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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. I guess I am one of the odd players out there considering everyone else with whom I have discussed power use.  I am a keyboard player. Movement is WASD and powers are number pad. Rarely using my mouse for powers. I have 3 trays for all my main powers and I have bound tray 1 to numpad1-0, tray 2 is alt+numpad1-0, and tray 3 is ctrl+numpad1-0.  (Alt and Ctrl are hit with my left hand because I am never moving while firing off my powers) Recently, I started with tray 4 as a standalone next to my 3 primary trays. Tray 4 contains my vet powers and if trays 1-3 fill up, I'll move any toggles to tray 4. Those I'll activate with my mouse since they normally only need to be hit when I rez. 

  2. I play on a lap top (while at work... ::shhhhh:: ) and my desk top at home. All I did was set my windows the way I want on the laptop and /wdwsave and then set them the way I want on the pc and did /wdwsave. Then I just type /wdwload on whichever system I am using at the time. I didn't need to name them because they're saved on the system you're using at the time and will load from that system. The last setting used is the one that is saved on the game server, but that's overwritten when you type /wdwload. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 8/22/2019 at 12:06 PM, HelenCarnate said:

    Blappers are a thing but they tend to eat the floor until they can get some defense with IO sets. Atomic is a good secondary for being in melee range as it gets a recharge bonus that increases with more mobs in melee range. Also a pbaoe hold and some decent albeit slow melee aoe and single target attacks. 

    I was going to mention Atomic. I have a water/atomic blaster and there are times I do feel a bit blapperish.. I don't play that way, but with the holds and close up powers, I feel a little more survivable at close range. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Heraclea said:

    Null the Gull will turn off the movement speed aspects of Speed Boost and similar buffs.   I wonder if it would affect these as well.


    There's a specific room on the Council maps, where a slope with a cliff leads to a long series of catwalks with a spawn at the bottom,  I call that the Speed Boost Room.  Time to surprise everyone with a burst of movement speed. 


    Null the Gull turns off the movement speed if someone ELSE grants it to you.. it doesn't work on powers that you give to yourself.. I would LOVE it if did because my FF/Ill controller spazzes out when I use siphon speed on myself.  (Well, she doesn't spazz out.. it only looks like she does because I suck at movement with just sprint on...)


  5. 9 hours ago, TonyV said:

    I guess in the end, I always think, if I were a player and I had my choice of knowing the big stuff now and finding out the minutiae later, would I want that, or to be kept completely in the dark until it was all over and done with? Having been a player who has faced both of those eventualities from various people and entities, I'd choose the former over the latter, so that's what I've pushed for.


    Thanks a ton for all of your continued support, even those of you who are skeptical but still hopeful.


    There are pros and cons to being in the dark and not being in the dark. In this case, I am happy to know something is happening. I will continue to play daily because I love the city I am saving/harassing like it was my own. I feel this situation lets me prepare for either outcome.


    I was devastated the day we got the email from Cryptic saying they were shutting down. I remember where I was when the email flashed on my phone.  Before reading it, I had one of the few "psychic" moments in my life and I knew it was a sunset email.  If I wasn't in public, I probably would have cried. 

    Thank you, Tony, for all the work you, Jimmy, Cipher, and all those behind the scenes are doing to keep our city alive and prospering.  The fact that I've had the ability to go home again is something I never believed would happen and I am going to enjoy the hell out of it while I can. 


  6. I know you said that things would work inside buildings, but outside can be a problem as well. I have a Crab and with his arms, he's probably my tallest character.  When I run around Sharkshead, he sometimes get caught on pipes/scaffolding/etc that other characters can run under. As a jumper, I have the uncanny knack for jumping through the exact space it takes to fit into a set of metal girders that I couldn't get into if I tried. Getting out of them with a bigger character is REALLY a pain in the butt.

    (Yes, I *JUST* remembered the /stuck command and will have to try that next time.)

    That being said, making a tiny character would be awesome 🙂 I don't PvP so I don't care about the hit box 🙂 

  7. 15 hours ago, cejmp said:


    Q: You admit that you aren't the most perfect designer... how do you get people to stick around in your games?
    A: I had a vision for the game. In action/RPGs, there aren't any items with stats. Why do we need all of those numbers?


    Oh yeah? Anyone remember the desk with 1,000,000 HP? Or the filing cabinet that ran away?


    • Haha 3
  8. I'm 6/8th Italian.. took 4 years of Italian in HS and college.. The only thing I can do is conjugate the verb essere in the past perfect, I think... fui, foste, fu, fumo, foste, furano. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, PaxArcana said:

    Also so that you couldn't 6-slot any defensive powers you had with just +Defense or +Resist, and become effectively unkillable.


    Also also, so you couldn't 6-slot Regeneration powers with just +Heals, and lso become effectively unkillable.

    Sorry to derail the topic, but while I hated ED at first, I think it made the game more challenging and fun. It stopped being a push to win and became a more thinking game. 


    (I DO miss dumpster diving and being able to use my blaster nrg nuke to take out 100 enemies in one shot.)


    • Like 7
  10. 4 hours ago, THEDarkTyger said:

    It wouldn't have gotten off the ground if he hadn't had people reigning him in during development, though. Even then, after he left, the game made vast improvements specifically through discarding some of his early design philosophies.

    True, it is because of him that we have this game to play... but I remember him saying that every AT should be able to survive taking 3 white minions without any problems and that's how he designed the game. When people started finding ways to take on heavy hitters, that's when he got upset because they weren't playing the way he wanted everyone to play. I *think* that's why ED happened, to force players to use the secondary characteristics of their powers and not 1 slot acc/5 slot dam. (I could very well be wrong...)

    As for the gold farm companies, they managed to kill that with our help. I thought they had made changes that characters under level 10 couldn't use global chat or something like that. They also did something with new accounts. We had the ability to report gold spammers as well. 

  11. 1 minute ago, jubakumbi said:

    So why are the creatives _still_ trying to shame people because they like to cosplay, based on some supposition that IF a rule is made, there will be enough 'rule breakers' to shut down the game, when, if fact, there is no real evidence of any of that occurring, only vague fears based on supposition and hearsay?


    If you saw my first post, I have NO problem with people cosplaying.. you're right.. there IS no rule right now. so, I don't care what people do. (as long as it isn't offensive.. even then, I just don't play with them right now). 

  12. 5 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Eg. "Costume policing"

    Nope.. it's the whole thing for me.. if the character is a blatant rip off, then I'll say something. i.e. In live I saw a character called Mr. Inr3dible with a really good replicated costume. There was no guessing needed. After politely mentioning to this person that copyright characters were not allowed in game and why, I got the "F- off' response. He got reported. 

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