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Everything posted by Vexxillion

  1. Love the firetruck! Great job!
  2. Thanks! The little travel hub console in the gift shop uses the hidden clickable area on the underside of Stone Portals. They're overlapped and rotated so that the clickable areas are bunched real close together, with only a tip of that area poking out of each button. I hope that helps!
  3. MUSE is a base I made to host player-created art*! Work your way up the Guggenheim-esque spiral rotunda while flexing your art knowledge to your friends! *You'll notice there are a few dozen numbered spots with placeholder wall art; this is where you come in! MUSE is looking for more builders to show off their creative talents on its walls! If you're interested or have questions, please send an in game email to @Garbage Wizard I Look forward to hearing from you!
  4. Vexxillion


    This base is awesome! Ty so much for making it : )
  5. I'm currently using the money swirl tinted dark gray which works well enough I think, paired with the Venomous Gas toggle from poison. I like the idea of picking up debris though! Super cool!
  6. Agreed. Swirling trash please!
  7. Setting additional launch parameters works. You can also do it in game by typing the vis scale command, opening options (don't touch anything), typing the vis scale command again, then closing the options window. For some reason that works and I've had a vis scale of 5 ever since.
  8. Holy shmowzow! This is wonderful! Fantastic work!
  9. Base shift was fixed!
  10. Base Code: SLUDGEPVP-23720 Base Name: Sludgeworx Builder: @Garbage Wizard SG Leader: Sludge Slinger Shard: Excelsior Theme: Other Special Considerations/Description: Comically large sewer pvp battle arena. The lobby, viewing area, and team spawn rooms are WIP. /visscale 10 and max particle count = 50k+ is recommended. To get to the arena, just click on either the "home" or "away" pipes and have fun! The base rooms are set up to act as a mini-map of sorts despite the base being built above the plot.
  11. Shard: Everlasting Base Code: MUSE-34040 Builder/Owner: @Garbage Wizard Special Considerations: /visscale 5. WIP in that there will eventually be player-created art on the walls in place of the stock items, additional signage, etc.
  12. Shard: Excelsior Base Code: STATION-18074 Builder: @Garbage Wizard (Winner of the Utility Base Over 5k category in the 2023 base building contest) Shard: Everlasting Base Code: GO-28888 Builder: @Garbage Wizard No special considerations necessary for either base.
  13. Your base is well done. You should be proud of it and your good friend Excraft has every right to praise your hard work as I'm sure it took you quite a while. I do not think it's the greatest base of all time is all, and I laugh reacted to that hyperbole. I'm not attacking anyone and certainly don't think the base is bad. It is not a bad base, it is a good base.
  14. Broaden your horizons
  15. I don't know what the weird (read: petty) vitriol towards Dacy is all about, Excraft. I see that thumbs down on her helpful post above. I think anyone who's even a little bit interested in building/touring bases is doing themselves a disservice not checking out that new directory. It is far and away the most comprehensive list of bases in the history of the game, filled with THE most talented base works the game has ever had. You're missing out relying on a necro'ed 5 year old thread with a handful of submissions. Who knows, maybe you'll even find your new favorite base and find inspiration therein. Cheers, @Garbage Wizard
  16. Motherboard MOBO-22827 Excelsior (Small costume contest base)
  17. Make sure this applies after switching to the proper alignment. It could be that you're a hero trying to access villain beacons
  18. Etched said "simple to work" and for what it's worth, I agree. The editor is more easy to use now than it ever has been. Magnitudes easier, even comparing it to the way it was just 14 months ago. Once someone learns all of the tools, the only limit is creativity. That's not to say there isn't a learning curve, but it's not a steep one, especially with the loads of helpful material available to us. All it requires is time and a willingness to learn. I think Etched's advice is sound. Cheers, @Garbage Wizard
  19. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/4904-the-macgyver-manual-or-quotyou-used-x-to-make-yquot/
  20. Here's a new travel hub that I just finished on Everlasting called Metro Plaza (GO-28888) More pics and information HERE!
  21. Introducing Metro Plaza: A new (max item count) travel HUB and RP spot filled with custom constructions and set in an urban seaside train terminal! While it has a simple and easy-to-use layout, Metro Plaza is the opposite of a barebones base. As such, visual scale 5 (/vis_scale 5) is recommended. Try GO-28888 today! Base Macro: /macro_image "Temporary_Warburg_MegaBuff" "Teleport: METRO PLAZA" "em trainwhistle$$enterbasefrompasscode GO-28888" Enjoy! (@Garbage Wizard)
  22. Ah you're right, they are spelled different, but that's certainly the base they meant. Not sure what your point about changing the wiki is. A pinned post with some structure would do wonders.
  23. I didn't hear about that one until recently. Definitely add it to the list on the wiki.
  24. It's the first one on the list and sort of the first main big one that was advertised on Excelsior. On that note (and to OP,) advertising and quality of the base are the two main things. I created The Station and (try to) advertise it in AP broadcast and Help channels during peak hours. The ad is usually focused toward players who are either new, don't have an SG, or just need an easy to use and well made travel hub. There are a few dozen people who use it regularly as a result. You do bring up a good point about getting the word out better. Maybe one solution would be to have a pinned post in each respective sub forum containing that shard's travel hubs? Just a simple list that could be added to would work.
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