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  1. I've never bought into "Traps is too slow for fast moving teams". If they're so fast moving, you're not exactly a hindrance and when you get to the final fight, your contribution will be massive, the tougher the target the better. Eventually a high recharge build will have Acid and Poison up within 30 seconds so one of those will be available for each spawn as stryve suggested. FFG in caves is a concern, it can get held up around corners, but I guess that's true for any pet. As for regretting it, not by a long shot, it does the things I want from a MM - 4/8 missions against anybody, solos AVs/GMs.
  2. I had obtained the Wizard's Weakness tip (that opens the Mortimer Kal SF https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Mission:Tip_-_Wizard's_Weakness) and decided to keep it in my inventory for a bit. I obtained it around level 28 when I switched to Rogue. When I hit level 30, that particular tip was no longer in my tip inventory. I know that alignment tips get eliminated from your inventory when you hit level 30 or 40, and that makes sense because you're now in a different tier for alignment tips. However, Wizard's Weakness isn't tied to your level, there's no reason for it to go away when you hit 30 (and I'm guessing it happens at 40 as well). As far as player impact goes not the biggest deal, this tip drops pretty quickly but I don't imagine this is intended behavior. Let me pre-emptively head off a "but what about..." comment. No I didn't change alignments. In fact I'm sitting on 10/10 alignment points, so I could not have possibly changed alignments since I started this run of tips.
  3. I just spent a few minutes watching the combat attributes of a rikti pylon to see the confuses I was able to stack. This moment was pretty much a best case: It was typical to see mag 2.5 consistently, with additional .5 - 1.5 mags added periodically. The description of the proc piece says "Slotting the full set will add a 20% chance of an even greater confuse effect" and I do have it 6 slotted (in Merc Soldiers (lowest tier)). This was a level 26 MM. This post is just an info dump,
  4. I've got a Merc/Storm I made just for this, mid 20s now. I 6 slotted the set as soon as I could. I'm not all that impressed by the confuse, not nearly as much as I am with the KD in Overwhelming Force in first tier pets. I couldn't get any meaningful data from the log parser I use so I can only use "feels" now, but it feels unimpressive. I'll still keep at it for a while to come to look at analyzer results from boss fights.
  5. I've got the love for it. Out of all my MMs, Bots/Cold is definitely near the top, and I've been hands-on with all the secondaries including marine twice to T4s. You're spot on about Infrigidate, if I didn't use it my ST damage, (as a unit, pets + me), would be drastically nerfed, I've got the data to prove it.
  6. The WST has always, and I mean always, been limited to 1 reward per character per week.
  7. I'm a civ megafan. I won't say my hours played but Malcolm Gladwell would say I should be an expert. I've noticed a pattern that I tend to dislike (even hate) a new iteration but I've found once I adjust to the new mechanics my enjoyment goes way up. I hated Civ 5 with the fury of 1,000 exploding suns until I got used to no unit stacking and now far prefer no stacking. Eventually, especially all the DLC were released, I got into it, like, to rate it 10/10. Civ 6 followed a similar path. I even stopped playing Civ 6 for a couple of years but about 2 years ago decided to give it another go. A couple more DLC were released and then it clicked, how to best utilize adjacency bonuses, religious combat, that sort of thing and Civ 6 is also now sitting at 10/10 too. Because I had such a long break, I have a lot still remaining on my Civ 6 "to-do" list, I'm barely at 2/3 of achievements completed. I haven't even won with every leader yet. With that in mind and more importantly operating a computer that is definitely not up to spec, I'm planning to wait a year or so, see the sales and new DLC and buy it then. I'm definitely going to buy and I'll hate it for a few weeks, then I'll adjust and I'm expecting history to repeat and I'll be back at 10/10. Even if the game developers don't make a 10/10 product the modding community is amazing and they tend to shore up deficiencies whether UI or game play.
  8. I'm 100% in favor of removing streak breaker. I too suspect it was thrown in to lessen the "ACCURACY WAS NERFED" complaints when someone missed a 95% 4 times in a row, as can happen with a real RNG.
  9. The Dr. Calvin mission sucks because the mobs have nerfed XP but I tend to be able to find him easily enough with a target macro. "targetcustomnext calvin$$targetcustomnext temporal" lets me find that mission's objectives. It was an omission on my part to leave off Ramiel's RWZ mission in my prior post upthread. That mission absolutely gets autocompleted each and every time.
  10. There's a lot of conditional branching for my incarnating rules. First, the overriding rule is I'm T4ing everything. Always have, always will. Starting off after dinging 50, I'll have 2 Transcendents (100 Emps) on hand from e-mail. Ideally, I won't use these but if needed, they're there. Then I beeline to Alpha t3. I begin aspiring to get this via thread related component drops but if I end up joining some level 50 content like an ITF or LRSF or an easier iTrial (BAF or Lambda), I'll cash in whatever is needed to get to T3 from those Emps on hand. Once Alpha is at T3 I build up T3s for Destiny and Lore, in that order, even if they're still locked. If I'm anxious to join a higher tier iTrial (DD or Magi) I'll brute force slotting and unlocking with the components on hand (this happens very rarely but it has). Once Alpha, Lore and Destiny are all T3d, then I fill in T1s for everything. The priority varies by character, MMs get Interface next, for example. Someone else may get Judgement but priority is fairly moot at this point because I'll tend to have what I need to craft the 3 remaining T1s. I'll opportunistically T4 things in this order - Destiny, Lore, Hybrid, Interface, Judgement. Alpha wasn't listed because it's on its own track and not competing for resources. For the next Alpha T3 I'll use threads for T1 and T2, then shards and shard based components for the second T3 and the T4. For all the talk of how shards don't drop enough, I tend to have alpha T4d before most of the others, depending on how the RNGods regard a particular character. Eventually I'm ready to move on and ideally everything needed has dropped but if not then it's time to brute force with Emps. Then remaining Emps get rolled into Transcendents, sent to email and claimed by an Empyrean holder and the cycle begins anew.
  11. This is wrong, it's not "any enemy" it's only PVP enemies. From https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Stalker#Criticals In PvP, most un-Hidden Stalker single-target attacks can only crit if the target is Held or Slept, and do so 20% of the time, but a few get criticals 10%-15% of the time regardless of whether the target is mezzed. This is further corroborated by City of Data where any Stalker attack has an entry like this within the tag "PVP only": 20% chance 116.2089 points of Lethal damage (all affected targets) if (source>kMeter < 0.9) && ((target>kHeld > 0) || (target>kSleep > 0))
  12. Tobias' mission mentioned above is awful and equally so is Gordon Bower's Fir Bolg mission https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Gordon_Bower#Get_the_citizens_out_of_the_line_of_fire for exactly the same reason, hostages are guarded by mobs in hidey-holes you would never ordinarily enter. Both of these zones, all of the 4 sets of arcs) are completed by almost all of my characters, frequently via Ouro so auto-completing isn't an option. I'll rarely use autocomplete on Bower's mission because I'm saving that for... Skipper's mission to stop 30 Fir Bolg from escaping https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Skipper_LeGrange#Stop_the_ritual. I've recently added two more missions to my "to be auto-completed" list: * Number 6's penultimate mission (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Number_Six#Part_Four:_The_New_Champion). It's not really a "hard" mission but it does stand out against the rest of the arc. Everything up to that point goes pretty quickly. Note - before autocompleting I'll enter to click the Rikti bomb needed for the Dimensional Investigator badge. Neat factoid - obtaining this badge awards about 11% of the iXP needed for Hybrid (and Hybrid only). * Belladonna Vetrano's cave mission (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Belladonna_Vetrano_(Contact)#Recover_the_Lost_Amulet). Like the one above it's not terribly difficult but it disrupts the flow of an arc that's otherwise really quick. Note - in both cases of the above 2 contacts I'm not including the finale for difficulty comparison purposes, I'll never autocomplete these finales because I save them for my homie crew. On yet another note I don't find Black Scorpion's kill all worth using an auto-completion for. It's a small map, the mobs aren't difficult. I just do it.
  13. The blue tower gives LR an additional 30 to-hit (see https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ms._Liberty_Task_Force#Stop_Lord_Recluse!) so you would want 75 (45+30) to minimize his chance of hitting you. Most speed teams will leave the blue tower alone so you'd need to be prepared for the duration of the fight. Most other AVs don't have to-hit buffs so soft cap is the same as ever (45 for non-incarnate) but they get accuracy bonuses for both rank and level difference (when applicable) that you can't offset.
  14. My Necro/Sonic is one of my highest performing MMs (30 all told, T4d etc). Their resists range from low 80s to capped, that's all of the different resistances.
  15. When it comes to vaults, which is what this looks like, MM pets need to have line of sight, they won't move to attack with just an "attack my target" order. I'm fine with calling this a bug and getting it fixed, but in the meantime the workaround is to issue a go-to command right in front of the destructible door and then give an attack order.
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