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Everything posted by Rage

  1. not sure if I am missing something but. are Trench coats unlockable now? my character is level 24. I have trench coats on many of my characters but for some reason i do not see the option on my new character. went to another I have to verify location but just can't find it on my new character in the Icon Tailor. is it moved? or missing?
  2. I have not played a Kheldian to 50 in all the years I have played. I am almost at 50 with the one i have made it is a Peacbringer, not a WS. I am looking for a current build from an experienced PB. been playing since 07 so pretty decent understanding of the different types. But i have recently become fascinated by the Khelds. Potentially look for it to be my main for the time being. So if anyone would like to share a build I would love to take it for a spin. I read over all the first material here so much great info thanks Laucianna. with all of the evolution? is tri form still the best way to go? anyway. please any help here would be wonderful 🙂
  3. So sent this in thru game however. every single time you enter Tailor it tries to change status of holstered or Display weapon to hide weapon. it needs to stay set in the last position it was left in. several occasions making adjustments it has reset and that can be a pain if you are making minor adjustment to the outfit for pool powers etc which you cannot set until you pick them up.
  4. some issue here.... Dual pistols, changed a costume and it removed ALL of my holstered pistols from ALL of my costumes. Just letting you know. 🙂
  5. Not sure where to put this but question about price in the Tailor for new powers acquired. So after level 10 payment is required to make updates and adjustments to costumes. However, we get NEW powers as well level and while the primary and secondary are easy to adjust prior to level 10 Pool powers (super speed, flight, as well the Epics you can acquire at 35 etc... ...) are not set. Is it possible to set it so that when we first get those powers that at least the 1st time we go in to set them up it does not charge for the creation of the visual for those types of powers? Then maybe have it charge influence/infamy, for any consecutive updates?
  6. yes it was late and i was tired lol. And someone on my team told me it was a tf... didnt read it again because late and tired I went back and looked at it in the am and realized it was mish arc. SMH anyhow.. I love all of the changes. keep doing what your doing guys its awesome.
  7. Bad Form on the New TFs... Tried to start ltonight .. No Min level member reqs posted. cannot find in contact search as posted tried to start with 8 man team unable to do so all vigilantes. need a little more info is their a pre req mission to unlock ? wasted a lot of people time and never got it started 😞
  8. awesome additions and changes our SG has been waiting for Trick or Treat for a while so glad its time... as always Thank You.... @Rage
  9. What was the reason for the forum change?
  10. Yes!!! Recognize a lot of names here! Great to be home. Running on Excelsior
  11. Hey guys I am having a problem. I created a Global channel and need to add MOTD and have tried everything to do so and have asked several people but to no avail. (shaking off the rust) can anyone please remind me How to add MODT to my channel or let me know what I am doing wrong here please? Thanks Rage
  12. Just to toss my two cents into the ring. This is a pointless debate whether you are a farmer AE or otherwise, or if you're on the other side and don't like farming etc... As someone alluded to earlier this is a game and what brings enjoyment to one does not necessarily bring it to another. There are enough people on teaming shouldn't be a problem and if one server is polarizing to a specific way of operating the game is new enough again move to a different server. Bottom line is there are options and if you are focusing on how others play you are obviously not enjoying the game yourself. Someone else farming in AE should not affect your play. Some people like 50's play style. Others like all the content. I myself am a mix between the two. But again you happiness in game should not be fixated on what others that you don't even play with or socialize with are doing I don't see how that ruins anyone's fun nor should it. Join an SG that is running missions, Change servers if you're on the wrong one. Post up the LFG tab etc... Go play, fly defeat baddies. The game is back why on earth do we want to relive the arguments of the games final days. I for one am having a blast and we don't know for how long this time realistically so my biggest suggestion is soak it all up for as long as we can. Happy Hunting Rage Omega Factor
  13. CoH was my first MMO I remember logging in for the first time after making my first character and seeing all of the other Heroes in Atlas park. It was amazing and I was hooked from that moment on and had to share so I roped my brother into playing and we played until the day it shut down and thanks to the wonderful Devs who worked so hard to bring it back we are at it again. Thank You all for this.
  14. City of Heroes was my first MMO. Played it until the day it closed shop. I played SWTOR with some friends from Pinnacle for a time but we all got bored with that one rather quickly. I think if your a Hero or Villain at heart there is only one Game that works. And together we built it into a community and I think that is why we can't let it go. I for one am glad its back Bugs and all. And thanks to the people behind the scenes for doing what they do. And I am also glad to see all of your smiling faces in Paragon
  15. That is true... I know its down often and I want to play like mad lol but They are volunteers and my hat is off to them because I am sure it cannot be easy doing what they are doing right now. I am sure They will work out most of the bugs soon. I am just glad its working its way back
  16. So just wondering if I should go back to using MIDS? I see Mids and Sucker punch hero planner. Is Mids Still the old Standby or is Sucker Punch Hero Planner the new tool? Any thoughts? I am Open to feed back.
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