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  1. Made a fun thought experiment - a tanky MM. Since Marine Affinity has a power that teleports you into melee range of the fight, it has a good potential of getting a squishy MM killed lol. So, I thought it would be fun to make a mids build for a tanky MM! I had fun putting this together. I hate feeling squishy in the game, so I enjoying breaking the norm and making tanky builds right now. (Before anyone comes in like Dwight from the Office, and tries to show off their ego and talk about all the faults of the build, I don't want a critique. This is a purpose built build, and if you find fault, it just wasnt built for your purpose - accept it.) V.4 Mastermind (Necromancy - Marine Affinity).mbd
  2. Look, I was only sharing a tanky build i made for anyone who wants it. I genuinely do not care if someone find faults in the build or loves the build. It is entirely irrelevant to me. I very specifically said I was just sharing a build i made. And have said i didnt ask for or want critique. A guy should be able to share something without having the inflated ego of someone else come along and shit on things. If you don't like the build, then its not for you. feel free to move on. But I wont be bullied into not openly sharing a build because some people wanna tear things down and find faults in everything. I am well aware that things were skipped in this build in the effort to make it tanky. Things were done differently on purpose, to make a specific kind of build. Enjoy the build, or don't. stop telling me about your thoughts on this or that of the build. its a free build to people
  3. Nah, actually asking for feedback, is asking. I was just freely sharing a build with anyone interested. Not really looking for unsolicited critique. but, maybe someone will use the critique at some point.
  4. I was just sharing the build for others if they wanted it. Wasn't looking for critique, didn't ask for it. Maybe your advice will work for someone else who wants to optimize their build for damage (not what this build was optimized for). This build was made for my own play style, and built to be tanky in end game situations. You are welcome to make a build that fits your own style and needs. And making most of those changes will ruin the bits that make this build tanky.
  5. I completed a really fun and tanky ice/kin Corruptor build. I think its fun, and figured I'd share it with others. The build is focused around positional (Ranged, Melee, AoE) defenses, and around dealing damage. Some set bonuses may be wasted beyond the x5 of that identical set bonus, but they were ignored in the pursuit of other set bonuses. When you build this, don't forget to catalyze everything that needs it. This will affect the numbers if you don't do it in the live game. Frosty The Snow Kin - Tanky - Corruptor (Ice Blast - Kinetics).mbd
  6. I completed a really fun and tanky elec/kin Corruptor build. I think its fun, and figured I'd share it with others. The build is focused around positional (Ranged, Melee, AoE) defenses, and around dealing damage. Some set bonuses may be wasted beyond the x5 of that identical set bonus, but they were ignored in the pursuit of other set bonuses. When you build this, don't forget to catalyze everything that needs it. This will affect the numbers if you don't do it in the live game. Death-agizer Bunny - Corruptor (Electrical Blast - Kinetics).mbd
  7. Here's my newest farmer build I am now playing. Rad/Rad is a new theme for me, so I'm sure I'll be tweaking this as i play it more Atomic-Wedgie - Brute (Radiation Melee - Radiation Armor).mbd
  8. Here's a build I just made for myself and put together in the game. I don't think I'm personally a fan of Illusion, but I'm giving it a go. I did try and get mids to spit out the old forum sharing bits for this build, but it's didn't want to. so I've attached the build file instead. Rula-Vay - Dominator (Illusion Control - Psionic Assault).mbd
  9. Here are the un-edited videos of my old Mids Tutorial series I put together. My old Youtube account was accessed while I slept one night, and perma banned.
  10. Hey, that old google account and attached Youtube account was compromised and perma banned while i slept one night. I republished the original source videos from that series (unedited) here:
  11. Hey everyone! It has come to my attention that this pop up menu needs a little love and attention in the way of an update. Please private message me with any base entry code, your supergroup name, and the shard that you are on, and I will make sure it is listed in the new update. Please do not just comment to this, becuase it just creates a mess of information dump in multiple places. Also, please be aware that I do not log in and check my updates every day here. I check in every week or so. Don't be upset if your message doesn't get an immediate reply.
  12. I would also love to see support corruptors/defenders/controllers/masterminds be able to give themselves buffs in a similar way the new Electrical Affinity set works. You have to target a pet or team mate, and the AoE of a buff powers also can affect yourself (can give yourself thermal or ice shields, speed boost, etc). I feel like our support classes have been selfless for far too long.
  13. I would LOVE to see toggle suppression be added to Warshades and Peacebringers. This way, the human toggles will stay toggled "on" but suppressed, instead of just being turned off completely by the form change. The exact same can be said for stone tanks/brutes when they use Granite Armor and the rest of their toggles drop. As someone who main plays a Warshade, this would be HUGE quality of life improvement.
  14. So, because you were told "no, don't do that", your version of a hissy fit is to demand your charitable donations be returned from a non-profit organization? That's a real mature and classy gesture for sure... You can't always get what you want, or have your way with everything. Welcome to the real adult world filled with small disappointments.
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