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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Honey, not everything is as politically loaded as you might assume it is. Sometimes you just want a little red riding hood character to burst into a giant werewolf and have some continuity to it. And my post is under the understanding that it could be not worth the hassle for a pretty small feature. Just throwin' a little logic back at your way. Awwww, you called me "honey." :D
  2. A lot of players still getting random rubberbanding, even when server load is medium.
  3. For PvE? Any set. For PvP? Elec. Why? Because in PvP, with all the +Acc and +ToHit and all the -Defense going rampant with IO sets and players who know how to build for PvP, Defense sets stand no chance. So to answer your question, either one works well in PvE, I think you can shoot for theme and make good builds. Have fun and play the way you want.
  4. I dont really care one way or another, however, I am concerned with how much resources and time would be going in to a politically correct function, that a good portion of people are most likely not going to agree with. Not everyone believes in the gender pronouns movement. Just seems to me that we should leave any real life politics out of a game. It just brings real life issues in to a game that people play to get away from real life issues. I dont care if it is added, I just feel this could potentially stir up trouble in a community that is fine without being political in any real life way. Just some food for thought, how important is this to you? If you find it a top priority, then by all means, continue. If not, might be best to leave it alone. Your choice, just wanted to send a bit of logic your way to give you so.ething to think about.
  5. Missing used to break you from hide and left you with your pants down. Also, now that we can AS without hide, that opening miss doesn't hurt so much. I think trying to make it auto hit would make all other players scream foul in PvP. With set bonuses, you shouldn't miss often enough for it to be a big deal.
  6. I'm at work, so I can't look at it right now, but does it show how to bring all the sounds back that have been set to fade out and toned down? I actually love the sounds of peoples auras and miss the stacking sounds of the heal powers. I would give anything to get them back. I was actually upset when they changed that on live. Always wanted it to be an option, that way people who loved it could keep it, but no option became available. Hope to hear good news on this.
  7. KnockDOWN would be more like it, which if memory serves, is a .67 mag knockback. Which means it is only knock back against enemies who have zero knock resist or con green. I would stop playing my PB if everything was suddenly changed to a knockup. It would look silly to me, I can't get on board with a knockup. Change it to knockdown and you won my heart. I have made similar suggestions for Energy Blast back when the game was live. So I would actually like to see this added to both AT's.
  8. The old Gravity Propel was actually better. Not sure why they changed it. objects used to explode on contact, making a loud boom noise, it looked painful as hell to be hit by a truck that explodes on contact. Now it bounces off like rubber and flops around on the ground. Would be nice and I would +1 this if they could reverse the change back to Propel's original graphics.
  9. This just in... Hamster dies of a heart attack.
  10. I remain convinced that there were plenty of 'you will have fun our way' people running the live game. Did these thing intersect with performance and other things? Sure. Does not mean, as the example noted suggests, there was not also a large dosage of 'play our way' involved. Humans are human. /QFT
  11. Playing right now, no rubberbanding that I can detect. So I think you are right. Edit: Scratch that, it is starting now. Rubberbanding randomly.
  12. Quite a lot of people hated the unlimited aggro nerf as well. Even though they not once were forced to partake in any teams who played this way, they still hated it and demanded a change. Guess what, we don't have the unlimited aggro anymore. Disclosure: I hated the herding mentality as well. When I played a Tank in those days, I limited my aggro gathering to 3, 4 mobs tops. I didn't herd entire maps unless I was strictly with Super Group mates. I hated Power Leveling with a passion because it makes bad players. Now we are restricted to 17 max aggro, and now we have NPCs who stand around and act oblivious to your presence if more than two mobs are within range. So in my opinion, we went from one extreme to the next. I would like to say, I dislike AE as well. Hate everything about it, and when it was first suggested as an idea, I called it for what it was, a farming frenzy. Now we have it, now it is. However, I don't try and rain on people's parade. If I run in to bad level 50 players, I simpl;y remove them from the team if they are unwilling to listen to reason. Just because people will power level noobs to 50, doesn't mean I have to play with them. However, it also doesn't mean I have to come to these boards and cry for a nerf either. I have options, I use those options. People love to feel in control. This is human nature. People also love controlling how others play the game. This is why we no longer have unlimited taunting/aggro. I know the Devs said that it was breaking the game, so be it. However, taking it down to 17 enemies was a bit silly IMO. It felt more like a punishment than a "fix" to me. I do not wish to punish those who love farming and power leveling. Just if they are going to play that way, they had better be willing to listen to other players who know how to play the game and understand the mechanics when on teams, otherwise they will find themselves playing a very lonely game.
  13. So with a Corrupter, you can chose minimal effects for the Ice Shields. It doesn't annoy your team mates to have that blinding Ice Shield covering their characters, and it actually still looks nice and frosty. However, the Controller (not sure about Dom) does not have this option. Anyone know why?
  14. Today it's not so bad. Only happens about once or twice every 10 to 15 minutes or so. yesterday was bad though, it was happening like once or twice every 1 to 2 minutes.
  15. Okay, so back in the day, I used to use this bind to get White borders, clear background, and black chat. I also added in an afk message taht read, "Shhh, I'm typing" that showed up any time I hit enter to type out a message. You can use this bind, however, it only works if after you hit enter, you manually place your cursor to type in the chat box. Previously, the cursoer was automatically there...here is the chat bind: /bind enter beginchat<color black><bgcolor #0000001><bordercolor white> $$afk Shhh, I'm typing! Then you hit enter. What this does, is every time you hit enter, it automatically enters this bind, makes your chat color black, your background color of your chat bubble clear, and a pronounced white border around your chat bubble. In the old days, your cursor would always start at the end of your chat box, and you could just hit enter, say what you like, hit enter again and your message would be displayed above your head in a very unique chat bubble. Now, instead, you have to manually place the cursor in the chat box, then scroll it to he end of the bind, before you can type yuor message, essentially making i worthless. For those who try this and after testing it, wanting your old enter bind back, simply go to options, go to keybinds, go to chat and apply enter as your key bind to chat. Does anyone have a way of making this work with new bind commands? If so, please, discuss this with me. It is honestly driving me insane trying to come up with a different bind that accomplishes the same goal.
  16. From what I can tell, a lot of players are experiencing random 5 to 10 foot rubberbanding issues in game. This is not affecting all players though. However, I am getting reports from many other players who are having this same problem. I work for the internet company and can find nothing on my end that could cause this. Also, I play Planetside 2, a much more graphic heavy game with no issues. Is there something going on here that I am unaware of? Is this a known issue? Any ideas that could help me fix this if it is on my end? Thank you.
  17. My Stalker is Electric Melee. So we can at least rule out dots as being the culprit. I used to play as Spines on live, and PvPed heavily with him. The mechanics of a Stalker was something I was very proficient in, I had to be as a PvPer, and dots were a factor with that, but all that does is allow the player you placated to target you again before the placate duration ended. Dots do not take you out of hide status though. You stay in Hide status unless you take damage. Even a defuff wont bring you out of hide. It has to be damage. So we can rule both of those out at least. The server prioritizing could be a thing though...as of right now, to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to verify or debunk this one. So this remains a possible. P.S. This is happening in PvE, as I have yet to be able to experience this in PvP, due to the fact that I have yet to PvP on this version of the game. If I had to use an educated guess, I would say that it has something to do with us now being able to use A.S. even out of hide, and the system does an out of hide crit check before checking the Assassin Strike from hide, and if the crit check from out of hide goes through, you will not get your Assassin Strike from hide, but instead get the crit from out of hide instead. If the crit check fails, then you get your Assassin Strike from hide damage. Could be a flow in the coding for the mechanic itself. This is just an educated guess though.
  18. Placate does not have a to-hit check. As far as the rest of it, I have taken those in to consideration and have ruled out those situations. Really scratching my head on this one.
  19. I always considered taunt a mind control thing...after all, they do have an animation that pops around their heads when you taunt. ;) In all seriousness, one thing I ahve always given credit to with this game, is that this game actually made taunt work. Other game, taunt is always flawed and never sems to work properly, or you need to build enough damage to make the taunt noticeable. This game did it right, they made Tanks just the way they were supposed to be. Low Damage, High Resistance/Defense and a very good method of holding aggro. Also, we as players do the same thing. We fight hard to kill what we perceive to be the highest threat, IE Ruin Mages who has a crazy OP Force Bubble. So in this way of thinking, it makes sense why they would focus on the Tank. Most of what you said here I can agree with this. However, you could also say raising the aggro cap could have potential consequences for the team...as in team wipes. I'm not hell bent on this request by any means. To me, it would just make better sense then NPC's standing around, right next to you, and looking clueless that you are even there. I can live with it, obviously, I am still playing the game, haha. It would however be a nice change though. One thing you have to keep in mind when posting requests for change...nobody likes it. People dislike change. I remember when people came to the forums to request an aggro cap, people hammered on them and rip and roared because they felt as if it was fine as is. It seems any change request comes with a risk of being shut down. I don't mind being shut down, because most of my requests that I will make will either A: Be something almost everyone agrees with or B: Be a bit controversial. Either way, I am going to love this game...and am just glad we ALL have it back. I'm glad to be back. Feels good! Regardless if this request is warmly met or not. ;)
  20. This right here. Nothing else needs to be said other than the fact the pre ED would not work with the current system of IO's. This is what the bonuses were for, to overcome ED. Characters are much more powerful now than they were pre ED due to IO's. IO's changed everything.
  21. No, your /JRanger was an exception, at least it was funny, lol. Trust me, I intend anything I write to only be as opinion unless I am speaking of facts. My opinion, although shared by many people I randomly speak to, is still just that, an opinion. How many share my opinion is unknown. I do not know if my opinion is justifiable or not, I leave that to the developers. And you made me cringe with the name Jack Emmert...that is a name we shall never speak of again. ;) I agree. I was speaking more from personal perspective. It just feels wrong seeing enemies just stand there, oblivious to the fact that my team and I are destroying their pals, not even reacting to it at all. That was my only complain during live about the aggro change. It just feels wrong and doesn't make sense even on a fantasy make believe level. I am also not a farmer. In fact, you will never see any of my characters in an AE farm. I despise power leveling of any kind. Remember when they increased the ignore list on live, and shortly after increasing the max ignore list, they brought the game down for a hot fix? That was because I discovered a bug (even got the rare bug finder badge for this) that crashes any map you are on when ignoring a player once your ignore list is full again. I reported it to Positron and they brought down the servers and implemented a hot fix. I was under agreement to not disclose my bug find until after the server was brought back on line with the hot fix in place. The reason why I tell you this, is because I filled up my ignore list in a single day due to ignore anyone I seen begging to be power leveled in Broadcast in PI. So my reasons here for an aggro cap is very anti-herding and more about doing away with mobs just standing around when they should be fighting. I did not mind that others farmed, that was on them. I did not mind that others power leveled...I just hated seeing players beg in broadcast. That is what bothered me. Trust me, my global is @Solarverse, and you can take to the bank that you will never see any of my characters power leveling or offer power leveling. To me, the change was extreme. It was not an attempt to be toxic, it was simply my opinion that the change was extreme. It was extreme watching Fire Tanks herd entire maps, and it is extreme seeing NPCs oblivious to your presence. It seems to me that there should be a happy medium. At least in my opinion. Also, I wouldn't *think* that a change such as this would be game breaking, since it still implies an aggro limit. One that would be useless for farming, but productive to game play...at least in the way I view it. Thanks for touching base with me on this, very appreciated.
  22. Sometimes when I placate, I can gear up and use Assassin Strike with the full effect. Other times, it's like I am not hidden at all and only get the normal Assassin Strike with the crit, without the extra strength that comes with using it from hide. It seems random on when it works with Placate and when it does not. Anyone know why this is and how I can control how to use the ability under placate conditions? I can't figure it out for the life of me what I am doing wrong here.
  23. And I am all too familiar with /JRanger, lol. That actually made me laugh because it brought back so many memories, thanks for that. :D
  24. Some of you took this very personally. I asked for a cap increase, not the old system back. And some of you took my post as an insult. That's on you, because I never intended it to be that way, in fact I even agreed that it was extreme. You folks need to relax and get off the high horse here. Your replies are borderline toxic. Toxic is not what this community is about and you most certainly do not represent this community with toxic replies. This community as a whole is a positive one. Coming at me the way some of you did was completely uncalled for. Relax, explain why you disagree, that si fine. However, let's tone down the attitude and stop taking this on a personal level. We all play the same game here. Some of us love it for different reasons, however, here we all are. Let's speak as though we are face to face and not as though we are behind computers. The disrespect here is showing. Let's not do this just because you disagree. That is not the type of community I wish to be a part of here. If I wanted that, I would go play WoW. Thank you.
  25. Pre i6 (I think) the aggro limit was limitless. However, although not all were bothered by this, there were some players who felt this was causing serious issues due to Fire Tanks herding entire maps, pulling every NPC on that map to a small corner, and Burning the NPC's down. This was extreme. The Developers heard the cries of the vocal, and implemented a change that was equally extreme, just in the reverse of the original extreme. The game went from one ridiculous to another ridiculous. On one end, whole maps were being herded and farmed (not much different than how players now farm AE missions today) to an extreme end, and now on the other hand, with the new aggro limitations in place, we get one group of NPCs fighting us, while the other group who stands right next to us, just stand there...oblivious to the fact that we are beating down their buddies. Before the change was made, the NPC's had a certain realistic feel to them, because if they were within range of you, they were going to attack you, regardless of how many NPC's you have on you. The game had a bit more risk involved, you had to be smart to move out of the way of patrols, or not let the fight get too far away from a controlled location. Now, you have NPCs literally standing 2 feet away from you, doing nothing, while you are smashing the socks off of their buddies and rumbling the building with a hail of powers. My suggestion is that we increase the limit on aggro. We don't increase the limit to a point that we get back to the original extreme, but we increase the limit from 17 enemies, to 30. This allows a group to have the attention of 2 mobs (in case mob two gets aggroed) and a pathing mob. This also brings back that realism the game once had but has lost, without turning it to the ridiculous herding craze it once was.
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