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Posts posted by Oklahoman

  1. The event calendar doesn't include the nightly Hami raid at, like, 8/9pm Central? (He said, with no confidence whatsoever.) That's pretty consistent, and they rarely need to advertise for it because people just show up.


    In addition to that and the calendar, there are frequent Hami's and MSRs throughout the week as league leaders like myself have time and energy to do them. I run MSR's several nights a week at 10pm Central, though I may start earlier - I don't have any kind of schedule for that at all.


    Welcome to Ex! See you soon!

  2. On 9/4/2021 at 4:29 PM, Shenanigunner said:

    Of the auxiliary game functions, nothing needs more attention — IMVHO — than the overall text/chat/email system. It was crude at launch and hasn't gotten better with age.


    Definitely a lot of room here for big improvement, I think.

  3. Had success on 2 out of 3 Triple Threat runs recently, and wanted to share what we did. This is via chat only - not using Discord or TeamSpeak. I only use 50+3's for this, and I mix the teams up as best I can. Sometimes, 11 blasters show up and you do your best.


    During the Kill 250 IDF phase, make this announcement in league:


    AFTER THIS we split up for the AVs. Take the AVs to 10% and HOLD.


    Just before all 250 IDF are killed (arrested?) make this announcement in league:





    We want all 3 AVs to drop together! Try to taunt Nega-Pendragon and Shadowhunter near each other.


    The biggest change was this - when the league approaches 10%, 5%, and 2% on the AVs, make these announcements as appropriate BOTH in league AND request:





    Once at 2% on all AVs, hold until Chimera jumps. Then, make this announcement in league only once Team 1 is re-engaged with Chimera:


    GO NEGA!!


    Once you see Nega-Pendragon hit 1%, then announce for the rest of the league to go. I use F10 (multiple times) which for me says "FINISH 'EM!!" I hit F10 3-4 times so it occupies most of the chat window.


    Still some luck involved. In the one case we failed, Chimera ticked up a few percentage points after I called to "FINISH 'EM!!" Rotten luck. Of course, you can always have players who aren't reading chat, aren't watching their pets, etc. Best you can do as a leader, I think, is get the league in a position to succeed then hope for the best.


    Why announce both in league and request as you whittle the AVs down? For those who have the request channel enabled, it just emphasizes that stage. All the sudden there is purple text in chat at this crucial stage. Maybe it's catching more people's eyes at that point. People who have the request channel silenced still should see it in league. I have all my instructions in popmenus so I just send the same message to both channels with 1 click.


    Giving Nega that head start at the end let's you see if there is an issue there. If you notice they are hung on 2%, delay your call for the rest of the league until you see movement. It's hard to put the brakes on at this point, but if you do see one of the AVs tick up you can try to stop everyone and reset to 2%.


    Calling for Nega to go right after Chimera TPs will maximize the time that team has on Chimera in the final moments. You don't want Chimera TPing just before he's ready to bite the dust.


    I'll keep running with this method and may add to it, but for anyone else who is trying this using the chat window only, maybe it gives you some ideas. Share you experiences, too!

    • Like 1
  4. I mentioned this idea in another thread, thought I would break it out here.


    I think it would be helpful if we could "expand" any given server on the server status page and see how many of each type of trial is in progress. I'm wondering if that would be easier to do on the server status page than inside the game itself.


    Might also be helpful to know how many are in certain zones where zone events can occur (and PVP I guess, but I never do that) - RWZ, The Hive, The Abyss. That could be an indication something is about to happen there - or maybe just finished.

  5. On 8/18/2021 at 12:27 PM, Apparition said:

    Mostly I want a support set that lets me shoot my teammates.


    As I was playing the other night, I wondered about adding an ammunition to Swap Ammo. Healing Cloud, or something like that. I suppose you could have a targeted AoE heal with regular damage on the target, but an ally AoE heal around them. Not sure how you would buff that unless you allowed slots for Swap Ammo itself. It's not quite what you want, but maybe an easier lift programming wise?

  6. 2 hours ago, Ukase said:

    There's no question, I see value in a leader attending other leaders' trial runs just to gain a different perspective. (Not that Oklahoman doesn't do this already - I've no idea). 


    I completely agree, and I absolutely do. I haven't seen on Excelsior, though, many attempts for Triple Threat without Discord. You probably don't see me join others runs as Oklahoman, though, but rather one of my alts. I'm always curious how others run things, even for things I run frequently myself.


    As an aside - one of the things I frequently learn from others runs is what instructions I no longer need to give, so I can streamline what I do. Less is more.


    14 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

    on Everlasting there is a Master of Magi run every Saturday night (I think... I'm at +9 GMT) where the whole thing is executed via chat only. If you haven't already participated in one I think you should give it a look.


    I definitely need to check this out, assuming Everlasting will have any of my toons back. 🙂 I'd also welcome their input here, if you want to mention it to them next time you see them forming. If they've cracked this nut, we need to share that info with everyone else.


    14 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

    use Request chat


    I hate the Request channel slightly less than Discord. 🙂 I'm open to it if it would help, but any channel I have to give instructions to people to join and monitor is already problematic. I'll toy with this, though. I'm open to new ideas.


    2 hours ago, Ukase said:

    Try a run without the RP type jargon. Use the speech you might use in every day life, avoiding words like "Varmint" and such.


    First off, I scanned all my log files, because I save all of them like a digital hoarder, and I can definitely say I HAVE NOT used the word Varmint.  🙂 Your point is not lost, though -clear English at critical times. I think I do that, at least in this case, but I'm open to being corrected. Here is the relevant portion of my current popmenu for that run:



    WE ARE GOING FOR THE TRIPLE THREAT BADGE. We're going to split up and try to drop the 3 AVs at the same time. THIS AIN'T EASY, SO FOLLOW CHAT CLOSELY!

    AFTER THIS we split up for the AVs. Take the AVs to 10% and HOLD.



    We want all 3 AVs to drop together! Try to taunt Nega-Pendragon and Shadowhunter near each other.


    I don't have this in a popmenu, but once everyone is at 10 I tend to say "GO TO 5 AND STOP" and "GO TO 2 AND STOP", or some slight variation thereof. I had some confusion from the group saying "WE'LL FOLLOW NEGA-PENDRAGON" (meaning Nega should drop first and everyone would take that as a cue to finish off the others), so I've been trying something different now. If any of that is coming across more as RP than instruction, check me on that. And I can definitely move a lot of that to Request (ick) to see if it helps.


    I do appreciate everyone's constructive feedback on this. It's hard for me to believe we can't find a way to do this with at least a 50% success rate.

  7. Last night we were successful in getting Triple Threat on the third try. First try failed due to itchy trigger finger syndrome. I think it was a MM who wasn't controlling their pets.


    Second and third try used the same plan, which was to get all the AVs down to 2% and hold, then turn the NEGA team loose and ask the other 2 AV teams to take their cue from the NEGA team. On the second try we were off by maybe half a second - it was really close. On the third try all the AVs dropped at pretty much exactly the same time.


    No doubt luck and overall league skill factors into it heavily. My goal is just to get us in a position to succeed as often as possible. I'm gonna run with this plan and try to standardize it into my popmenu. Again, still love to hear new ideas, so keep 'em coming.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Erratic1 said:

    They were forming Synapse, I responded immediately after announcement, went to zone, and waited. After a bit I got told they were waiting possibly for someone. Then a few minutes later they were full up.


    Is it possible an invite was sent WHILE you were zoning? I run into that a lot with my iTrials, where I don't mind getting tells for invites, but since I am recruiting fewer people it's easier to notice if I sent 3 invites but only 2 joined for some reason. I should have included that as yet another reason I ask people to broadcast for invites for MSRs - your invite could get lost while zoning, and I can't always keep track of it as well.


    1 hour ago, Erratic1 said:

    When I form a TF I update my recruitment message as people join so as to keep a count of how many people I have, even if some of the invite have to logout to swap characters.


    Since others have listed their pet peeves in this thread, I'll list mine in hopes of completely derailing the conversation. I posted a suggestion once that you shouldn't be able to hog LFG by posting there more than once every 30 seconds (or minute, I forgot what I suggested). The people who post "DFB 2/8", "DFB 3/8", "DFB 4/8"... - all just a few seconds apart? I'm not that invested in your recruiting efforts. But, yeah, if you're posting every 30-60 seconds and include a count, as I am sure you do, that can be helpful.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Mezmera said:

    Option 2: "It's easier to invite in zone"  


    Seems to me it's faster to explain your reasoning in option 2 than telling someone to go off and search for enlightenment.  


    I get what you are saying here, but you need to understand that after you say option 2, the conversation is almost never over. That's not a satisfactory response for someone who feels entitled to have it thoroughly explained to them in a manner with which they can agree. Your response here would probably elicit a response from the player of "Why? You just took all that time to type that and you could have just invited me instead." And on it goes while you are trying to form a league. Worse, even if you have decided to stop responding to the tells, they keep going. "What? Couldn't face you were wrong!?!?" Then it moves from tells to the LFG channel - "He won't invite me because I won't follow his silly rules!" Then come the nasty emails.


    So, now I am back to the point that if I have said "NO TELLS" and I still get tells, I just don't respond at all. And if they get nasty I gignore them, at least for a few months.


    Maybe, just maybe, if you tell someone to go search the forums (or provide a shortened URL) they get the info and never, ever do that again, becoming a better community member in the process. Maybe that's a better way to handle it than what I do. I can certainly appreciate someone trying to help someone else.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Ukase said:

    Have ONE player (or maybe 2)  with incan be far from all three AVs and their job is to monitor the hp of the three AVs once they're at 5%. 
    They are to have incan selected and ready to fire, where all they have to do is click for the incan to pop. (and all players need to have tp prompt disabled) 
    They click ONLY if they see a regen tick after you give the kill command. But they have to be really attentive. 


    I like this concept of a safety valve, because as a league leader trying to guide everyone at the end there is SO MUCH to try to keep track of. Having someone else keeping an eye on a couple of those things would help. May play around with this idea, thanks!

  11. We made 3 attempts at it yesterday. First attempt was my regular approach, and again someone got an itchy trigger finger and dropped an AV before I said go.


    The next 2 runs we did like I mentioned above, where starting at 5% I asked only tanks and brutes to fight. Again, the first result failed because an AV dropped before I said go. The last run failed because one of the AVs regenned a bunch right after I said go. On that last run, the tanks and brutes had trouble keeping the AVs around 2%, and we had to keep jumping in and helping.


    Someone mentioned Damage over Time as a likely culprit, as well, rather than an itchy trigger finger. Could well be given selection of interface. Also, someone mentioned dragging all 3 AVs together, but since Chimera jumps around that doesn't seem like it would work.


    Still looking for a solid way to do this with in-game chat only, so I am open to ideas. It's a tough badge to get, but I refuse to believe you need either Discord, luck, or both to get it.

  12. 16 hours ago, eldriyth said:

    Global reduced set bonus requirements after reaching a certain veteran level/incarnate goal/accolade.


    An interesting idea, and I like the idea of adding some benefit for hitting vet level 200 or whatever. I'm about to hit vet level 400 on Oklahoman, and I've been joking that I hope then I will be strong enough to knock over barrels in a Lambda trial.


    I wish we did a better job of communicating in-game about enhancement diversification, so when I think about this suggestion I think we then need to do a better job of communicating the rule of 5, etc.

    16 hours ago, eldriyth said:

    A simple change to code


    I'm not sure this is a thing. 🙂

    • Thumbs Up 2
  13. Has anyone tried maybe asking the league to back away from the AVs at, say, 5% and letting 3 defined players finish it? Are +3 decently built characters strong enough to keep making a dent on the AVs by themselves at that point? I feel like time isn't usually the issue, and with a general retreat order it becomes really apparent who's not participating - they stick out like a sore thumb. We can always have people buff/heal the 3 attacking the AVs.


    I just can't go with a solution that relies on Discord, so at the end of all this if that just leaves luck, then so be it. 

  14. 20 hours ago, Aeroprism said:

    I never claimed to be a skilled player.  I just love the game.


    You and I think a lot alike.


    20 hours ago, Aeroprism said:

    Unfortunately, it sometimes feels like this section has become a pissing contest to determine who can come up with the edgiest way to rebuke any and all ideas.


    You and I think a lot alike. 🙂


    So, there isn't a "team rez" inspiration, I believe. Just wondering if there is an opportunity to create one and combine one of these ideas. Sounds cool.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Zhym said:

    The timing for Triple Threat is so tight that it's hard to get even if everyone is paying attention to chat and attacking only when told.  Without Discord, you need both a good group and luck to get that badge.


    Completely agree. The advantage of Discord in this case is that you are also selecting from a pool of players who WILL listen to instruction. If I can duplicate that for players who are willing to READ instead of just listen, then you just leave that luck element you mentioned.

    • Like 1
  16. 14 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

    Unless the devs ever decide to make a feature that has the league leader's text come up...


    Actually would love it to be a default setting that team leaders and league leaders chat messages are highlighted, but I also LOVE the idea of league leaders getting to have a big message on the screen like you recommend.

  17. 21 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Laying on the chat will only work with folks who care to read it or can keep up with all of the information being put out. 


    I went through an extremely brief period (like, 2 hours) where I literally had a Google quiz people had to pass before joining my Lambda badge runs! 🙂 Through time, effort, and tinkering with how I run it, I now only have groups fail it occasionally rather than routinely - without a pre-game test. 

  18. Part Guide, Part Plea For Ideas


    I love leading Magisteriums, but for me the Triple Threat badge is very tough to get a league to cooperate. I've been researching for awhile and trying some different things, but nothing is consistently working. So I thought I would come to the forums where everyone is always so helpful and non-judgemental.


    I understand that using Discord makes this easier. I personally hate Discord, with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. I refuse to use it. Besides, having been in a league myself that used it to get the Triple Threat badge, I would argue its value is that everyone in the league is focused on the voice channel for direction. So, why doesn't the league (text) channel work just as well?


    I digress. What I am running into is that I successfully get the league to 10% on the AVs and hold, go to 5% and hold, and even go to 2% and hold. At that point we are waiting for Nega's shield and Chimera to sit still for half a second. Inevitably, someone gets an itchy trigger finger and down goes an AV, leaving the rest of to race to finish off the other AVs at non-optimal times. I've tried several different ways of coaching the league down that last stretch, but 9 times out of 10 that's what happens. It's like no one learned anything from BAF - Gotta Keep Em Separated runs. 🙂


    Any constructive ideas would be great. I try to join in other runs to see what they do, but usually they are using discord. I even require everyone to be +3 - more for the game knowledge I hope they have at that point than the actual level shifts.


    It seems we fairly consistently get Hard Way with little to no direction, so I don't stress about it. We might miss it on one run, but we usually get it on the next. One suggestion I might try myself is asking people to pass me their quills if they know they are not going to use them, because I can zip around with those to extinguish the lights.


    We're real consistent with Ready to Rumble. I stress it's a race to drop Black Swan, and during the run I try to give the league a target time (##:15 on your clock, for instance) so everyone can be tied into that. I usually wait and call for Lore pets until we are waiting for "your doom" to show up, just so they are still up when we go see Tyrant. I don't assign people to take out the portals, I just ask for RANGED folks to handle that.


    I haven't lead a successful Really Hard Way run yet, but I've seen it done - just can't seem to duplicate it with a league yet. Any thoughts or suggestions there are welcome, too.

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  19. 19 hours ago, Tahliah said:

    I enjoy seeing my favorites in chat, too, as they always make me smile (thinking of seeing @Oklahoman advertising his trials yesterday, so funny and awesome, even though I was badging via Ouro and couldn't join, I get such a kick out of his hilarious LFGs).


    Thanks for this. I had this exchange just the other day with someone who had a different reaction to my LFG posts:



    2021-08-10 23:25:34 [Looking For Group] Oklahoman: MAGISTERIUM has a full posse at the moment. Ride with us next time!
    2021-08-10 23:25:41 [Tell] :(AnonPlayer): full?
    2021-08-10 23:25:49 [Tell] -->(AnonPlayer): yep, sorry
    2021-08-10 23:28:03 [Tell] :(AnonPlayer): just my lick, youve been spaming that shit shit for 30 min and i volunteered hoping it ywould end, win win


    So, your recognition was well timed. 🙂 I appreciate you and everyone who takes a second in game to say "thanks for hosting." It helps to drown out people like the person above and keeps me wanting to log back in.

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  20. 7 minutes ago, Triumphant said:

    I'm for the OP's idea, but everyone seems to think it will be apocalypse if people don't play the game the same way that they do, so I suppose this is a non-starter.  🤷‍♂️

    I just think if you are going to play at the highest levels of the game, you should understand how to do some of the most basic things in the game.


    I did wonder, though, about a token like this being granted for every character you take from 0-50 with no P2W XP boosters and no AE activity. Or, as has been mentioned, maybe a cost in Transcendent's. 


    I don't know, though, feels like a non-starter.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  21. I had planned to do this as a separate post, but it fits in nicely here, so... I feel your pain, @Nightwatch


    So, I’m recruiting for an MSR the other night, and I have this exchange via tell with someone, who shall remain anonymous:




    [Looking For Group] Oklahoman: [MSR/RWZ1/NO TELLS] Bout to open a XL can of Whoop Ass (tm) on some Rikti. Everyone welcome at the MSR. Holler in RWZ1 Broadcast for invite.

    [Tell] :(AnonPlayer): MSR invite!

    [Tell] -->(AnonPlayer): broadcast in zone please

    [Tell] :(AnonPlayer): you took the time to type that, instead of sending an invite?

    [Tell] -->(AnonPlayer): Yes. Broadcasting lets me know you are in zone. Also that you can read instructions from LFG.

    [Tell] :(AnonPlayer): Ok, have fun with with your MSR.



    OK, so I was a bit of a jerk in my reply, but I’m also going to defend that here in a bit. Normally, I don’t reply to tells at all when recruiting for an MSR, but I had this short lived fantasy that maybe I was helping people understand the game better to respond with “broadcast in zone when you get here.” I get A LOT of tells for this event, despite specifically asking for NO TELLS.


    The overall problem here is that in-game I can’t give you a detailed enough reason why I am not inviting you until you broadcast in zone. Now, you could just say, “I don’t need a reason, that’s a reasonable enough request so I will accommodate it.” That’d be cool. But maybe you are a bit like the person above and feel entitled to a more detailed explanation while I am trying to form my league. So, here goes...




    • You have to be in the zone to broadcast in that zone. You can’t broadcast to RWZ from, say, Atlas Park. So, broadcasting in a zone confirms you are currently in that zone.

    • Rikti Warzone is limited to 50 players right now. At one point it was, for the most part, completely open and running 2 full MSRs at the same time in the same zone happened a lot. Now, a full league of 48 doesn’t leave a lot of extra space in the zone. While we can ask people who are not in the MSR to change zones, nothing requires them to do so - they could be AFK, obstinate, or just not looking at chat. Whatever the case, it is possible for the zone to be full before the league is full. When you broadcast for an invite, I know you are in the zone right now, ready to go.

    • If I give a spot to a player who sent a tell and is out of zone, they may never be able to get into the zone - thus depriving someone who IS in the zone of getting to participate.

    • It is easy to THINK you are in Rikti Warzone 1, when you are in fact in Rikti Warzone 2. Broadcasting helps confirm you are in the same place as the league.




    • Putting together a league of 48 people can keep you pretty busy. You are probably advertising every minute or so, inviting people in, placing them in different teams, making sure you have a couple of level 50s on each team, trying to keep a mix of classes on each time, joining in the pre-game banter, etc. When you broadcast in zone, team leaders can help by inviting you to their team.

    • There is a bug that has to do with alignment, and is not likely to get fixed anytime soon. If the league leader has someone on their team out of zone, the league leader may not be able to invite you. That’s another instance where it becomes important for a team leader to be able to help out.

    • You may be on the league leaders gignore list. And, maybe in this case you shouldn’t be in the league anyway. But, if you broadcast and get an invite from a team leader who is NOT ignoring you, you get to participate in the raid so long as you can manage to be cool. Might even be able to get yourself off the league leaders gignore list, if that matters to you.

    • There is a BlockingAccept bug where sometimes, even when everything else looks normal, you invite someone and get an error message like: “Could not Invite (player), BlockingAccept” and they have to be invited again. Here again, having the ability for Team Leaders to redundantly invite folks from broadcast is helpful.

    • Much like the BlockingAccept bug, which you have to look for on your system tab, a league leader is also having to deal with players who are still on a team, or still in an AE session.




    • Another fun little bug in the game is that newly invited players may not get sidekicked up to level 49. Leaving the tell channel open allows the league leader to get important notifications like “I’m not showing on a team” or “I’m still showing as level 1” or “can I be on the same team as X” or any number of other matters that often come up pre-raid.




    • An MSR doesn’t require a whole lot of direction, but there are some differences in how each league leader runs it so it’s helpful to know you do, in fact, read instructions.

    • Especially when you get into iTrial badge runs, reading chat is very important. If you aren’t following instructions in the LFG ad, how do we know you will follow instructions in the trial itself?




    • If you don’t know how to get to the RWZ, most leaders will put directions in their actual LFG ad. You can also use the HELP channel. Also, I’m sure a league leader would forgive a direct tell if you were just asking how to get to the RWZ, so long as you are not asking for an advance invitation.

    • It’s not unreasonable for a team or league leader, regardless of event, to ask for tells - or ask for no tells at all - to get invited.

    • It’s not unreasonable for a team or league leader, regardless of event, to ask you to broadcast for an invite. It’s not like I am saying solve this math problem and show your answer in the request channel. Though, that does give me an idea…


    Look, there’s a reason why there are not a ton of people running leagues, much less 48 person leagues. You get a lot of hate, and it’s a fair bit of work. There are times I am recruiting for an hour, and other times it fills up on the first ad. You have to deal with interpersonal stuff sometimes, people who go AFK in the bowl, etc. Anything you can do to make my job easier makes me want to run these things more, so I appreciate that.


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