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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. The bind that Solarverse provided in a sense, works, but broken. The changes, if memory serves right, was 'fixed' on Issue ...either 16 or 17. Reason for the change was that players were able to post false powers/abilities link, clicking on it could result to anything that could be done with the slash command. Back on topic, if one must really want the clear background, following the command as an example: /bind enter "beginchat <color white><bgcolor #0000001><bordercolor white>" You'd have to keep moving the cursor every single time at the end before typing... or, just copy paste the color input before typing your message. Hey! Just teamed with you for Positron Part 1. You and I actually had a little chat about this. I wonder if it would be worth it to the new Devs to give us fix for this? Really hate to see this go. It was quite unique and lots of fun. Good run today, by-the-way. :)
  2. I ran in to only one creep, he made my global ignore list or life. I was advertising for a Frostfire mission (I run that mission on every single one of my characters) and a player sent me a tell, telling me he was level 2, and if he could join. I simply replied, "You may want to run a couple of DFB missions first, this mission is a bit high for a level 2 player." Oh that set him off, started accusing me of patronizing him and started getting outright rude with me while tossing insults. I tried once to calm the little guy down but he was triggered. I simply /gignored the player. Not the type of player I care to run with. So his acount wil no longer be an issue for me. He is the ONLY player I have had an issue with since this game reopened. I hardly count that one single player as a toxic community. I have seen a bit of toxic people on the forums though. People on the forums can be a bit rude, it seems to draw them from any game you play, however, the people on these forums hardly represents the community. As most players have nothing to do with forums, nor do they want anything to do with them. Forum posters are the minority of any game.
  3. My main in the old days was a Tank. PB's and Energy Blasters and anything else that did knock back only got one warning. If they scattered my mobs more than once they got the boot. I never had to even warn the good ones...the players that took the time to angle their attacks and blast them in a direction that helped me, not scatter the mobs...however, there is a huge drawback to this; it takes time to set up, and in later content, mobs are already dead by time you set up and hit Build-up + Aim and then your Cone/AoE. End game content PB's are poop IMO. And trust me, I love playing PB's...especially human form. So it stings a bit saying this about them, but they are poop for end game content, even if you know how to play them.
  4. I too would love this. DFB groups have all but taken over LFG chat. It's hard to get a word in edgewise when looking for TF groups or the likes. If DFB had its own channel, that would be great. But like someone else said, hopefully DFB groups will die down a bit after these next couple of months.
  5. I honestly don't understand why more people aren't going to Hollows. I never touch Kings Row. I go straight to DFB till level 9ish, then hit Hollows until after Frostfire, then it's straight to Posi TF Part 1. Then I do TF's all the way to 50 with the occasional regular teams in between. Kings Row missions (usually radio missions) just seems boring to me when there are much funner ways to level.
  6. QFT. I have counted 10 players before requesting a DFB run, not one of them offered to start a DFB run. I put out the message to form a DFB run and filled the team in 20 seconds flat. It is funny to me that so many people want teams, but are unwilling to form one. What also kills me, is when people join your team, but are not patient enough to stick around long enough for you to complete the team. For an example: I was forming a Frostfire team. One guy said he would join, so I invited him. Within ten seconds he said, "You don't even have a team yet?" and then quit. I invited another player, and he instantly quit as well. I shook my head thinking, I will never fill a team if people keep quitting the team before I can fill it. People are impatient and unwilling to form teams themselves.
  7. Ah, thank you, I'd never heard of him. Japanese Ultraman was the only one I'd ever known about. This link may be more direct. But yes, Ultraman is what Superman *is* on Earth 3. On Earth 3, Superman grew up much differently than he did on Earth 1. Ultraman wants Superman dead, and they have fought quite a few times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraman_(comics)
  8. I think this thread needs to pick up more momentum. Surely somebody out there knows how to make this work? We can't be the only ones who remember the specialty chat bubbles?
  9. I seen this preview in theaters back when it was still fresh. The first word out of my mouth was, "That is not a "what if Superman was evil, that is Ultraman's origin story." That could easily be Ultraman's Multiverse origin story.
  10. I guess I would be one of those not please. I prefer knockdown.
  11. This is the forums, where even things that you think EVERYONE in game agrees with, you find forum posters who disagree. Nothing you can say on these forums in form of suggestion will go unchallenged. You need to remember, forum posters represent the minority of players (most people do not post the forums, nor do they want anything to do with them. Forums can be too toxic for most people) and most vocal. Most people just want to play the game and are turned off by the politics of forums. They might have tried posting once, then seen how things are played out on the forums and they said to hell with that and stopped making posts. What scares me most, is our game will change based off these very same posters who have a tendency to belittle anyone with an idea or wish for a change. Which is why I truly believe that no suggestion that relates to mechanics of powers should ever pass unless it is in the form of an option, since the majority of players don't even know these changes are being requested. Options are where it's at. I think everyone can at least agree that options are always going to be preferable than a down right change. At least with an option, you can play the game the way you want to play it, not the way the vocal minority wants you to play it.
  12. I have learned two things from reading this thread. 1: People are argumentative and want the world to see how well they can argue and desire the throne of argument. 2: No matter what change you ask for, somebody is going to be rude in their response, soliciting an argument. Reason for this? See #1. This is why I prefer options over change. If people want to argue an option being added to the game with me, they can pucker up and kiss my behind. ;)
  13. Hahahaha, as funny as that is, there is no way! I would bash my head into my computer screen, lol.
  14. I have tried remembering how this works as well and made posts about it, unfortunately, it seems you and I are the only ones who remember this, as I got no replies on my threads asking about this. The command only half work. You have to manually input your cursor in the chat box after hitting enter, then arrow key the cursor to the end of the chat, at which point you can then enter your chat. The command I used to use is as follows: /bind enter beginchat <color white><bgcolor #0000001><bordercolor white> I can't remember where I would enter this, but the afk message would be like this: $$afk Shhhh, I'm typing Hope this helps. Maybe you and I can put our heads together and get this figured out. We need more people working on this.
  15. As much as I despise Power Leveling of any kind, I can't say I agree with this. It may seem like nobody is doing anything but Power Leveling, and that may be the case on your server. However, if you come to Excelsior, you'll see it's about half and half here. There are so many people looking for teams of all types here. Do I wish the Power Levelers had their own channel? Sure I do. So perhaps they should go make a channel just for them. Assuming that still exists? Have not tested it yet. So yeah, let them have their own channel and have them stay out of Looking for Group, that may solve their issue. But forcing people to stop Power Leveling isn't the answer here. They will always find another way. It will jsut end up going back to Fire/Kins, o9r back to Fire Tank, or back to Spines Scrappers, it'll always be something...and the practice of nerfing missions, or aggro limits, or AE missions, or nerf the xp gain of destroyed objects, or constant spawn NPCs...the list goes on and on with how they have tried stopping power levelers, while it only hurt the regular players, IMO is not the answer. You just force the PLers to find another means to power level, and then cause that to get nerfed as well.
  16. Yeah, I agree. It would loosen up the feel of it a bit if they alternated arms. Just sad they had all those Kata animations to chose from, and they only used one.
  17. I dunno man, you really think there's a good use for Flurry? I love stacking it with Sands of Mu... It's FUN! What do you think of the animations of the first two attacks in the set; Mental Strike and Psi Blade? The first two attacks I have noticed seemed very stif to me...I couldn't wrap my head around why, until I noticed they were a direct copy and paste from /em Warmup, which is now called /em Kata. Then it all made sense to me why the first two animations were lacking my personal favor, as they are kind of uneventful? What's your take on that? (Not that any of this matters, I would think asking for any type of animation changes in game would be off the table. Just furious of your opinion, since you are clearly the Mr. Brightside of these forums, heh.)
  18. P.S. 688 posts? man, yhou get around, don't you? :P
  19. Haha, I have plenty of imagination. I think you are confusing imagination for education. I was unaware you could use it from hide without breaking hide. That makes quite a bit of difference.
  20. P.S. What powerset is that in your avatar? Energy for sure, but some of those moves are not energy. What are you doing there? Not all dangerous targets are bosses. Boggle lets you take them out of the fight in one stroke. For example, Tsoo Sorcerors can be made harmless in on application of Boggle. Even better, now they heal your team. So yes, you do a little less damage if you take time out from attacking to apply Boggle. But in the right circumstances it's very worth it. As for my avatar, that's not from the actual game, I made it with demo editing magic. Man, that sure looks like an amazing powerset. It should be in game. Energy with Knock Ups. That would be sweet sweet. :)
  21. So when you could be doing damage to high threat targets, you should confuse targets instead? I still see nothing but fail in this logic. Not saying your logic is failed, saying to sit around and confuse one target while you should be fighting another, is failed. P.S. What powerset is that in your avatar? Energy for sure, but some of those moves are not energy. What are you doing there?
  22. I'm glad you brought that up. As a Stalker, who do you generally burn down first? The Boss, right? How many times does it take a Controller to apply confuse before it takes effect? So you think the Stalker needs to be wasting time trying to apply two, maybe even three, depending on the mag confuse Boggle has, applications of Confuse on a Boss? If you invite a Stalker to the team, would you feel he was playing a good Stalker if you seen him wasting time applying stacks of Boggle? I'm not so sure, I think it is debatable.
  23. Am I the only one who feels that the last thing a stalker set needed was a power that does no damage and serves no real purpose towards the goal of the Stalker class? It's the Stalker's job to eliminate the threat as soon as possible, and adding a confuse power to the Stalker set was just...odd. I can't be the only one who sees this as off?
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