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Crystal Dragon

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Everything posted by Crystal Dragon

  1. Depending on what your play style preference is, there's lots of different super groups to coalition with. Many of the club super groups in particular have a thriving RP community in member base, and so many of them have chained their stories to work with pretty much any player that visits or becomes a "regular patron" to their spaces. There are lots of public bases available for settings and personal spaces as well. Most notable public spaces are actually on the Everlasting Base List popmenu, some change their base codes when they are closed (specifically some of the club bases) but there's a large number of them that are largely public for use. At the moment the most popular Discord group for roleplay connections and concept discussions for Homecoming is City of Roleplay, I am one of the administration staff members and I also run the Welcome Wagon's project monthly for teaching newer roleplayers and old, about the features of the game as well as brushing up on basics for those that are not super familiar with roleplaying in collaborative spaces like MMO's provide. YES, new AE arcs to play are ALWAYS a good thing for exploring character backgrounds, encounters, and more. At the moment none that I can think of off hand (I'm a bit irregular with AE arcs to be honest, but I do recall a number of creative players creating arcs to explore the backgrounds of their characters and the many groups blue, red and gold side to be introduced to, lots of player canon gets involved in many of the current dev choices on the AE list, so be sure to check them out!) To my experience, PVP here is a bit wonky, there's some build choices that are a lot stronger than others and it's something that the devs of HC are working towards creating a balance for all AT's. There are some people that use PVP zones for immersive story telling as well as action scenes (Ahem, I jumped into a few simply because it fits for my characters story as well. Quite fun!) Entry level depends entirely on you and the players you interact with honestly, some might be open to the idea of a "kidknapping" scene, but some might not be okay with it. Always talk to the players OOC wise first to make sure they are open to the concept, it's one of the basics I try to encourage and teach with the newer players here, informed consent roughly. Many of the travel hub bases are great for meeting people in, or just for functional use, one of the newer ones, Metro Plaza GO-28888 is one I'd recommend for roleplayers new and old to use simply because it's beautifully made and has an atheistic that the tram locations of the game actually lacks. Another I can recommend exploring for RP opportunities is Karma-508. You can also find many many more that might be good settings for play here on the HCwiki. HC Wiki Everlasting Base List
  2. Crystal Dragon


    1 2 3 4 I declare a thumb war!
  3. Donations may remain anonymous upon request, most salvage and enhancements dropped into the Vault alts inventory will be added to the pool as influence or prize. Public Donors: 1. Send a confirmation message to @TobiasElfangorson through discord. Or you can reach out to them here @Sigmage8602 2. Once contacted, Email your donation(s) to @Pride Vault 0 (Global account for Pride Treasurer.) in-game. 3. Once Donation is received wait for confirmation 'receipt' screenshot will be sent to you on the private messages part of the forums here or through Discord. If you wish to donate to help us make this years Pride as fabulous as we hope to, feel free to follow these instructions! If your club wishes to donate or contribute to the rewards for this years Pride events, please reach out to Tobi @LeadWanderer or @Pride Vault 0 in game, or on here to get further information on what your club can contribute! The alt name in question is Vault Himbot Rocky.
  4. This is a lovely base, and I'm really glad you made it! My welcome wagons attendee's were very pleased with the setting and were singing praises of the design work of the base. 🙂
  5. *Absolutely bounces around with excitement.* AHHHHHH! I've been waiting for that sybil outfit to come to the costume options, I have JUST the character for it too! YYYAAAAAAYYYY!!!
  6. It's been repeated in the replies here. No, for several reasons, and mostly due to the privacy wrangling and security that might require to ensure the live player account owners are really who they are in acquiring access to their old data, and lastly no because that's a whole other matter that got wiped out completely.
  7. The quick and dirty guide for MMO acronyms: LFG: Looking for group LFT: Looking for team MLT: Miss Liberty taskforce ITF: Incarnate taskforce RP: Roleplay/Roleplaying, players are acting out their characters in team, or in locations for the scene and setting. Plvl: Power leveling, or level boosting/farming. SF: Strikeforce Posi: Positron taskforce or mission arc. DFB: Death from below, one of the very first missions to do at level 1. Incarn: Incarnate / lvl 50+ basically. Lettme know if there's any others you would like to know about bro.
  8. Wait for an official response, they may have more instructions on what the issue may be. I can only presume as someone that's tech savvy. I do hope that it can be made to run on your system, we love having new players here.
  9. Hm, you still have the installer? Right click and install with admin permissions, that might work past the possible flag from Microsoft throwing up. It's possible your antivirus is flagging the game installer/launcher. Sorry, my techy side is itching that that might be the issue. With that additional information, it looks like it's trying to launch but something is obstructing it from displaying. Possible update for the internal game file support maybe? Afterthought: When you alt+tab, does it display anything for Homecoming or City of Heroes in the multiwindow choices it pops up?
  10. Check the shortcut for permissions to run as admin. I run the game on a Xflow Asus 13 with Windows 11 (Updated just yesterday) and have no problems running it with admin mode selected on the permissions.
  11. Amazingly well put together, Multi, thank you! I'll be creating a short list of forum threads to help new folks to the game and to Everlasting with link tree in just a bit. Here we go! https://linktr.ee/CrystalDragon
  12. To my knowledge there has been talk all over the place about this possibly happening but I can't speak for the HC staff on this, or the devs. But I do hope that Nvidia will consider adding the game to the GEforce experience platform registry.
  13. We'll be meeting up again at the same place, same time in Metro Plaza for the expanded edition on the rest of the content we cover with the sessions, see yall then, and thank you for coming out folks! ❤️
  14. Gah I got caught up in other business yesterday, my apologies folks.
  15. If you are maintaining this list, please note in my own creations that most of them are under renovation and I'll try to post an update once those are completed.
  16. Arbitrary mention: Welcome Wagons is a COMMUNITY project, no single super group, villain group, or praetorian group is associated with it's creation and operation, community members worked together to create this, and we will continue to keep it operating for the foreseeable future from a clear and unbiased stand point Not only do we use our shared experience to help players understand the basics of roleplaying in CoH (and MMORPGs in general), we also offer assistance in locating roleplay supergroups and events, as well as creating awareness and protecting players from common problematic behaviors in roleplay, the strategies used to disarm you of consent, fair treatment, and safety. This project has been open format from it's inception for all new players to participate, bring their questions about roleplaying, and asking about the UI features of the game and about how to connect with groups and players that share their interests of genre and play style that can be used to help foster a stronger roleplaying community on this server shard. If anyone is interested or has any further questions about the project and it's goals and ideals, please do reach out to me, I'll be happy to answer any of those questions as it's original organizer and creator.
  17. Celebrating 3 years of our mentorship project, we'll be reopening classes starting on the 12th through the 14th, for hour long symposium styled lessons about the roleplaying basics and advanced information about roleplaying in MMORPG's starting at 3PM EST to 4PM EST. We hope to maintain a schedule of these classes being hosted once a month, location has not been decided on yet, but base invitations are eagerly welcomed. If you would like to join the mentorship project, please join the Roleplaying Guides Collaborative club here on the boards for further information.
  18. Not a bad idea, might make maintaining the social panel a bit easier having a "last online" date and time attached.
  19. Perchance AI and Bing's image generator is pretty good. Perchance is uncensored however, so might run into some NSFW results from time to time.
  20. Alright, since this is a server side change that actually might need some detangling the coding noodles, I figure it might be time to request this. In the time that I've been playing the servers, 2019 to current day, I have hit the global cap for friends, global friends, and blocks. I had originally considered trying to find a way to create a "mimic" mod to increase the limit but as Michiyo has mentioned in the discord feedback channel, that's a server side limit that may need developer attention. The mod isn't possible due to the hardbaked coding for the server side social features of the game. And thus, here I am, putting in a request and/or suggestion for future changes in need. So, here's my suggestion. We need to bump up the friends/global/blocks up to at the very least 250 cap. I know this may require a lot of time to decipher and figure out how to make it possible, but I got faith in the developers skills here to be able to work out a way to make it possible eventually. It's been a long waited issue that I've been chewing my lip over, and trying to work out ways around the 50 cap currently instated in the backend, but I hit a point fairly recently that I feel this may be a needed change for all players of the game servers here. With the growth of the community and more active players coming here from all over, we need to have a way to continue to safe guard our play experience, keep touch with those we enjoy playing with, and wish to keep touch with. To be honest with you I think even 250 social cap might be still optimistic, but hope for humanity and all that, I try to keep an optimistic mindset for community's of this growing scale. Will it be possible to do this? I don't know, but Michiyo had made it clear that this was more a developers issue that needs addressing on the server back end.
  21. The organizing treasurer has volunteered to create a crier character in order to draw attention to the need for donations for the events being planned out. You may see this character pop up at base portals throughout public locations, such as Pocket D, and Atlas Park, in order to get the word out, once a week. Day has not been selected and should not disrupt the Club crier alts placed throughout.
  22. On the note of donations for the server: Homecoming staff has been quite transparent on where the funds are going, and how it's split up for the server maintenance hosting and other services that we require to maintain the server stability. To say that they operate in the shadows in regards to funding isn't quite correct, even prior to the LLC, they were quite transparent with us as donating players in this regard. But now, they can provide more transparency on what the upcoming adjustments in the donations required, as well as how the funds will be channeled to them through more legal and secured ways. 🙂 But something to keep in mind, unless the server start taking funds and putting it to profit for the team, NCsoft and the lawyer brigade likely won't take action, or say anything of it.
  23. Some concept AI renders I worked with Bing and perchance on for my own characters. These are strictly used for place holders for character art I will be working on doing as I continue learning, studying and practicing with digital art programs and tools I've recently obtained. The descriptions I used were intended to depict each of the characters as character figures in various different poses. I quite liked how they turned out so I thought I'd share them. (YES AI RENDERS, and I'm very careful with how I use AI, at all.)
  24. Nothing wrong with wanting to know where the funds are going for funding the game and further development! I like having the transparency actually. 🙂
  25. We just reopened invites to the server after buckling down due to bot abuse and spam influx. Thank you for sharing the invite, @chase ❤️
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