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About Auroxis

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Just turn on the combat log, you'll see it's you dealing the damage. That's part of why Marine is good on Corr, since Shifting Tides utilizes your damage modifier and damage cap. On teams which trigger it and buff your damage often it's a great source of damage.
  2. Damage procs definitely worked when I tested it, but they had a minimal proc rate and only checked once every 10 seconds as mentioned above.
  3. Shifting Tides acts like a damage aura for procs, it rolls them every 10s. So damage procs aren't very good, but buff procs like gauss and def/corr ATO's proc very often since they get more rolls per nearby target.
  4. As far as endurance issues are concerned, you really want the ATO proc in Shifting Tides as it gives +10 Endurance and healing to nearby allies every 10 seconds if more than a few allies are in its range.
  5. Of course not as the image depicted, that's more a head-canon and to make it clear that minimal FX can fit the narrative of stone armor just fine.
  6. Stone Armour can have a minimal FX option while maintaining flavour, a mineral coating over the skin makes just as much sense as bulging rocks over the shoulders. See Gaara for example:
  7. Fire has been great in my experience, not so much because of Bonfire (its damage is lackluster currently) but because of Hot Feet damage and Imps proccing Shifting Tides. procced Whitecap+ procced Flashfire + procced Fissure (earth epic) is good clear also. Endurance is a bit of an issue though. I also tried out Earth, you can proc out Stalagmites just like Flashfire (ATO proc + other procs + rech/acc/stun purp IO) and Earthquake+Tide Pool+Whitecap is nice soft CC early before you get your recharge rolling. Plant is good also, I tested the Shifting Tides interaction with Carrion Creepers and they do proc it a bit. Illusion is a great pairing, IMO the strongest controller combo, because Whitecap gets you that AoE you need which makes for a really strong all-around character as Illusion pumps out the DPS+Shifting Tide procs while Marine keeps you alive and dishes out AoE damage. I wouldn't recommend Ice Control and Electric Control, they are a bit too CC heavy in my opinion and don't offer that much in the way of offense (no good AoE's to proc out).
  8. I'm just trying to keep things relevant, and pointing out obvious stuff like how level shifts work isn't relevant in the slightest.
  9. Getting +1 once you reach 50 is very easy nowadays, so are you implying that running low level AV content at +4 is a common affair?
  10. It's 65% because level shift turns +4's into +3's effectively.
  11. The current state of Sonic Attack isn't great. Put simply, your first attack does -20% and subsequent attacks do an additional -8% up to around 3-4 times. DP also does -20% (albeit single target), but has a much easier time applying -res procs, provides -dmg, and has significantly better DPS.
  12. Offense: Fire/Marine Corr (corr shifting tides makes you deal blaster DPS) Defense: Bio/Axe Tanker (just an all-around powerhouse) Support: Marine/DP Def (-res/-dmg stacking on this is insane, see pylon screenshot)
  13. @Maelwys I wouldn't sell my build's offense short. The existence of proc GFS, Assault, and the optimization for -res instead of paltry DPA in other sonic attacks (Scream, Shout) keeps the build's offense pretty solid. Keep in mind with current sonic, the -res debuff duration of Shriek, Scream and Shout is 8s. So just sprinkling in fast Shrieks does the -res trick just fine as long as you have some high DPA attacks in your chain (Screech, Char, GFS) to support it.
  14. Defender (Thermal Radiation - Sonic Attack).mbd
  15. This is a very DPS oriented build, but has a softcap to positionals (with protector bot buffs) and resists to support it. Relies on Ageless for endurance management, but you won't need it until you start spamming Thunder Strike anyway. The idea is you Fold Space -> Procced Force Bomb -> Electrifying Fences -> Procced Thunder Strike This applies a lot of damage and -res on the whole pack, while immobilizing it and giving you Force Feedback Recharge twice to get the combo back up sooner. The build also utilizes Weaken Resolve for more -res on bosses so your robots can take them down faster, meaning you have all 3 -res procs well utilized. Mastermind (Robotics - Force Field) v2.mbd
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