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SeraphimKensai last won the day on December 27 2024

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  1. Don't forget ITF, the 4 Shadow Shard TFs, OG Posi, etc.
  2. Mids is aligned just fine as long as you are running the right mids database for HC. Just make sure you shut the green/yellow dots off of click based powers that you can't perma so it doesn't skew your advanced totals.
  3. 1. Power build up is different than Build up see this link for the technical effects: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.power_mastery.power_build_up&at=defender. It has a lot of synergy when uses with click based buffs/debuff to maximize the buff/debuff value of them. It does effect secondary effects on toggles but only for the 15 second window that power build up is running. Long lasting buffs/debuffs used while power build up is effective will maintain that effectiveness for the whole duration of their buff/debuff. That's why power build up is useful (and works well when stacking with Clarion radial as well). 2. Power Build up does not affect how much of a damage buff you get. That said with saturation and a couple applications it's easy enough on a kin to keep at max damage regardless.
  4. @GM_GooglyMoogly you're likely a better forum moderator than I would be as I'm a combat vet with a super thick skin and morbid sense of humor, so I wouldn't probably think twice over some of the comments I read that might otherwise trigger some others. Otherwise you're pretty active on the forums, and I get it as someone who's on the forums myself quite a bit, everyone has a job/life so we can't always be here 24/7. Overall I would just make sure you think about equity when dealing with moderation, but let's be real for a moment (and this is coming from the perspective of a parent potty training a toddler...) if something smells like shit, It's probably shit. o7.
  5. I'll take a look at the builds after work. Force Field wise I personally like all the powers sans Detention Field (unless planning for PvP, in which case this power is great ruining someone's day after they've popped Build-up/aim)and Repulsion Field. For repulsion bolt and force bomb if she's a hovering/flying then being directly above the mobs when able to will push them down on the ground reducing scatter. Same with positioning mobs into a corner of a map. PFF is great while leveling but once you're able to build out and slot IO sets, then it's usefulness drops significantly. Ice blast I like all the powers except frost breath. If you had to cut a second it would be ice bolt. Does it have to be hover/fly or would Mystic Flight work with vfx minimal? Reason I ask is because Rune is really nice to have and enflame is decent enough. As far as APP goes, on a FF toon I typically recommend Energy to get Power Build Up. Maximized for recharge you get decent uptime to be able to significantly boost the strength of your bubbles, also a reason why I strongly recommend Clarion radial for a destiny on a Force Field toon. Having a dedicated bubbler with boosted bubbles is enough to bring an entire team to above the incarnate defensive soft cap allowing an entire team to slot in a way to maximize damage potential.
  6. Earth/storm takes me back....to 1v1 duels in the arena back years ago. Especially on maps with confined spaces. Set-up and shut down. They sure have lots of options to disable enemies. Perfect is pretty subjective. Are you soloing, teaming? That said once you start adding IO sets build for enough recharge to get 3x lightning storms out and able to manage the end use and most often times you'll be golden.
  7. Omg I probably would shell out $20 on Google Play for a mobile version of Mids that worked well. To help me get through days at work, when I have extra time.
  8. I didn't realize this was Eve.
  9. A bunch of us did a Dark/Stone tanker challenge awhile ago where the idea was that we had stacked OG and Fault to stunlock mobs as we killed them. Dark/elec works well. As does dark/as for stacking stuns with oppressive gloom. So there's several ways of doing it. But once you hit mag 4, you stun bosses.
  10. I have 4 lvl 50 necros: 2x /dark, 1x /elec, and 1x /marine. Each secondary can be well built. The dark I liked so much I made two and considered a third as well for a true zombie horde (tribox shenanigans). The elec on is really tanky but does less damage then the dark or marine, due to it having less -res opportunities. Marine is really fun in your face, and with brine you can absolutely melt strong targets.
  11. Honestly all games get boring after awhile. The great part about CoH now is the binaries are out so multiple entities (including yourself) can take the game in new and creative directions. All the various server groups(shards) have some interesting concept to them that makes them unique. There's nothing stopping anyone from playing on multiple shards. Video games should be an outlet to help enjoy your leisure time, so if you're not having fun do something that causes you to have fun, because let's face it we only have so many years on this planet before we end up back in diapers or worse. Enjoy yo selves!
  12. I did make a fiery/fire tanker awhile back, partly based on Warboss' recommendation. Fire melee does pretty damn good and would have a nice amp paired with Bio.
  13. Battle Axe would work really well with Bio. There's additional synergy in that axe cyclone will bring more mobs into range for things like: DNA Siphon and Parasitic.
  14. The middle guy at the back row. So that way you know you will reach the maximum amount of targets in the cluster and not run out of range falling short of over half of the mob.
  15. That all said... I've never cared much for the rainbow esque vfx as it's never once matched up with the theme of any of my characters as I never tried to make Rainbow Brite...
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