. As you know, @Owl Girl's legal team thanks you for providing them with explanation and material for your deposition summons. Please expect topical questions to address why the chance is non-zero and why the limit does not exist. @Owl Girl's alternative character names are of extreme importance, and under strict, legal protective scrutiny. Please respond within the next 60 seconds or we shall file a motion that the character name "GM Crumpet" be surrendered to our legal firm for collateral until this matter be resolved. 🤓🤭
  16. Yeah, a lot of mine have to do with food or colloquialisms like... "Sidewalk Schlepper" or "Turmeric Tamale" They all have remained. And I'm curious to see if / when they ever get taken. So I'm actively not logging in on those characters. Call it academic. The only name I wanted was Marsala. Because I had it, then swapped servers for a day 4 years ago. And it was taken. Still unavailable 😞 (If you don't know the word Schlep: intransitive verb - to proceed or move especially slowly, tediously, awkwardly, or carelessly while carrying or transporting an item. Ex.: We schlepped our luggage through the airport. -- It's Yddish (Jewish) in origin, but funnily enough I've only heard it in the US South about people carrying their groceries in my travels).
  17. Just one. If a woodchuck could chuck.... Lol but seriously. I have never heard of this halloween pigg pack. Maybe next year I will have a chance to try it out.
  18. Thanks for the well-written guide. Unfortunately, I didn't find the answer to my question 😞 But to clarify, I was talking about the decorative pumpkins. As someone has mentioned, ones on the ground can sometimes be hard to tell if they were undisturbed. Especially on sidewalks with a pedestrian root. I try and find ones on roofs if I can.
  19. Apologies -- I should have said this is a given. With Unseelie cleared. I love and agree with your comment.... but what does this do to answer my original technical question. EDIT: And for the record, when the unseelie aren't cleared the undisturbed pumpkins remain. Do not let this post dissuade you from the main point is @Glacier Peak is in bad faith here. It does not address my question, just is a weird post. If you are to provide information, please provide context. Left confused.
  20. So, before the event ends, I finally received an in-game e-mail telling me that I was wrong about Halloween monster spawns. They claimed to have been backed up by @GM_Manga in-game---all I want to know is the information I have been working off of for 5 years has been wrong. When a Halloween monster spawns, they have a lot of pumpkin patches around. I have been told, and in my experiences, the undisturbed pumpkins de-spawn when a new Monster spawn appears somewhere else in the zone. Is this false information? Or is someone just trying to bravado me? From personal experience, I've always found it true.
  21. I will endorse the AoE immob theory here. However, I will also put forth, that they will draw a lot of aggro without adding much on an ITF. The ITF was designed to be specifically punishing to control types.... for whatever reason. Just a blanket protection. See the Centurion "Break Free" roar that indiscriminately neutralizes control of any kind.
  22. I will say, you should only care about a few names! Maybe even a roster that fits on one page (what's that like 10?).. But you shouldn't expect your Electric/Electric blaster to get "Shocker", without some sort of Fr34ksh0w modification: SH0ck3r A lot of my names haven't been taken... because they are poor silly things like "Blooming Magnolia" or "Bruce with a Widows Peak"... silly names but fun characters. Altitis is the crux of us all.
  23. Again my apologies, I made it quite serious didn't I? All this fuss over a reminder. It should be simple, but this is the internet. No, Ukase your character is not in question. I apologize.
  24. 41-44 would make sense. The character I briefly started the arc on test was within that range. I wasn't able to read much through the last testing cycle, so I missed this being an issue.
  25. No worries, friend. I myself get overzealous and overpassionate when I need to distract myself... and am also in my busiest time of year. EDIT: -- Edited to add that while I still believe in the good communication, I went a bit overboard here.
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