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  1. Is there any place that shows what the costumes and/or effect will look like. Since it can take a long time or lots of Influence to get the prismatic aether I'm sure there's others like me who would not want to waste them. Just having a visual of what we would be purchasing full body would be nice.
  2. I agree. Powers such as Titan T9, Earth control stalagmites, Seismic blast stalagmite. As was said earlier all other 8 titan powers can be used while flying as well as Foot stomp from Super Strength. I hate the type of limitations. Things such as Siesmic blast Shockwave mechanic make sense. But most I disagree with. Let's not limit players.
  3. I have built a scrapper toon around the concept of flying. Only to realize after I've taken T9 arc of destruction, it ONLY works on the ground. I admit it was my mistake to not see that, But... Can we update this 1 power in the set to be able to be used while flying? I don't see why that should be an issue if all other 8 powers are able to do so. Help me homecoming team, you're my ONLY hope!
  4. For reference I'm looking at my first real go at MM. Was thinking Mercs/FF. Seeking forum wisdom. Thanks. 1. For any secondary that does not have heals, ex. FF, what is your preferred solution? Medicine pool? Build up pet def/resists? Use soft controls? Just resummon when pets die? I've read posts about combos where secondary has no heal and most times the no heal isn't mentioned. Just talked about how good of a combo it is. Or how easy it is to run solo. 2. How good/useful is group fly? Seems for all indoor maps it wouldn't work well besides maybe multi level cave rooms. Is it worth the power pick investment in your opinion? Where would that power be most useful? Seems it would only be used on outside maps and traveling. Looking over lots of builds I see many don't take fly and they seem to be just fine. So curious about the power. I do use fly on most of my other toons but being just myself to control I have no issues on inside maps. 3. How necessary do you find Leadership powers to be? Again in your opinion are they MUST HAVE picks. I do see most builds taking them. 4. In general what is your focus for MM besides damage? Do you focus more on self survivability, pets or mix? Is it more specific goals to what your combo is or are there general MM build goals?
  5. I'm having trouble finding story arcs/missions for specific enemy groups. For example I want to create a ninja character who's goal is to defeat the Tsoo. Where would I find a list of story arcs/contacts/lvl for all Tsoo story arcs? This would also apply to all other enemy groups as well, but for personal RP purposes on this new alt I'd like to run all Tsoo arcs. Where does one find such information?
  6. I tried 3 or 4 time one night to change a costume in pocket D, Trina the body sculptress. 1 costume slot was fine. The other one I tired to change took my influence and did NOT change my costume. Issued support ticket. Next day I tired again in pocket D and same issue. After being refunded my influence I tested and tried to change bugged costume slot at Icon in Atlas. Same issue occurred. Don't know if it's a bugged costume slot or what. Anyone experience similar/same issue?
  7. So I was bathroom bored looking through forums and saw this post. Figured I'd share a Vid I saw a long time ago even though it's a brute and not a Tank. Looks like a fun combo. Happy Hunting
  8. Wanted to share a fun post as there are so many playstyles in COH. Let's list your top 4-5 characters you play. I'll go 1st. Chronotricity- Elec/Time Corruptor Freezer Geezer- Ice/Cold Corruptor Shroominator- Rad/Nature Corruptor Wazaam- Mind/Sonic Dominator Let's here your top picks...
  9. Scourge. Love it. Especially on sets with rain powers. Good damage. Having support to Buff/Debuff makes me feel like I'm contributing to overall team success and survivability. This AT is becoming my most played.
  10. Thanks for the reply. Are you saying with Mass Hypnosis and New TK it won't wake sleep if you clump mobs together? Is that what you meant "without taking any incoming damage" ?
  11. If anyone has used these 2 after the updates maybe you can help answer a couple questions... When using TK on mob, using levitate says it does AOE dmg. I'm assuming that damage is based off your levitate slotting? Mass Hyp and TK do no damage, could you MH them to sleep and then use TK to group them without waking them up? I have a Mind dom and these 2 powers I skipped previously... Can anyone share their overall thoughts and experience using these now? What synergies to you find with other powers. Please share the Good, bad and in between. Thanks
  12. If anyone has used these 2 after the updates maybe you can help answer a couple questions... When using TK on mob, using levitate says it does AOE dmg. I'm assuming that damage is based off your levitate slotting? Mass Hyp and TK do no damage, could you MH them to sleep and then use TK to group them without waking them up? As I have a Mind dom and these 2 powers I skipped previously... Can anyone share their overall thoughts and experience using these now? What synergies to you find with other powers. Please share the Good, bad and in between. Thanks
  13. Wantibg to make a Psi melee with flight and Force of will attacks. Mostly for theme/concept in my brain. As title states what secondary and AT do you prefer most with Psi and why?
  14. It's late and I'm looking at some funny MM toon ideas. Read about petless MMs. So could be all whips like dominatrix. Or a boy raised by wolves who only uses beast mode and his momma wolf follows him and fights with him and brings along his other forest friends. Could be an Asian HS student who is failing all classes and sucks at piano and suffers emotional damage. Summons his ancestor, ONI and runs around singing Moni ONI ONI. What would be your most ridiculous backstrories or concept for petless or T3 pet only MM. Something that might actually be decent also and not totally suck in game.
  15. Not sure if anyone has an answer. I'm running on a Windows 7 pro Laptop. Since Homecoming began while in game I was able to hit windows button on laptop that would allow me access to start menu/taskbar. So I could see other windows such as mids and chrome. Now for some reason it won't show up, though the game "pauses" as if it were. Not sure if this is a computer issue or game setting issue. It was only after one of the recent patches this began.
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