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  1. I might note that farming EBs can 'sort-of' be worth it. I dual box with my Fire/Rad and Rad/Fire Tank and Brute respectively and they can down EBs really quick. Albeit, I typically have a Kinetics user with me and I actively use both of my farmers powers. I recently learned the art of "windows farming"? I'm not sure what to call it, but I have my power trays set up exactly the same on both farmers, so I can tab to each respective instance, hit my BUs (or not) and then use Ball Lightning -> Atom Smasher -> Burn. If you get the red ring around Burn while activating Atom Smasher, you can tab to your other instance before those animation times end and repeat this process. It's insane how efficient this is. With just my two farmers and one Kin I can clear the carnie map in about 20-23 minutes if the Kinetics is aggroing as well. It's mentally draining, but the clear times I've been getting using this method (without scripts, too) is pretty good!
  2. I would suggest investing in some farmers, with a bit of farming you could fund an entire build in 1-2 days.
  3. Yeah, it's slotted in Ripper. It actually does the bulk of my "damage" because of mob saturation and an almost guaranteed Force Feedback proc activation, Fireball -> Ripper -> Burn -> Ripper -> Thrown Spines is my typical starting AoE Chain, or at least some semblance of it. I change my AoE attack chain when I have the BU proc activated, trying to squeeze in as many attacks as possible. After that, Burn is close to recharged and Ripper always is, so depending what's not on recharge, I'll throw in Burn, Fireball or Throw Spines. Spine Burst is thrown into rotation every few cycles, but something is almost always recharged so it doesn't get much use. I'm not sure how quick it is, but when I'm driving solo, no Lore, I can clear the asteroid map on average in about 3:50. I can get a bit lower if the Illusion spawner is in a prime location and if I get lucky with all my procs and inspiration drops. I don't use the macros to combine and pop red inspirations, I do it all manually, so oftentimes I'm not anywhere near the damage cap. Those are some pretty nice builds! It's inspired me to maybe shuffle some things around or spend 500 mill + on an alternate build. Mine only live in AE at the moment. I named them Generic Farmer, Less Generic Farmer and -Less Generic Farmer lol. They all have the basic "Insectoid" base costume and are ugly as all get out. Maybe one day they will leave the confines of AE, but I made them specifically for this purpose and are the only characters I have that will probably never get accolades. But they have funded 30+ fully IOd, fully accoladed and mostly T4 Incarnates characters over the years. It wasn't until recently that I got the farming bug, made a third farmer and started trolling the Forums about farming. Little did I know AFK builds were so precise, my workaround was putting Healing Flames on auto and dual/triple boxing. Which works surprisingly well! I don't mind not clearing as fast as someone with a PBAoE attack on auto. The very nature of AFK farming (for me) is that you sort of... "don't care". Oftentimes I'll get caught up in real life and that '10 minute' asteroid farm really turns into a '20 minute' asteroid farm. But at the end of the day, I'm making millions of influence that I otherwise would not have by hardly playing the game. That being said, assuming an Elec/Rad Tank is still the best AFK farmer, I might have to check that out. But who knows!
  4. I'm not the biggest fan of using multi-builds so I typically go for a hybrid build. Even my Tank farmer struggles to AFK farm against +4s without Healing Flames set to auto. It also doesn't have accolades and I typically don't spend inf on the Survival Amplifier. Can it do it? Yes.. but even then, it can't clear the 10 minute asteroid farm in less than 10 minutes solo.. Which irks me lol. So, my compromise was to make a hybrid build that can survive with at least one other AFK farmer and get pretty respectable clear times while driving them. So I typically have an AFK duo and an active farmer going but then I get lonely and inevitably open my farms up or join someone else's. It's pretty fun for me to be triple boxing and grabbing aggro in someone else's farm. I was on a team the other night and we cleared the carnie map in 11 minutes with only two other farmers and their door sitters. Chaos for sure. Anyways, here's one of my hybrid farm builds. It's not the best at anything but it can drive pretty well. I'm never lacking for AoE and the FF +recharge is practically permanent. The AoE chain is interesting, I'll pick and choose when to use Spine Burst or Throw Spines, typically opting to use Throw Spines when I can be lazy with lining up my cone attacks. Ripper, Burn and Fireball take priority though. Generic Farmer (Spines - Fiery Aura).mbd
  5. I love my Fire/Earth Dom! I made this build two-ish years ago, but have used it to tremendous success! It's not as proccy... and I took some interesting power picks (Hurl Boulder is actually quite good on Earth Assault, it has a 1.5 second animation time.. pretty dang good if you ask me! Especially if you procced it out). Anyways, I went the Soul Mastery route for Soul Drain, it has a surprisingly good uptime with the natural global recharge stacked on top of FF +recharge procs and Ageless. It's pretty funny to use Power Up before Soul Drain to get godly amounts of +to-hit. I can even bust through Paragon Protectors in Moment of Glory quite handily. The build also has nearly 38% Melee defense before Power Up, 44% with it. It's surprisingly sturdy without having to rely on controls, Power Up + Unleashed Potential gimmicks, etc. Another fun thing is using Power Up with the Leadership pool, it makes your team buffs that much better... Let's not even talk about Power Up boosted Vengeance XD. It's a pretty fun take on Fire/Earth Doms in my opinion. Dominator - Fire Control - Earth Assault.mxd
  6. Everything Maelwys said. However, one thing I might add is that you can make a hybrid build that can cover both active and AFK farming builds if you are using 2-3 farmers. I have 3 that I currently AFK farm with, a Spines/Fire Brute, Rad/Fire Brute and a Fire/Rad Tanker. I focused on a mix of procs, recharge and fire defense. They all run Maneuvers and Tactics, which completely shores up my accuracy and defense needs. When all 3 are in an AFK farm, nothing can kill them, and when in an active farm, nothing can kill them. I do the 10 minute AFK farm and the map is clear in 7 minutes. I only stand in the middle of the map with Healing Flames set to auto and two farmers set to follow on my “lead farmer”. I’ve done over 100 runs and none of them have died.
  7. Claws practically beats out Spines in every category. Spines is literally built to be an AoE machine, yet Claws can outperform it or is marginally worse than Spines. Follow-Up -> Shockwave -> Spin is an endless chain with a proper build. The +50% crit chance proc is also just BEGGING to be put in Follow-Up… it practically activates 90% of the time in that power. Meaning, every single time you enter “AoE” chain mode, your Shockwave and Spin both have a 50% increase to critical hit. And it’s ENDLESS. With proper positioning, it is sickeningly good.
  8. Cauterizing Aura doesn’t accept Accurate Heal sets, I also haven’t noticed much need for Acc but you can get upwards of 80% enhancement value on everything with this slotting. I go 1 +3 Acc/Dmg Hami-O, 1 + 5 Armaggedon Dmg IO (or regular Dmg IO), 1 +5 Efficacy Adaptor End Mod IO, 1 +5 Efficacy Adaptor End Mod/Acc IO, 1 +5 Preventive Medicine Heal IO and 1 +5 Preventive Medicine Heal/Rech IO. edit*** Cauterizing Aura DOES accept Accurate Healing sets, I was confusing it with Dynamo which doesn't accept those sets. The above slotting would pretty much be the same, but I would go Touch of Nictus and the second IO would be a +5 Acc/Healing.
  9. Fire/Radiation, Fire/Bio, Fire/Fire, Fire/Shield are all optimal pairings and fair very well. All of the aforementioned pairings do pretty well in plugging up the lack of AoE Fire Melee has. /Radiation is incredible with procced Radiation Therapy and Ground Zero. If you can squeeze in Fireball from the Fire Epic and Melt Armor, you can do really respectable AoE -resistance debuffs, too.
  10. I've been having a blast with my Demons/Marine/Fire. It's very interactive as well, despite the MM attacks not spawning any pets or having a revamp, they hit like a truck and offer even further -res. Crack Whip + Whitecap in dense mobs almost guarentees 10 seconds of +100% recharge and they both are AoE -res powers. Bonfire, Fireball and Char also compliment the playstyle well. I don't even need an epic resistance shield, between the buffs from Marine, Ember Shield from the Demons, set bonuses and unique IOs.. You have resistance cap to common damage types and solid resistance to all. It's the most fun I've ever had on an MM (even better than my Thugs/Storm) and it's really weird to be able to do close to 50% damage to a +4 boss with Brine, Lash and Char. I haven't optimized pylon testing, nor did I build it for that, but I can average a 42 second pylon time with no Lore and no T4 incarnates yet. FYI, the empty slots in Crack Whip and Whitecap are for the Force Feedback +recharge IO. Mastermind (Demon Summoning - Marine Affinity).mbd
  11. If you were to decide not to go the Martial Arts route, I would recommend either Titan Weapons, Staff Fighting, Katana or Broadsword. All of those primaries offer increased Melee and/or Smash/Lethal defense in Parry, Divina Avalanche, etc. Staff Fighting even offers extra resistance to boot. But if you do decide to stick with MA I would whole heartedly recommend Soul Mastery for Shadow Meld. 32% defense on demand with a 9 second cooldown is much more beneficial than Rune of Protection and Unleash Potential. You could try to get one of those as well but then you'd be gimping the rest of your build for little benefit. One thing I noticed with your slotting, the purple set would be better in Eagles Claw and the ATO +crit chance would be best suited in Crippling Axe Kick. Powers like Storm Kick aren't bad, but CaK has a higher base recharge which would mean more crit chance proc activations on average. I always try to slot that ATO into a power with a 6+ second recharge, preferably 8+ for the added proc chance. Also, Moment of Glory is your "oh s#$t!!" god mode. Use it when things get hairy. Shadow Meld is more of a "start the fight" type of god mode. If you hit cascading defense failure and try to pop Shadow Meld to survive, it likely won't matter. But if you start the fight with soft-cap defense from the get-go you can survive the alpha strike better and then proactively heal. Instant Healing is sort of in between both of those powers but will often help you survive more if you use it preemptively. Using it at 10% health will likely result in a faceplant, 50% is the threshold I'd say, or before the tough fight even starts.
  12. I would do something like this. Hasten is perma outside of any buffs (this includes the Force Feedback procs), resistance is higher across the board and Shadow Meld only has a 9 second downtime. The empty slots in Crane Kick and Dragon's Tail are for the Force Feedback +Recharge IOs. |MBD;25022;1684;2248;BASE64;| |G71hERWcJgCtDnhq1Jk7MXpwUA1sWPmv605HpejZEbkt9ctjTNGWxJTet99UeXTXlO8| |l+aNHyggcRnYmS1df67CAdPUGmzcosqlVRbnvyxyl98eIsWu60dBgAd79/adp7eTJMx| |Jla8YtFomxk+SHWtrfkht6jlrcFQfdtyY92u0fNW/oge6wqCsO73bd2lMZzlzEAr5SO| |JepoVgUfqkQLxZYq+Ey88dGGHJ+C+c3NI6bbHbDPRSR5jTMEtsCv409MAyLD+luernm| |a4hoWnu6w3dPa84/kmIEr4VoaU0ppDOKR0tHi/rZkgtWr7kVwlvC3nqalZgjviLyGgf| |8RWXzPO2LyKFAd44SVtIQa9O6B3Uqss0I253Wesa5rl37KpksacHLuLSLdMj4jGli7d| |liS0YPT7IPgsK3UstLe76203IW4fXR7DN3aj1Mr6bGlWTQSs2yZY/yuOirvBhpxduvl| |SiuP7TEWA3qrejDx9UUVCdQcYtC6wuaWal2ImD1Nywu/Z+Yq0vFvrGc87kbp80ZzKj5| |VCNfjVr+il3rgJhlNvQsDyZUbcOkKxNjvzApKuQBQiMH8x9DBXB9S/X9inMvKn2JLwu| |/EosZ0amj3Vt+klTWwuQURnwzP5nCvaeC3wkUgXsLvytQDO4FbieMacEj0RTRff22J8| |6iAlaxIyLdT4LvhUltNq6QJ5DCcevGnKGqcajEbMTXfAYIdxWsXr9SomyNLXAJ5RSRx| |pJPwQPk84aSUOmAAKXcHVj412CblDKqmzKBqtywBa4RsLnsYSxVGPpbEJRikwLrG6R4| |NV6JpDh9PJJ287RxU6pefvA5EojdQHLKdOBLDEtj5smrcXKCz6b3zLwzhS3tnN6Gc8k| |bJlUmI5mVHP99gjOdNkLsZhk/0pUEG8QruIWqrqZK1qLnsYPEdWb6PheLPIygtYNl3c| |z54UmUAiW6Ue3WsPwhqipaOWV0YWRV5tRCKaewG5rSw6ok1zVaNx2pZzHBBPDMTvTMe| |hw2HmDh1XmiuMIAataMmEQcXyTBMBLwNDPCi5tu0gtnIeADEwDM2EkUeCR0ZTt9lPkZ| |S5e5+wMbATt+C5spSe115AqJKIO3t8FtGvjwHuck/uWH/5bIWjrccUm8oIgduLPMO0t| |aoqERTo4+P7wx/E7I2X1+xMjzChiDc4JlDotHpCwuVEndOV6QCjyzEzyzRigrT+HySE| |JcXpJQ6J0HFXjeOYs0NSufoJN4wzVJscm+SJxL7CjVMz/yDETczfrgwy1pYtGwCEwEz| |BoIcfGBOd00BbMzXU8KYBTKTlYEcd4UyoLKnqEixKa3Ny6jX3c6uqxVyi4HaVm2D4Wc| |lJCXElTZMrmOUTZtUQwvys/Ah4BvTsGoGoVzm58vhqwXBTAKRW8msyGOsDSBQHGNqT2| |6+HXjoiayS+QFgBv+A27YLHptRa87/U9Q5uumGoRBo852CnTSwqp8p42ovEi5SutIs+| |LOHYQe4aKsrg77BWuytnmr8dOZx59gqVKsceZIhgJZawpfMkWEl933ezl53C2Kw36uj| |gHT9v93BkbJdx8/m/5yloc9ZMIxDl2XqlJMX3wgNzjupp95q0XmF3JVUDBzPBskrLAe| |/IO7u9sNfPlq4CLg1kBYPlhfV0KnOruh60mBHxXCUvTMSFlG1jp9hBD3cKYDOXSuvmA| |jac9ZI5nLXTNL/c3GRIfJ93FOga12GrSnztaWUkinB6K8OWa4y3xZ+xXwK6HWTAa3ER| |fwE4AD3yaRU14owoNFenEE9WiNe2XgRxYv2lpjNnfcbwK9w6hMIVdigon9wkitzt+5S| |LVMlJZxBwY/K1XJufdsIZNLa+w+qFghVrMLR+QcmHCVoH+2878wnuVeDYOZX/cxlR1T| |MY47VmcvpNf6kZMVO8E/7Zf23JcYJ4nbEysSNsC7+3YJHorWEdJHR1OKLdEuO/mtLxl| |NzseA4kUnZ+wnUFE1LeWo0cobw2Stc8CPke/sP5ZueVx2jOHKE/lV94Z2vV7ZXqiXis| |wcAFsPyNQ67uhjb5MePh54JR/2k2AsdRtgIvXWwJ77fiwnCKWc5JisKm7Th1QbHMaF/| |ovUDPCdY8+pHRb/3xWgnoOPSdSnhUdesOr9a7jJQNRjhol0B1sZYuSvaTNR1bY2fwKN| |PGVzcFJ+VmTSXW1lnEe1HuhkkzwzeuvqhJujsMqgfyrV1+0cRXYleS4O2H1kgDtnS9b| |Jxp2Iyt1sX15vIbN3KTbxQ70Au24+JRhMaQ==|
  13. My Fire/Marine/Fire Corr can solo entire +4 mobs in the ITF before the rest of my team catches up to me. 😘
  14. I'm obviously biased because I was touting Energy Melee long before the buffs came. That being said. I've learned to embrace the slower animating Energy Transfer. Fun little fact, it actually has a better proc rate when you aren't in Energy Focus mode. ET is always my opener, followed by TF then followed by the quick ET. After that I'll either use Dominate or throw down a Burn.. Or both! At that point my ET, TF, ET combo is back and by the time I finish that again, Burn and Dominate are ready to go once more. I've actually opted to not even have Energy Punch on my attack bar at all other than the occasional lower-level TFs.
  15. Everything Teklord said. I'm going to further reitierate that you should never slot Brawl or Kick to get set bonuses. Try to exclusively slot powers you actually use. Everything in your build should have its place and be useful. If you look at the build I shared, the only power that has zero use is Brawl and I slotted it accordingly. Something like this would get you a lot of mileage. You could slot the D-Sync Acc/Rech... but I mean... 3 of them will run you 600-750 MILLION lol. You could fund almost an entirely new build with that. I never use them unless I naturally get one. Anyways. This build uses the Fire Epic for max DPS. It feels really good with the Psi damage and you'll be grateful to have 2 attacks that don't do almost exclusively Psi damage. Greater Fire Sword is AWESOME. It's your hardest hitting attack before procs and does that much more with them. Corruptor (Psychic Blast - Kinetics).mbd
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