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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Just one? You mean your damage was at 83% with Musculature 45%. Of course you're not seeing improvements. Instead try two acc/dmg hamis at +3 and push it to 119%, then Musculature 45%. For a pylon you can slot Achilles -res in Slash (outside of pylons just another damage proc but that's me), then Hectacomb damage proc, Touch of Death proc and the PvP proc. Focus is tight in recharge and I'd just slot five purples plus FF proc. Follow-up what ever you slot (I used three scrapper ATOs for the 5% S/L, try to maximized recharge despite running counter to proc usage because FU is the linchpin), plus the Scrapper ATO that gives increased crit chance, plus Gaussian proc (it's not a huge thing, but...). I'd stick to FU, Focus, Slash even with the small gap FU gets. When FF procs the gap won't be there. Despite Shockwave allowing a -res I don't feel it is good to use it in a ST rotation. Edit: I hadn't touched a Scrapper in ages and went to mess with my old build since Tanker and Scrapper get different recharge times. Turning it into a proc monster wasn't that hard so feel free to lift the slotting, and it keeps the (near) 40% defense to most things and decent-ish S/L resists. For regular play DNA Siphon should keep endurance up but for extended ST like a pylon I'd keep Recovery Serums at hand. I'd keep Barrier for a panic button and to finish propping the defenses to 45%.
  2. Well, that is my own pet peeve. Why do that stuff in the RP area? So many places to goof off, why make that effort to remind everyone we are playing at theater? I know I could do without it, even if I don't gnash my teeth and tear my hair at the sight of such happenings. The trope of the loner/rude/anto-social protagonist is embedded in comic and movie culture. I'm currently reading the Witcher and Geralt does not strike me as a likeable fellow with a ready joke and social manners. But he is an appealing protagonist. The thing that RPers miss (and I did it too many years ago until realizing this) is that the movie/comic/books force interaction. Geralt may not be a genial character but people need him and thus interact with him. The rude ass who snarks off and tries to avoid people is still chased after because he knows some secret technique, or is really good at hacking/breaking and entering/stealth and because needed he is chased after. The loner who never hangs around populated areas is also a pretty poor trope to follow since that means the character is never around people to begin with, so they never get to roleplay. I have met several characters trying for the above and my reaction is the same as someone said a bit higher up: without a plot need for said characters we just avoid them. Who forces themselves to interact with a rude stranger? This is not the fault of the crowd but just the lack of understanding of why it works in other mediums and why it does not in RP. Listen, I'm going to be honest here. Take a bit from this thread if you want, try to accommodate others if you'd like. But don't overexert yourself. As Hajynx showed a few posts ago you will never please everyone all the time. If you are going to take a step back each time disapproves you will more quickly run out of room than you will run out of people disapproving. Play your homages, play your lifted character, play your original concepts. Just have fun. Despite what this thread says there is far less RP police out there than there are people refusing to RP because concept.
  3. Assault hybrid was clicked, but yes.
  4. Don't see why the fuss. If they do that to me I just move on to the next group and let them handle the group they Fold Spaced.
  5. @Sir Myshkin, and maybe @Bopper. My apologies for the casual ringing, but after testing Elec Melee on a Tanker (and finding it... actually, decent?) I have tried to inform myself on Chain Induction but what information is sparse or back from Live, or I get results from Elec Affinity and the epic pools. - I read there was a bug that proccing Chain Induction lowered the jumping chances. Tried proccing and it -seemed- to jump around fine. - Read that the Chain Induction from Elec Melee is a pseudo pet and the leaping carries no proc chances. A bit of mild testing kinda seems to lend credence to this as the procs only seemed to happen twice at best. I need a better methodology, like only one proc in the power and fewer enemies. - I also read that if the mob dies from Chain Induction there will be no leaps. I -think- I saw it leap from a dead mob, but I will have to find a better way to test this. Perhaps against grey mobs.
  6. KM seems lovely, but trying to do damage with a T1, T2 and T3 seems doomed. Those are fillers, not damage skills. I'm currently looking at Fire/Elec Melee and seeing myself extensively using the T1 already hints the ST is not going to be any great shakes.
  7. \o/ I thought about mentioning this but felt it might just be perceived bias, but AFKing for periods of time in a base or Pocket D did not seem to lead to crashes, but I have lost of the times they 'seemed' to happened while I was typing. Tap tap tap tap, suddenly crash. Tap tap, pres enter, start typing again, crash. Not to mention the time spent building a base and no crashes, but try to show it off and mid typing... But I can't deny it might be that brain bias. I -have- typed for hours in a base or Pocket D and nothing happened. Regardless yesterday I was neck deep testing some builds so did not get to test the memory leak related changes since I was not in a single map for extended periods. I am glad you have seemed to catch something screwy, Six. At least I don't feel as paranoid.
  8. Yeah, I found it last night. I even replied to it. It seems pretty similar to what I have (be still in a place for a while). Last night I did all the steps from disabling superfecth to NDU. I'll report on how it goes.
  9. I was shooting the breeze about this with Bill and basically I think that resistance based sets are simply screwed in the grand scheme of things. Defense debuff is too prevalent. It does not mean it is hopeless and omg delete all your resistance based characters. But they kinda are screwed. When we talk of Super Reflexes being screwed we talk of basically, what? Ruluuru? Ignoring defense? But everything and their granny does defense debuffs. Tsoo do some, Cimerorians do lots, Banished Pantheon do, Knives do, Crey does. Heck, even Family does. It is not a tremendous concern for regular teaming since we melt everything in our path but it is felt in solo mode where we are the focus of everyone and things die more slowly Hybrid sets end being near immortal thanks to their incorporated DDR. Invul tops by far the scale with both DDR and scaling defenses so when it needs defense because surrounded is when it has it. Shield comes second as a pretty decent all-rounder who also boasts of DDR, plus defense, plus decent resists. Super Reflexes on a tank is probably fine even against Ruluuru (never made one so someone correct me) due to how their resists work.
  10. It actually feels like an interesting ironman challenge. Not something I'd do on HC, but soloing stuff that rewards merits and purchasing the recipes/converting could be a nice long term plan.
  11. This is no longer pinned. Useful information though and it might well be related to my own problems when staying in one map for a long period of time.
  12. Tried removing Videot. Two crashes more at separate times while at Pocket D.
  13. Not sure if the extra tests will really add much in my humble opinion. The tests are already of just academic value since we are not in the habit of jumping into the middle of enemies and then AFK. That some sets are able to do this with impunity is good to know but the info was not really that surprising (granite armor first :D). And once we start adding secondaries, welp. The ultimate 'tough test' ends being soloing the 801 series. That's the full monty. Perhaps a no incarnate rule (which would put me out right away since I need Barrier to get past the ever present defense debuffing) and/or inspiration use.
  14. You probably have Offensive Adaptation not turned on and Evolving Armor with 10 targets, @Erratic1
  15. On one hand, completely correct. On the other toxic damage is not -that- prevalent to make tailoring a build around it worth the slots. IMO.
  16. It's been a long standing request to see if we could increase dumping 100 merits at a time in the AH, but, welp.
  17. There are some set bonuses that also are -KB but IMO not truly useful. Only one -KB IO really isn't enough but I'm too slot starved to slot more. But hits need to happen for KB to happen so a solid defense to at least S/L makes just one KB IO bearable. I suggest the Blessing of the Zephyr into whatever travel power you are using since you have that native slot.
  18. Something like this I guess. You should be fine on endurance with just DNA Siphon for regular play and Recovery Serums for long single target fights. Otherwise it can be subbed for Inexhaustible and shuffle defenses. Resistances aren't great but it's hard to fit everything. I'm sure S/L could be raised to 90% but it's already pretty close (76% with one stack of tanker proc in Smite, 82% with two. 87% with Barrier. A third stack is unreliable but should happen). Do use Barrier to finish capping defense. For most of the game you won't need to use it on CD, but when you're in trouble it both serves as a panic button for you and team as well as the last 5% to get 45% to most things. With three heals (DNA Siphon counts for regular gameplay) you should be fine. Shadow Punch is only there to level or exemplar with. Later on it should be Midnight Grasp, Smite, Siphon, Smite, Midnight Grasp.
  19. I have gone through these math (not myself, ow, I'm not a math person) explanations in the past. What I wanted was to test the result. I actually did not post them in here but laid the testing somewhere else. I don't even claim I followed the right methodology or anything. Things like 'super simple difference in HP subtraction' may not even be appropriate for the test. But they were consistent in a 5-8% range. Now that is still multiplied by a full team and thus worth to have slotted. At least in spreadsheet terms. I find that in actual gameplay things die too fast. Even AVs. But this part is a personal opinion and I hope I made that visible so other players don't take it as gospel.
  20. This has started again. Unfortunately I received no help last time I posted here but I will try again. So, this stopped happening after I re-installed Windows 10, re-installed CoH and did not add the mods I had installed. I mostly had no problems until recently where I did a fresh re-install of Windows and re-installed CoH, but this time added a bunch of mods such a sound replacers and Videot. I'm honestly leaning towards Videot being the source of the problem here but I sure would like to -know-. Just like before I can play for hours coming in and out of missions and TFs and never once crash. Then I go to my base to RP or show it off and poof, crash. Relog, apologize, continue. Poof crash. Literally two minutes later. I don't know if this is of any help but I'll leave the crash logs from the back to back crashes.
  21. All the time for the defense and 3D mobility both. 'Jet Pack' from the P2W vendor is free and provides a 30 second boost that takes Hover to Fly speeds. It's very useful to go from pack to pack.
  22. Oh yeah. I get pretty pissy. Furthermore all the deaths in DA were avoidable which double pissy me, but that I blame on the lack of difficult content outside of DA that left me fat and happy. Gotta be lean and hungry to play FA.
  23. I'm close to impervious with mine, but it implies knowing the content (which in turn implies having died to it) and 'actively impervious', not just passively able to shrug damage. For example. I did an AE arc a friend of a friend created and died to Broadsword/Dark Armor EB with its similar themed boss henchmen. Broadsword is not particularly dangerous - though it hits hard - but how did they get me? Dark Armor's stun aura stacked between them all. I would get small moments where I'd be CCed but ignored them. But when I killed the EB it used the DA ressurect which.... stuns 😄 So the remainder of the bosses' stun aura + ressurect stun detoggled me long enough to kill me. Embarrassing death. Next time I would know to kill the small bosses first, or, smarter, use a breakfree pre-emptively at the start of the fight. I'm fine with these occasional deaths since the damage pumped out is obscene, and not just 'for a Tanker'.
  24. I have nothing to disagree with these tests. After several embarrassing deaths in DA due to my inexperience with the content there is nothing to disagree in that FA survives by killing fast. There is no standing the middle of a pack and AFK to go fetch a drink. It's kill or be killed, and with IOs and smart play (Barrier at the right moment, targeting key mobs) we can go all almost-Scrapper-levels-of-damage at the cost of no AFKing in the middle of a pack like other sets can achieve. For someone who chose to play a Tanker this might not be an acceptable trade off. People tend to pick a Tanker to be close to impervious.
  25. People keep on talking about slotting accuracy in the very low levels but seem to forget the beginner's luck buff.
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