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Ruin Mage

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Everything posted by Ruin Mage

  1. Not from that wiki, that's for sure.
  2. I've not seen everything Tom Hanks is in.
  3. Krimson. It boils down to a few things: The Foot Stomp does HEAVY smashing damage AND Unique damage. Crystal Titan does a auto-hit Prism Blast that I believe is 100% that unique damage Ambrosia, the insp used to tank the unique damage, is less powerful during Master runs. Not all tankers, scrappers, or brutes are built equal. That smashing damage AND unique damage together makes Eden unfavorable to melee
  4. Probably shouldn't quote/modify a quote few know about. If the tactics almost certainly (almost being key) require melee to fly for a non-telegraphed attack that does high level of smashing AND unique damage then that's not the best design.
  5. Mileage may vary with the Foot Stomp and the spooky crystal blast. The Prism Blast is auto hit & Ambrosia is nerfed during the Master run. Certain sets may be able to tank the stomp better than others. Which means the Stomp is an issue. Remember, it has Unique damage and very high Smashing.
  6. What. That's not the point you dingus.
  7. Also newsflash: Master of isn't a prestigious achievement. Stop being a gatekeeping fart sniffer over a badge. I would have edited it in but I know Astralock's thread here is about to attract the people who got carried on their master runs.
  8. please tell me you're shitposting. please. no one in their right mind would want a mob that does insane amounts of unresistable damage + a nerfed inspiration against said damage during a badge run.
  9. I hope you know what sort of Pandora's Box you opened up by making a farm thread. I'm not against this idea.
  10. The balls harden.
  11. It'd be better saved for when they can figure out how to make settings for teams apply outside of TFs/Trials, but thats IMO.
  12. Using the no temp/no travel power as a basis would still require some work I imagine. But the main hold up, or so my guess-work tells me, is finding a way to make that setting appear outside of TFs. That window only appears for TFs/Trials.
  13. I once had a full grown cactus thrown at my face.
  14. bait set. time to watch from afar to see how this goes.
  15. Quite a few of those devs only appeared after that statement was made. A good example of this would be Cobalt - who was around prior to being a Dev under the name Nayreia. They were brought on in 2021 if I tracked it right. Booper only really appeared in the last year or two. Caretaker appeared this year. You don't really have anything besides a two year old statement to work off of when evidence shows otherwise. As said, the on-boarding process is likely a lengthy thing.
  16. If that was true, We'd not have Cobalt, Caretaker, Booper, and I believe Player-1. Also I believe Piecemeal was brought on in 2021 too, or 2022. Bringing on devs is just probably a very long process.
  17. Farming was a thing since Issue 1. Dumpster Diving in the werewolf ruined city map (Think Unai) or the demon map of Harvey Maylor. AE just centralized it all to Atlas Park (for the most part) for the longest time. Until my bomb went off after 10 long years and destroyed the Atlas AE building. (that is a joke)
  18. As someone who RPs an immortal mage from Egypt? My [redacted] is HARD. LETS GOOOOOOO.
  19. There were other settings as noted in the thread title. Enemies Buffed is a setting different from the 4-star setting.
  20. Not quite. Live had exp because of the backlash - unfortunate or fortunate depending on your views. The rewards thing I'm not sure about but AE Babies is very much a Live term to refer to those whose entire 1-50 journey is AE-based upon joining the game. As in its a character who lived and breathed the AE. usually also came with people who didn't quite know how to build a character, but not always. The anti-farm vs pro-farm mentalities were way way worse on Live now that I think about it.
  21. They did say they had to split it up due to time constraints. Challenge.
  22. The intention of the AE was for it to be used to create missions and ideally 5-mission story arcs. It's called the Mission Architect. This is proven by the fact that Paragon Studios did try to take a bat to farming during Live. However, the farming ability stayed in AE for reasons. Be it that the farming population on live lost their shit (which was likely larger/more vocal on live versus here), or the blanket removing EXP also sort-of hurt mission makers. It's a bug because it was THREE times the exp rather than two. That was the bug. Instead of double (as per the name of the buff setting thing) it was giving triple. That's not some feature, but something no one took notice of until last minute. Its original intent was that you earned tickets. You spent those tickets to get things.
  23. Not exactly something needed if we (I say we and I mean I at this moment) have provided open links to the area where upcoming changes first hit a initial testing stage (albeit in a form of 'hey dont talk about this until we're sure we're going to commit to it' aka the "Closed" Beta -> Brainstorm pipeline) Nor has it really ever been done in the history of testing things across games to my knowledge.
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