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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Here is the problem I am having with that; Blasters are not Controllers. They lack in DPS for a control. I'm sure Controllers would love to do more DPS, but they are Controllers. We have DPS classes, just like we have controlling classes. Makes no sense to me why a Blaster should get a cone Immobilize when they should be having an AoE Damage ability in its place I get that you like it, however, it doesn't belong on a Blaster and it hurts the class and their role in the group. Edited for typo.
  2. I myself am not a big fan of the animations. I made a similar post the other week. The animations are very stiff, and have even noticed a STRONG similarity between the animations of Psychic Melee and the Kata Emote (Formerly known as Warm-up). With all the cool sword animations, they had so much room for potential fluid and cool looking animations they passed up on.
  3. I am curious what you guys think (or maybe you don't think) may be hurting Dark Primary (don't get me started on Secondaries) for Blasters. Me personally, it boils down to two things. Umbral Torrent, and Tenebrous Tentacles. Umbral Torrent: Yet another Knock Back. I know some people like Knock Backs, but to many players like myself, Knock Back is a bane we simply don't want, nor need... we hate it. By making it knock back, you pretty much involuntarily ostracized much of the player base...which if you skip the power, limits your options and your DPS potential. Not to mention, if you really want to pick at it, the animation to me is simply not visually appealing. Tenebrous Tentacles: Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, (City of Heroes players can never agree on anything, lol) but the last thing a Blaster needs, is a Cone Immob that does craptastic damage. Blasters need AoE DPS, something that stings when you use it. Something that goes boom! What do I believe the Blaster should have been given in their places? Glad you have asked! To replace Umbral Torrent? I believe the Blaster should have been given a beefed up version of Night Fall. A Cone DoT attack with a wide cone area. Not to mention, the attack animation is very appealing to the eyes. To replace Tenebrous Tentacles? I believe the Blaster should have been given a beefed up version of Engulfing Darkness. A Dark version of Irradiate and again, has a very nice animation and an AoE that the set needs if Tenebrous Tentacles were to be replaced. Now this is just my opinion, some may agree, some may not, but this is City of Heroes...where all equally love the game, but none agree. So I am expecting half and half on this one. However, I don't mind if you disagree, but I am curious of how you would change the set if you could, or if you would leave it as is, and if you would leave it as is, I ask you...do you play a Dark Blaster? Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Hope to see how others view Dark Primary for Blasters. Would be nice if we all agreed, but something tells me, in good ol' City of Heroes tradition, we won't. :D
  4. Your avatar is bad for aesthetics. Every time I play my Energy Brute, I fully expect to see my target get knocked down or up with every blow. Thanks, man. You have successfully ruined my view of Energy and what it should do! I blame Obama! >:(
  5. could the person have confused Knockup with Knockdown? I actually made that same statement. No, they believe that all three are their own separate entity.
  6. After reading this thread, I have come to one conclusion. City of Heroes players can't agree on diddly poop! :D Immovable objects meet unstoppable forces. No matter what type of suggestion, you always are going to have the No guys and the Yes guys and they will battle it out till a locked thread. :D Hahaha! I fricken love you guys~
  7. It sounds like a learn to play issue to me. Instead of compensating for the stupidity to trollers in game, maybe we should instead let this change continue and teach these poor souls instead.
  8. People in game talking about things they know nothing about. I actually had somebody argue with me that Knock Back and Knock Down is two entirely different things. They did not believe that Knock Down was the exact same thing as Knock Back, just a lower Mag of Knock Back. I even provided the evidence that backed up what I was saying...I eventually gave up on the conversation. It was not going anywhere and this person claimed a Dev backed her point up. I hardly doubt a Dev ever said that they were their own separate entity, if they did I can find no information on this, while there is tons of information that backs me up. Not to mention, when tested in game, the mathematics of KB being a KD at .67 Mag also backs me up. Otherwise, enemies that con green would not fly back when hit with Fault...they would still knock down. People having no clue what they are talking about is one thing, but when you provide them with the proof and they refuse to even look at it to help educate themselves, it down right frustrating.
  9. I'm not entirely sure how else to tell you that you're objectively wrong. I guess you could be shown in game? I dunno man. Earlier today not even 2 hours ago i watched a brute without a healer tank 3 54+2 AV's and not die at all. Brutes are extremely good tanks. How exactly do you think villains did anything before tanks could be villains? I second this. Brutes WERE the Tanks on Villain side. Aside for from that, I can get 84% vs Smash/Lethal, 69% vs Fire/Cold, 90% Energy, 47% Negative and Toxic and 90% Psionic resist on an /Elec Brute with relative ease using IO's...which is not too far off from a Tank. I'm sure I could do a bit better than those number if I tried. This was just something I tossed up on Mids. This is not to mention a Brute will do 3 times more DPS. Brutes are Hulks in this game. Tanks are...well, meat shields, pretty much all they are good for. So why invite a Tank when you can have a Brute? Tanks shine in early levels where Brutes fall, however, after IO's, Brutes take the lead by a country mile. I'm honestly not even sure how this is an argument.
  10. The sounds of this game used to be AMAZING! AoE Heals, and random toggle sound effects have been crushed due to people complaining. One aspect of the game we will never get back. So I am sure the reason behind this was that they were trying to find a sound people wouldn't complain about, sadly, they over killed it. They should have made these sound changes an option, sadly they did not. The people who complained got what they wanted, while ruining the experience for those of us who prefer powerful sounds. Hopefully you find an answer to your question, sound with this game is a big issue for me, I would like to find a way to change, or at least bring back the complexity of sounds this game once had.
  11. Ahhh, so it's zone, not who enters the mission first. Good to know. I knew I was close. People keep trying to tell me that it does not set to your difficulty, that you can't control it, but I knew I was real close to figuring out how to control it. I thought it was whoever entered first.
  12. Yes, you can adjust difficulty of the mobs you fight. Everyone has to be on the same difficulty level, because the mobs spawn according to who enters first. This has been a big discussion in many of the TFs I run on Excelsior. Discuss please of your findings.
  13. Did you guys do something to fix the rubberbanding? I have not had an issue with rubberbanding ever since this patch. I honestly do not believe it to be coincidence.
  14. I give this the official Solarverse thumbs up. Right behind ya, my man.
  15. Same, and most of the time I have to click the chat bar first, I can't just hit Enter and End. It wouldn't be so bad if that were the case.
  16. Has anyone tried Super Stregnth with Elec Shield? Elec has no defense, all resistance. So in this case, the -Defense does nothing to hurt /Elec.
  17. I dont get home from work for another 4 hours, but will try it out then and see what happens. I would really love our specialty bubbles back. There has to be a way to still pull this off.
  18. That is the same issue we are having. We are hoping for a fix or a new method of getting the same result.
  19. It's somewhere around .67, but I get what you saying. I actually support this idea. Anything that makes it an option.
  20. I was fair about it, some (although not many at all) actually do know how to use KB. So I was sure to mention that in one of my previous statements. However, not enough players use it correctly to justify it staying in game IMHO. Not to mention, but in late game, by the time players set up to use KB correctly, the mobs are already dead. Just seems to me (again, only my opinion) that KB was just a bad idea from its infancy. Plentiful knockback in a superhero game is a great idea. Knocking each other around is an important aspect of superpowered fights in a lot of media. The problem is often the randomness of it and that so many other powers want enemies herded up for maximal efficency. There are two designs that are simply at odds with each other. If the balance of things lay differently, people would be complaining about powers having merely knockdown or that people who want to herd and then use AoE are wasting their time. I made a few threads on this during live, and I always requested an option to turn it on or off. When teaming without a Tank (had a team last night with no melee, it was all blasters, controllers and defenders.) the knock back would be welcomed. So even I would use it from time to time. Part of being a Superhero is being the master of your powers. Having no control over them makes little sense even in a comic book world of heroes. Having the option to make them knock back or knock down seems preferable here and is a good compromise.
  21. This thread would not be here if that pertained to what we are talking about. Completely different chat bubble. You can try the chat command listed in this thread. That will show you what we are referring to.
  22. I was fair about it, some (although not many at all) actually do know how to use KB. So I was sure to mention that in one of my previous statements. However, not enough players use it correctly to justify it staying in game IMHO. Not to mention, but in late game, by the time players set up to use KB correctly, the mobs are already dead. Just seems to me (again, only my opinion) that KB was just a bad idea from its infancy.
  23. They also make Blasters Useless: The throw a Fireball, now instead of hitting the nice and tight mob, they hit only one or two. They make Tanks useless: A Tank goes to use Foot Stomp, instead of hitting the mob he worked so hard to gather up, he now only hits the floor and air. Tank taunts, now he only taunts one instead of the whole mob. They make Controllers useless: Instead of immobing or hold the mob still for the blasters and Tanks, they are now permanently held all over the room in random places...which restricts the mob from running back to the Tank. Now it takes 2 to 3 times longer to kill the mob. In fact, the only thing that isn't rendered useless, are Master Minds and other players who use KB to scatter mobs. It truly does boil down to, who has the more logical argument. The "Don't tell me how to play!" guys, or the "Your play style is hurting your team's play style" guys? Even worse, is if you kick a player for using and refusing to stop using KBs in a negative way, some people want to make you out to be the monster here. To me it is simply this. You either play along the grain and not against the grain of the REST OF THE TEAM, or you are gone. No hard feelings, we simply didn't mix well. I mean, there does have to be a line drawn somewhere. You cannot spoil the fun of 7 players, just to be sure that 1 player gets to play the way he/she likes. The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Simple Logic, spoken by our beloved late Leonard Nimoy.
  24. That was actually a welcomed change by many players.
  25. NO! WE....MUST....CHANGE....THE....GAME....AND....NERF.....EVERYTHING!!!! I want to see this game nerfed to the ground, to where the most powerful ability in game is Brawl!
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