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Everything posted by captainstar

  1. Hey, is just a doubt. I'm not an expert in computers. Some people here get to angry for nothing.
  2. I understand your point. But we could keep just Galaxy echo then. And about the "extra space", is more a thing for our computers. But if you says that not gonna change the space problem so much, then I have no problem too.
  3. One little doubt. Do we still need that "echo maps" to do anything fun? A part from get some badges and do that quick Adamastor kill? Otherwise, I think we could relocate these badges to the offical maps, and change the "Adamastor kill" to the official DA now. And maybe save some space to do more changes later.
  4. Not if I want a power with the same animation effect as energy. Radiation get close, but a bit slow in comparation.
  5. Like Tankers complaining that KB mess with all mobs.
  6. Since we have to use a enhancment to fix the KB problem. Why not just put that option in character creation and save us some time and "money"?
  7. I used to do blind invites when I started the game. I didn't get angry when nobody accepted. But I think I invited the same person by mistake twice. And 'she' accepted the invite the both times just to say that blind invites is a bad thing and then leave the team. I get angry with her and we discussed. And she got angry with me too and probably blocked me, if I remember well. (oh, and she edit that quote that we can use in team to "NO F*CKING BLIND INVITES") lol
  8. Yeah, I remember one day, a long time ago, when I saw a guy in the game with a Superman costume. I notice that he probably have the same MOD than me, since I was seeing the Superman logo in his chest. But when I tried to talk with him, saying that I could see his Superman logo... he runed away! lol I think he got afraid of doing something wrong in the game.
  9. Can we have some takeoff animations for the power to fly?
  10. My last one, Frio Absoluto!
  11. That is a MOD that I use, to have some famous Superheroes symbols in the chest. It's a thing you put in the game, but only you can see it. 😉
  12. I hope I don't get a Generic name for creating this character. lol But she is more of a tribute than a copy. The Super American Girl!
  13. Since you touched on this subject. I also think that we could have a small button that disables the buffs that are shown below that bar in the game. Instead of needing to access the menu and then options, to disable it.
  14. Can we have more letters for character names? I would like to use letters from my native language in some of my characters in the game. Like "á, ô, ão, ção", things that we use here in Brazil to show the sound of a letter and stuff like that.
  15. Using the "CoH Modder" to see Statesman again.
  16. My character inspired by a typical Brazilian food, Pão de Queijo! 😎
  17. Ok, tks Chris. I just got excited seeing this kind of art for free I think. lol But I can wait, for sure.
  18. Hello, I don't want to rush the owner of this topic or look like I'm demanding anything. I was just wondering if his proposal is still valid? Or is he on vacation? Or something like that.
  19. Well, someone sent me this text file here, and it looks like we can dub a lot of cutscene. All City of Heroes Sounds.txt
  20. I had an idea. Does anyone here know anything about dubbing? I think it would be cool if they dub the cutscenes of our game. And put it on CoH Modder.
  21. Did you tried control the sound in options?
  22. And I tried to post one more wallpaper here, but apparently it has a limit.
  23. Not Starman, Automan! And one of them is just a "cosplay" of a Galaxy Ranger. The others I'm gonna let people guess.
  24. I was trying to make a character in honor of detective Frank Drebin, but I noticed that the 3 elderly faces we have available look a little angry. So I ended up choosing the first face, which seems a little sarcastic. And that is why I would suggest a new, more pleasant elderly face. Another thing is that I think the Controllers and Dominators pets could be a little more elaborate, to look a little more threatening, and not just a glowing light effect that walks.
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