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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. And I am all too familiar with /JRanger, lol. That actually made me laugh because it brought back so many memories, thanks for that. :D
  2. Some of you took this very personally. I asked for a cap increase, not the old system back. And some of you took my post as an insult. That's on you, because I never intended it to be that way, in fact I even agreed that it was extreme. You folks need to relax and get off the high horse here. Your replies are borderline toxic. Toxic is not what this community is about and you most certainly do not represent this community with toxic replies. This community as a whole is a positive one. Coming at me the way some of you did was completely uncalled for. Relax, explain why you disagree, that si fine. However, let's tone down the attitude and stop taking this on a personal level. We all play the same game here. Some of us love it for different reasons, however, here we all are. Let's speak as though we are face to face and not as though we are behind computers. The disrespect here is showing. Let's not do this just because you disagree. That is not the type of community I wish to be a part of here. If I wanted that, I would go play WoW. Thank you.
  3. Pre i6 (I think) the aggro limit was limitless. However, although not all were bothered by this, there were some players who felt this was causing serious issues due to Fire Tanks herding entire maps, pulling every NPC on that map to a small corner, and Burning the NPC's down. This was extreme. The Developers heard the cries of the vocal, and implemented a change that was equally extreme, just in the reverse of the original extreme. The game went from one ridiculous to another ridiculous. On one end, whole maps were being herded and farmed (not much different than how players now farm AE missions today) to an extreme end, and now on the other hand, with the new aggro limitations in place, we get one group of NPCs fighting us, while the other group who stands right next to us, just stand there...oblivious to the fact that we are beating down their buddies. Before the change was made, the NPC's had a certain realistic feel to them, because if they were within range of you, they were going to attack you, regardless of how many NPC's you have on you. The game had a bit more risk involved, you had to be smart to move out of the way of patrols, or not let the fight get too far away from a controlled location. Now, you have NPCs literally standing 2 feet away from you, doing nothing, while you are smashing the socks off of their buddies and rumbling the building with a hail of powers. My suggestion is that we increase the limit on aggro. We don't increase the limit to a point that we get back to the original extreme, but we increase the limit from 17 enemies, to 30. This allows a group to have the attention of 2 mobs (in case mob two gets aggroed) and a pathing mob. This also brings back that realism the game once had but has lost, without turning it to the ridiculous herding craze it once was.
  4. Yes, I guess it would have been helpful if I had mentioned that, lol. On a side note, the reason why it was so difficult for me to figure out, is because the first mission of both parts, start in the sewers, which made me think I was doing part one again...and if memory serves, the first mission even says it is part 1?
  5. Found it, thank you. However, be aware, upon completing it, my whole team Mapserved just after we got the badge. I also gained enough xp in the last mission to gain a complete level. After the mapserve, we all lost the badge and all xp gained.
  6. Before the mapserve, I had gain two levels and got he badge for completing the mission. Mapserved the very second the mission ended, lost the badge and all the xp gained in the instance. Might want to let people know, it's an aweful lot o work for nothing gained. :(
  7. I have ran part one on three different characters. Now I am looking for part two. For whatever reason, I can't seem to figure out how to start part two. Could use some help here. Thank you!
  8. Yes, and I stand corrected. It is indeed an all resist set. Which is why after reading your post, I made an Elec Tank. I never played Villains outside of playing Stalkers in PvP on Live. Never rolled a Brute. I was hard core Heroes and before I stopped playing CoH, Elec was not a Tanker set. So some of this is very new to me. Even some mechanics have changed. I am picking up on it fast though...but after 6 years, it is amazing how much I have forgotten. I just wish Elec had an aggro holder similar to an Ice Tank's Chilling Embrace. Nothing can hold aggro like an Ice Tank. Auto hit debuff type powers seem to hold aggro better than hit check powers. For example, Invuln's Invincibility, or Rad Armor's Beta Decay. It would have been a perfect set in the hands of a Tank, had the set had an auto debuff power rather than an PBAoE with a hit check.
  9. Embalmed do not use endurance to activate their suicide bomb. I was on my Ice Tank and notice them try over and over to no avail, yet heir endurance did not drop even a little bit. I figured it would be like a blaster trying to fire off snipe, yet keeps getting interrupted...that endurance would drain very quickly. So keep this in mind when fighting them, draining their endurance or interupting them over and over will not prevent them from going boom, unless some change is made to them. Second thing is, I remember back in mid life of City of Heroes, I once requested a Tank set that was pure resist based. Don't ask me why this never happened, it would have been a very unique set. However, it seems what we got instead where the same old types of Tank primaries that revolve around a bit of resist, a bit of defense and a bit of regen. Maybe one day we can hope for a "Metal Skin" all resistance Tank set, eh? I'll keep my fingers crossed. Another thing for us returning players....talking to your first contact (you know, the ones we used to talk to in order to unlock inspirations from him, we had to run a few of his missions before we out leveled them?) and running their missions is no longer required to unlock their inspirations. In fact, now I can see no point in running their missions at all, other than pure story line. So if you just want to hit the sewers until you pop level 8-10, you can do so without worrying about out leveling your first contact. Lastly, somebody told me that Frostfire was deleted and was no longer an option to play....they were wrong, Frosty is still alive and well and you get the mission the exact same way you always have! Also, this one is a bit of a request. Can we get the old taunt back? I miss the deep growl, the "Come hither" growling taunt. Now all we have is the "I'm constipated!" taunt. Yeah, can we pretty please revert that one, or maybe even make it an option??? Anyway, take care, all. See ya around in game!
  10. Gah, I was really hoping Excelsior would be the unofficial PvP server. Had my names reserved and everything. :(
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