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Everything posted by captainstar

  1. Could we have Guards for our bases? Like Longbows or Arachnos holding weapons or giving a military salute.
  2. If they create this I think one of the powers could be "suffocate", you would pull the air out of the bad guys' lungs.😈
  3. Think was something that I find on reddit, but I deleted now. Can't remember.
  4. Well, I know that when I use collapse someone else can use push-ups, and get really close to my character. lol So I don't think it would be that difficult... hopefully.
  5. I think this could work with a "request button", like we do with trades.
  6. Heya, I would like that we get 2 new emotes. A side hug... And carry someone else.
  7. Tks Harlequinn! My sg mate send me this one, but he had problems with slots to fix the endurance problems. Blaster-Electrical-Blast-Sonic-Manipulation.mxd
  8. Ok... Amelie - Blaster (Electrical Blast).mxd
  9. Oh, and she would be more the range type.
  10. Hey guys. I made a blaster with these powers. But I also want to get fly and Scorpion Shields for her. Can anyone here help me with this? Tks in advance! 😃
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