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Everything posted by jack_nomind

  1. Or, all the AE NPCs and interactables could be removed without changing the code at all. I don't know that we need OP's suggestion, but this is a bit hyper...bolic.
  2. I'm only going to respond in this thread for this character. Your revision seems like it gives up a lot of defense, healing, and a fair amount of damage for global recharge and psionic resistance. But because you changed back to Agility from Spiritual, none of your powers gain any significant amount of recharge time and many of them (e.g. Energize) actually lose some. I'm not sure what your build objective was?
  3. Heal effects don't work on absolute numbers, but on percentages of their target. Currently, a normally slotted Frostwork provides a +100% HP buff. Halved but put over all three effects, that's a 50% Heal, a 50% maxHP buff, and a 50% Absorb shield. In this case, the 50% maxhp buff is 50% of base HP (50% of 1200, capped to 1600), and the other two effects are 50% of adjusted maxhp (50% of 1600). Sort of. I specified I was using a hypothetical 'blank' Tanker, because working out how much they actually benefit is a bit trickier. Your Stalker's regen rate (in hp/s) already factors in whatever maxhp boosts they're getting from Dull Pain, High Pain Tolerance, etc, and it would be the same for a Tanker. For example, it's pretty easy for a WP tanker to hit 50 hp/s with a slotted High Pain Tolerance and the +hp accolades (it only takes about 400% regen), but the actual benefit they get from Frostwork at that point is only a relative +~26%.
  4. Only the longest taunt matters. Slotting anything more than your actual Taunt for taunt duration is usually ineffective, but you might get a little bit out of slotting a damage aura with it. Taunts + damage are 10-100x better than damage alone, but Taunt alone will not keep aggro. Aggro is kept and calculated as things take damage, so having a taunt and a DoT on something will very often force you back to the top of their hate list. Damage auras usually aren't quite as good as a DoT effect you can put on multiple targets, but they do continuously pulse both attacks and taunts on up to 10 mobs at a time, so the mobs will by default be much more interested in you than anything that's never hit them, or hasn't hit them in a while.
  5. I think this person understands that, and they're just saying the point at which the game assumes those better powers are present to replace the origin power is too early. Too much start, not enough jump.
  6. Y'all are very nice people. If someone asks my water/cold corr for a heal, I hand them a green.
  7. It's not random, but I don't know exactly how the list is ordered. It's one of first-in-time, aggro, or position as the tick runs. So, you know -- engage the EB/AV first, keep aggro on them, and keep them very slightly to your right I guess? Fair enough; you're right that Slow enhancements enhance -runspeed and not -rech. The term colloquially gets used to refer to either or both. In this case I meant -rech. If it's slotted it should show in the power's detailed info... the easiest thing is to test it on Justin. As far as the duration... you'll get basically a new mitigation layer with 1/6th of 25 * (% uptime) as % mitigation vs single AVs. So if it has 100% uptime (17s), you get a ~4% mitigation layer. 200% uptime (that is, it stacks) would be better. Less than 100% is almost certainly too little.
  8. Your aura affects up to 10 mobs at a time (even if there are 20 in range, it only hits 10), and the proc has a chance to work on anyone the aura is affecting. You can have up to 17 mobs aggro'd to you. Unless the proc has a very long duration, I probably wouldn't recommend it. If it gave a -25% slow to everything in range when it triggered, it'd be great; as would it if it had enough uptime to stack against AVs or other single hard targets. But debuffing three random minions for a few seconds each out of any given minute won't make any kind of meaningful difference to you -- you'd see much more impact with just adding more -tohit.
  9. That's another crazy thing -- they perceive color totally differently than we do. Humans have three (occasionally four) types of color receptor in the eye, but the mantis shrimp has 12. We have no idea* what mantis shrimp look like to each other! It's probably a metaphor for like, different perspectives or something, but seriously I just think mantis shrimp are so awesome. * i mean, maybe science does. but how do magnets even work anyway.
  10. It amazes me in that in 2019 with the Internet at ones fingertips that one can still be this aggressively ignorant. Humans find amazment in a great many things. It amazes ME that anyone would make this kind of ad hominem "It's the Current Year, look it up, you're too dumb for my big brain to explain, I can't even" kind of post with any sincerity. He has a point, by the way. Gays have a habit of demanding segregation and then getting mad about segregation. But that's what you get when your entire goal is to get attention. If you're gonna build a pillow fort with a sign that says "no straights allowed," don't get pissed when we don't try to get in. Well it amazes ME that Mantis Shrimp are divided into two classifications based on what type of lethal supersonic combat limb adaptation they have: Smashers and Spearers. Now, that's taken from the Wikipedia page, so I don't know if those are the scientific zoological terms... but I really hope so. And seriously, have you seen these guys? They're fabulous.
  11. The largest HP buff a tanker can benefit from is ~89%, which Frostwork can reach for a Defender with one additional slot. So assuming the tanker had no accolades, powers, or set bonuses that boost HP, they'd gain a +89% regen rate for two minutes from Frostwork. This would (on our hypothetical blank tanker) work out to 834 total HP (base regen of 7.81/s * 0.89 * 120), equivalent to a 23% heal spread out over two minutes (or a ~0.2% tick heal). For comparison, Aid Self on a tanker with one plain heal IO and no other slotting is a 27% heal every twenty seconds. It's not much, is what I'm saying. If you got a damage buff that increased your dps by a fifth of one percent, you absolutely wouldn't notice or care. I mean I'd love that on my /cold Corr, but it absolutely is substantially more overall damage protection. If you cast current Frostwork on, eg, a base HP L50 Blaster who's at half health (~600/1200hp), they already "heal" 200 HP (going to ~800/1600). That Blaster still gon die, doe. Assuming the power is reasonably slotted, your proposed version still caps out their maxhp, puts an 800pt absorb shield on them, and then also heals them to full. In the first case, they gain 200hp of mitigation. In the second, 1800. So like I said I am all about that but giving the power an active heal component is a bit overkill for the set -- it would easily be the best single-target heal in the game. (Hey you gave me a great idea for fixing Absorb Pain though)
  12. Here, it's an additional layer of HP with a max separate from the character's own max and no natural regeneration. Effects that restore Absorb do not restore "normal" HP or vice-versa. If you had a power that granted you +3000 permanent max absorb but no current absorb, you wouldn't see any of it -- but Spirit Ward from the Sorcery pool would be positively *broken* on you. By default, a character's max absorb pool is 0; so if you're granted +3000 current absorb but have no max absorb, you'd get no benefit. Consequently, powers that provide absorb always provide both max and current absorb. This allows high-HP characters to bypass their AT's normal max AT, and provides a buffer to low-HP characters that's more beneficial than a (e.g.) 10% heal.
  13. I usually rely on temp powers for travel. The travel powers are slotted at 41 and 44, so they should stay in for 14/26 TFs. But if you wanted to, you could swap them with Lightning Field and Hasten.
  14. I agree he seems like a Scrapper -- he's even the face of 'melee damage' in the creator -- but he's officially a Natural-origin Tanker. (Despite probably having claims to Mutant and Science, and *definitely* Technology.) Don't forget, Scrappers didn't learn how to punch without needing vampirism or lightning until i22.
  15. You're right -- I don't understand that. Absorb has a max and a current value, like HP. Both are determined by effects, with current absorb being unable to exceed max absorb. (Ordinarily, max absorb is 0.) I don't know what the max absorb cap is, and I don't know if it's determined by the caster or by the target. I do know that it's at least in the low thousands. On a tanker who already has Dull Pain or Hoarfrost, an Absorb power would benefit them while a +maxhp power just... doesn't. On a squishy who needs mitigation now, a few hundred points of absorb works quite well in a way capping their maxhp similarly fails to accomplish. When almost every use case I can imagine is different, it's pretty hard for me to understand how they're identical.
  16. Pine took over Mid's designer. Here is the current version.
  17. Yeah. But it isn't just Fly. SS, SJ, and Fly all work pretty much similarly -- they start out so close to their respective speed caps that it doesn't take much to get them all the way there. They've all also been sped up since i0. (As far as having enhanceable and unenhanceable portions, a fair number of other powers work similarly. And FWIW, Fly's combat speed suppression is unenhanceable so you can actually overcome it if you slot for enough speed.) The alternative would be to either increase the base speed caps or slow the powers down enough that people "feel" more benefit from their enhancements. There's no technical reason not to do the latter, but I can't help but think it would be unpopular. The former wasn't practical on Live and afaik still isn't because Super Speed already goes just about as fast as the server can locate something in a crowded zone. Giving Fly or SJ the same speed caps as SS, which is ground-only, kind of unfairly trivializes SS. Afterburner was a workaround -- it gets Fly close to or even up to SS speeds, but the cost of an additional power and being in a self-only phase are supposed to keep things fair. It provides a base cap increase of IIRC ~14, and enhances smoothly on Schedule A up to about ~28. Personally I'd love it if it's possible for the speed caps to be increased with new architecture, or if at least going over the speed cap reduced travel powers' endurance costs.
  18. I freaking knew I wasn't crazy. Okay, how'd you do it? I've been wracking my brains and I seriously have no memory of what specific ATs they were, but if I were to try today I'm thinking some combination of Kheldians (as mentioned above) and Corrs. Maybe a DPS (Stalker, Blaster, Scrapper, Brute) thrown in but I have trouble imagining any other AT having the punch at that level to make it work.
  19. And some pulp or comic book characters use tommy guns and some use M-18s and some use Uzis, none of which are similar guns. And like, thirty different kinds of sword, all of which have unique traditional fighting styles. What's facetious in my answer, and so what I read into the ones I quoted, is that obviously these don't all need to be different power sets in order to have these kinds of weapons in the game now. So we'd've been better off (like I originally said) if some of them hadn't been implemented as separate power sets then. It creates a legacy headache.
  20. I dunno, man. Maybe you should make a suggestion thread for it? I'm sure that, since you're using it as an analogy, it must be reasonably similar to what's being proposed here.
  21. It's the illusion of choice. An interesting game gives players dilemmas, forcing them to develop strategies out of limited tools. Removing the limitation on tools removes the dillemma. The metaphor I use most often is asking a dozen people to fix something that's broken, say a table, and letting them pick a limited number of tools/equipment from a set to do it -- say four tools from a set of ten. The catch is, none of the tools are quite right for the job. You have a hammer but no nails, screws but no screwdriver, the wrong kind of glue to hold it together, a random rusty spoon -- etc. You'll probably end up with a dozen or so solutions because everyone is going to figure out different ways to make do within the limitations of the problem. But if you give people the option of the best tools for the job -- or if you let them pick all the tools on the table -- you end up with very few solutions, approaching just one*. Paradoxically, too much freedom of choice removes the reality of choosing. * but there's always one crazy bastard who chooses the spoon.
  22. Or give it an absorb shield like it says it does. Then it would be useful to both people who are at the max HP cap, and people who are not, also.
  23. I'm not clear on what you mean. The enhanceable portion of Fly doesn't have diminishing returns beyond what ED would suggest, nor does Afterburner. Do you mean that the speed cap doesn't adjust as you'd expect when you slot Afterburner? (e.g., 1-slotting afterburner with a Fly SO seems to suggest that it raises the flight speed cap by 1.33x, but in fact only multiples the enhanced cap portion by 1.33)
  24. Sure I do. Directly adding current EHP is, in fact, what is being proposed.
  25. Yes. Basically... yes and yes. And shovels, too. But they... didn't make a Shovel set. And there are honestly more comic book characters who use playing cards as weapons than axes. I'm beginning to suspect these answers might be facetious.
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