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Everything posted by Venture

  1. I am terrible at remembering which alts which SG members have. Is there a way that either a) an option could be added to display Global, instead of, local names in chat and in team uis b) global name can be added as an option like SG or title and display over a players head (either by default, on mouse over or when selected as p[er the other similar options)
  2. I've looked and can't find a setting for this. Assuming I'm not being a complete noob can we have it added?
  3. As above - currently there is not tp point for Cimerora, can one be added?
  4. People converting can only bring the prices down imo and i'm all for that.
  5. yeah that and the other 3 are cool (Halloween, summer festival and... hmm, the tikki one in tsalos)
  6. Before Issue 16 you got no experience if you exemplared below your native level. It was mostly a tool for level 50s. I don't remember when they added the extra 5 levels worth of powers -- pretty sure it was around the same time as the F2P transition but I could be wrong on that note. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Sidekick#Exemplar.2FMalefactor I'm not arguing that we should go back to that -- I think the current system is better. However it's not correct to say it was always like that. God, does anyone remember the days where to sidekick you had to have one high level for each lowbie? Used to be a nightmare: a. setting it up b. if someone dropped 3. if you levelled to within 3 levels and were then suddenly less effective than prior to levelling
  7. i think you can just do: ;holdtorch
  8. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Emotes
  9. All right stop Collaborate and listen Ice is back with my brand new invention Something grabs a hold of me tightly Then I flow that a harpoon daily and nightly ahem, so, er, Ice! 1. The Frostfire mission is awesome, does anyone have any idea why this is the only place the ice effects appear? 2. Any Chance of getting ice added as a base item?... (should probably be 1 as this is the actual suggestion) 3. Has the recent PhysX changes effected the ice physics? - i seem to fly further now (may just be me)
  10. I'd be all for this, you have to all be in the same zone anyway. Drop a manhole cover somewhere near miss lib with some Longbow around it maybe?....
  11. The DFB nerf is foolish at best and highly counterproductive at worst. Now it'll just be level 1s looking to get PL'd in PI/Grandville farms, in exchange for giving the mission owner any good drops (recpie/salvage). The XP rates available from that (remember double xp weekends on live servers where people would PL from 1 to 50? I do. So that's just your P2W +100% xp buff "anytime") are similar to way over DFB's depending on the relative "efficiency" of the two teams. DFB nerf doesn't take effect until a character is level 10 at which point the xp nerf gradually apply over the next 10 levels till 20. Level ones can still Use DFB and will gain all benefits till level 10 by which point the hollows and kingsway will be open to them (Hollows has always be fun and the new regulators arcs in kingsway are awesome). They can then choose to continue running DFB, with greater amount sof xp than standard missions - just less than previously. Also Posi is now accessible from level 8.
  12. it's now in its original location in Echo Faultline
  13. Currently of a punny/mildly amusing nature I have: General Relativity (Grav/Time) Apocalypse Cow (AR/Devices) Major Shrinkage (Ice/Ice) Buoyancy issues (Water/Atomic) Cowabunga (MA/Nin) Raging Rocker (Savage/Stone) Boomtown Rat (Rad/Rad) Snow Fight (Beast/Nature) Pinball Wizard (FF/Energy) Prickly Bush (Plant/Thorn)
  14. Wow, you guys have certainly been busy.
  15. I have vague recollections of having seen a comparison graph somewhere... watch this space... Edit: A ha!
  16. I think its just getting hammered recently due to people looking stuff up
  17. Are there any Incarnate Trial Channels?
  18. Ok, so what do these actually do? Say i disable all recipes but very rare, does this increase my chance of getting a very rare or just stop me receiving anything if a none very rare is rolled on the loot table?
  19. Thank you! But unless you are attuning an ATO or Winter set you're better off just buying the attuned IO from the market since it will be the same price as a regular IO. unless you already have say a level 30 set slotted already
  20. Yes. Catalysts work on all Enhancement sets. That's set IOs, ATOs, and the Winter sets. Specifically Catalysts were originally implemented to convert an orange Archetype Origin Enhancement into its Purple Equivalent. See Point 1 above.
  21. I haven't seen anyone mention anything so I was just wondering if there are any regular raids/Trials currently being run or if anyone is planning to run regular ones at set times/days in the future?
  22. iirc if you do the lfg and join the trial you were just doing as "in progress" it should put you back into it...
  23. So a bit of backgound on set bonuses before I talk about catalysts/attuned: Set bonuses and globals stay functional if you exemplar to a level where you lose the power they are slotted in as long as that level is no more than 3 levels below the levels of the pieces you slotted. That latter condition applies on a per-enhancement basis. If you slotted five level 25 pieces of a set and one level 40, you'd lose the sixth bonus when exemplared to level 36 or below. "Chance of" and "for 120s" pieces stop working if you lose the power they're slotted in. Attuned pieces follow the same rules, but are effectively always the same level you are. However, they have a minimum - they can't follow your level down below where they exist. So if you have attuned pieces that don't exist below level 25, they stop giving you bonuses at level 21 and lower. if you don't exemp or don't care about set bonuses following you when you exemp then don't bother catalyzing/attuning them (you may want to boost them instead) Where catalyzing/attuning is really useful is for levelling. i tend to attune sets, use them to 50 then unslot them and put them into another alt. NB! - THIS BIT BE IMPORTANT There are a few things you should be aware of: 1. Always catalyze/attune orange ATOs and Winter O's - this actually boosts their stats 2. never catalyze/attune purple sets or pvp sets - these automatically allow their set bonuses at all levels already so it's a waste to catalyze/attune them - boost them instead 3. everything else, attune if you're going to exemp and care about keeping the associated set bonus when you do so, boost if you don't exemp or dont care about keeping the set bonus when you exemp (or would rather have the added effects of the boost when exemping) Catalysts (out of Date) Enhancement Booster
  24. Cheers mate, so to build under you'd actually have to fill a room, build on top of it and then lower the items?
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