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Everything posted by speczero

  1. What about dropping the Brutes max resistance down to 75% the same as a scrapper and just acknowledge them as a DPS. I mean they already compete against scrapper more than anything.
  2. You can change this under the menu options, I forget exactly what the option is called but it is there if you look for it.
  3. Why does SS have to be middle of the pack? Where precisely do you think it should be, and why? That person I quoted is talking about adjusting it to make sure it's just an average set, like there's some sort of problem with Super Strength being the best or worst. Because when you change something and you make it the best or the worst you are moving the bar for everything else, By keeping it in the middle of the pack you do not change the bar on everything else in the set.
  4. Why does SS have to be middle of the pack? Where precisely do you think it should be, and why? I honestly do not really have an opinion on exactly where it should be other than I do not think it should do more damage than Titan which has to deal with the momentum mechanic. And I also think it has been established Titan is currently the top damage in Brute. I would be okay with it being equal to or just below Titan but I think this is an answer that would have to come from the current Devs. As far as Titan Weapons goes I don't think any AT in Brute should be raised above Titan until the Lower Damaging sets are brought up closer to Titan.
  5. Why does SS have to be middle of the pack? It does not have to be right in the center as long as it is in the pack and not above or below.
  6. The solution to drop -Def and balance the powerset is really simple, the problem is those wanting to just drop the -Def do not want balance. 1st solution- completely drop -Def and then run damage comparisons against the other Tank and Brute AT's on pylon or however, then adjust the +hit and +dam of rage to put SS in the middle of the pact as far as DPS. 2nd solution- completely drop -Def and then run damage comparisons against other Tank and Brute AT's on pylon or however and leave the +hit and +dam of rage alone and adjust all the powers in SS so that it is in the middle of the pact as far as DPS. edit: added Tank and Brute in front of AT's
  7. Might try /Bio During the rage -Def switch to Bio's defensive mode, this will directly counter a small part of rage's -Def while also giving you increased hit points, higher resistances and increased absorbs to help counter the rage. When -Def from rage is over switch back to offensive mode.
  8. Resolution matters greatly also. You may be playing in a much higher resolution than them.
  9. Was thinking about making a stalker with the specific purpos of keeping buidup on as much as possible. Using the following rotation and depending on the hide ATO Start fight buildup assassins strike filler burst will have the hide ato and will always wait for concentrated strike to be up before using concentrated strike will hopefully always be in hide mode from ato. repeat the idea would be to get the buildup proc from concentrated strike every time. would this work or is the hide ato not dependable enough.
  10. Yay finally someone who knows how to program to help figure this out. I appreciate your help however what happens when I execute this, ignoring the part that targets the pet, it will, in fact, execute the first step Deflection shield with a single press it does not skip to the second step. In other words on an already targeted pet, 2 presses of the button will cast both shields in the order they are in the bind. I'm just wondering if this behavior could be exploited to make better or more elaborate key binds. Sadly I'm just a beginner here but if you can figure anything out I would love the help.
  11. I have a FF defender, not a MM, but I used the same thing you posted "powexectoggleon Deflection Shield$$powexectoggleon Insulation Shield", but it only bubbles one of those at a time, it does not do both (at least for me)...I'm also wondering if maybe you are just holding the key down long enough that it counts as 2 presses... Can you test and see if it works as well on a teammate as a pet? Thanks again...
  12. I am so confused...huh? It works in the game just like I wrote it. but it only works on non-toggle abilities. The 2 shields in the bind I wrote are non-toggle abilities and would normally be cast by using powexecname.
  13. Sadly what I wrote will not work with toggles even though the commands are toggle commands. If you use what I wrote with toggles it will switch back and forth turning on off and one on. If you use the powexecname in what I wrote it also won't work. The only way I got it to work was use the toggle command on non toggle ability.
  14. What I posted works I use it in the game.
  15. Hmmm, let me see if I get this right from memory. I use this to cast shields on my MM pets. It has a few problems and I don't know if it can be extended for more commands but it does work for the 2 shields I have so far. You still have to press the key for each spell but as long as you press the key the second time before the first spell is done it will go to the next spell on the list. petselect0$$powexectoggleon Deflection Shield$$powexectoggleon Insulation Shield If these were toggles the command would simply switch back and forth but since they are not it cast the first one, and then the second one, how many you can do like this I do not know. Maybe someone smarter than me can adapt it to work better.
  16. Yeah if I am understanding how he does his calculations(and I may very well not understand) it looks like he is using base damage calculations with max recharge, so he is not including things like buildup in any of his calculations, at least not that I can see, so if every attack just used buildup all things would still be equal, but they don't. Take for example, Energy, Energy Transference at max recharge would substantially increase Energy dps. There are others in there like this also.
  17. Just a note here that Ground cast like Glacier can be cast with a single key by using the bind or macro powexeclocation. For instance the following would cast Glacier on the target with a single press of the key t- /bind t powexeclocation target Glacier . You could also use the following to cast it on the ground at your location- /bind t powexeclocation me Glacier . You can find other uses of powexeclocation in these same forums in the general forums. Powexeclocation was added by the I25 team and i would like to thank them for this great addition. Edit: went ahead and added the info here Powexec_Location: Added /powexec_location, a client-side slash command to allow use of location targeted powers without having to click. Usage: /powexec_location loc power loc is a location specifier. There's several different things you can use here: me or self - Both target the power on yourself. target - Your currently selected target. If you have no target, the power is not activated. direction:distance - direction can either be one of six cardinal directions relative to the player: forward, back, left, right, up, down, -or- it can be a number. If it's a number, it is taken as an angle in degrees. 0 is straight in front of you, 90 is right, etc. It can also be camera, to indicate the direction the camera is facing, including elevation. distance is either a number in world units (feet), or the keyword max, which means to use the maximum range of the power. power is the name of the power, just like what you'd use with /powexec_name. You can put quotes around the name to make it look cleaner if you want, but they are optional. Useful examples: /powexec_location me Fire Imps /powexec_location target Tar Patch /powexec_location camera:max Teleport
  18. Thank you for letting me know how to find this in Pines, and yeah it does not stack so probably not extremely helpful. Also, the info probably needs to be added to the in-game character creator, but not sure who to tell.
  19. So the game character creator in Radiation Armor under Radiation Therapy it says that it will reduce the foes regeneration substantially, however in the details, it does not show this. Does anyone know if it actually reduces regen and if so for how much? Edit: So I just looked at it under Pine's hero builder and again it says it reduces foes regen but with no numbers.
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