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  1. go into house at nightward for badge, then into uni building normally and click cim portal
  2. have sonic/wp/widow sent and works pretty well, set my toggles and just pew pew :)
  3. my gold char has mixed it up and done some of both sides of resistance quest line
  4. seems it's set on first char made as all my char's have same color, would be nice to change it as i really dislike the muted blue/green it currently is simple command line or options.txt setting to change it would be great
  5. just tried it, works great. still have to click login but rest is filled in for ya. not sure if matters but made name all upper
  6. ahh hell yeah vote a big yes !!, talking PvE as there should be collision when PvP. if it's not the mass of pets it's players bumping and jostling for position especially in the tight area's we have always fight in
  7. vote nope, part of playing those classes is the possibility of seeing those mobs. myself the rate seemed quite low
  8. the leveling is already easier on homecoming, especially when get the double xp power from p2w vendor
  9. Being annoyed by a seldom occurrence still isn't solid reasoning for making any kind of change. Considering nothing is broken by having it in place, there's just no good reason to change anything. Which is probably why no one has posted about it to begin with. here here
  10. didn't know there were different ones, cool on related note would love be able to set out default idle pose on a per char basis
  11. you are correct it converts all uploaded io's regardless of level into whatever level the purchaser wanted, hence same price. which is great if you want say lv42 IO and people were only selling lv35 40 & 45's you could sit there wanting for quite awhile noticed weirdness myself of it not showing history and having to change selected io few times before it would ...
  12. sand storm could be cool, combined with water quicksand?
  13. I'm actually curious about why this is... why would you ever want to go backwards??? seems all emu servers there's least one that is classic, hell even wow is releasing a official one too. guess they want a hard game, something to work for like it was when first played before the time saving QoL's
  14. basically homecoming is i25 the others are based on i24
  15. some poor soul added added an extra zero when IO bidding, 8m turned into a 81m windfall
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