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Everything posted by 12thPower

  1. Not sure. Where can I find this script?
  2. If you could do that, that'd be greatly appreciated. I would love to know your entire method and config files for converting TGA files to textures. I'd love an easy way of putting more content in this thread.
  3. Since Shadow Maul is being given a pass, can the self-root be removed, finally? That's what really hurts it.
  4. The alpha channel exists in the png file. I can attempt to convert them again, but I'm limited by the tool I was given. Can I ask what you're using to convert from png to texture?
  5. Unfortunately, that's not something I can fix.
  6. Congratulations to the winners! It must have been a tough choice.
  7. I'm not sure what is causing that. There must be something wrong with the textures I converted, not with what you're doing. If the textures hadn't been extracted to the right place, you would see nothing unusual at all, just the normal game texture. I'll ask on the Ouro dev discord if anyone has seen this happen with the conversion tool. Edit: They suggested either the files were corrupt or there was a graphics setting causing it. Can you try to redownload the zip file and extract it overtop of what the trouble textures?
  8. I submitted a critique about the Roleplaying role colour to the #homecoming-feedback channel on Discord and it had some positive reactions. In case it didn't get seen, I'll add it here: Also, I like the new double-thick text outline, but it transitions very suddenly. Can it be made smoother?
  9. I'll see what I can come up with.
  10. I like these changes. The endurance change will help endurance hogs (Dark Armor), opening up more choices for Ancillary and Incarnate powers to them. The buff to Cone/AOE will help proliferate less popular melee powersets now that they can compete with Footstomp. The only suggestion I have is to apply the Cone/AOE buffs to all such powers and cap them at a maximum rather than blocking some powers from being buffed entirely. It feels odd that a 90 degree cone is now wider than a 100 degree cone. Just cap them both at 180.
  11. The game checks the data folder for the files on launch. Where did you extract the zip file? It should look something like: C:\City of Heroes\data\texture_library\GUI\Cursors\
  12. New teleportation hub on Everlasting. Zone-8888
  13. This, please! Separate the two AT's.
  14. Invulnerability and Super Strength are the most iconic superhero power combination. Nobody flies around with a Superman tribute thinking, "Stone/Katana Tanker. Nailed it!"
  15. Please, please not this. A button that wants my attention, but which I'm not supposed to click? And if I invest in recharge bonuses, it's going to be there until I do click it? I'm going to have anxiety over accidentally clicking Rage when it's already active. You want to balance a single buff for two different groups (Tanks and DPS). Impossible. As a Tanker, I just want to be able to enjoy Super Strength without a defense crash. This weird, social engineering "don't click me!" ring is not the way, but I have an idea for you. Super Strength Stances! Defensive Stance -- Rage grants a greatly reduced damage buff, still stacks with high recharge if you have it, but no longer has a defense crash. Offensive Stance -- Rage behaves like it does on the Homecoming live servers, defense crash included. Stance cannot be changed while Rage is active.
  16. Please consider lightening the purple hue used for Roleplaying names. I don't have great eyesight and I can't make out any names using this role. It's made roleplaying a literal headache. On Homecoming Live servers, look how dark the purple role is: Can you lighten it more like the default blue and other roles? Something more like this mock-up:
  17. Introduction Found here will be a collection of texture mods, cursors, sound replacements, keybinds, and macros I've created. Hopefully, your gameplay will become more enjoyable. Please report bugs and submit requests here. Base Teleporter Beacon Labels Ever been confused by base teleporters? This texture pack puts clear text labels on them. Download Base.Teleporter.Beacon.Labels.12thPower.v1.00.zip (1.87 MB .ZIP) In-Game Preview Texture Thumbnail Previews Revision History Zip File Contents High Visibility Mouse Cursors Busy screens can make you lose track of your mouse cursor. These cursors should stand out a little more. There are a few variants. If you have requests for different styles, please let me know. I made these back in 2011 and have since lost the original PSD files. Download High.Visibility.Mouse.Cursors.12thPower.v1.00.zip (133 KB .ZIP) Preview Revision History Zip File Contents Neutral Character Selection and Creation Backgrounds During character creation dark powers have a red tint. These backgrounds are grey so you can see what your powers really look like. Download Neutral.Character.Backgrounds.SetA.12thPower.v1.00.zip (4.36 KB .ZIP) Preview Revision History Zip File Contents Installation These texture packs are completely safe and reversible. Just extract the folder structure directly to your main game location. As an example, the folder structure of my teleporter beacon pack should resemble this: <game location>\data\texture_library\WORLD\V_COV\Bases\Details\Functional\base_tele_aux\ <game location>\data\texture_library\WORLD\V_COV\Bases\Details\Functional\base_tele_arc_aux\ Quick Installation Guide Removal Just delete the files you unzipped. Acknowledgement Huge thanks to @daiopowen from the Justice/Excelsior Discord (and creator of some nice custom cursors) for helping me with converting to the texture format.
  18. Just tried the new compact menu. It's gold!
  19. This occurs when clicking "About".
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