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Everything posted by GamerKate

  1. I was here when Perma Haten was created. I am so proud. MCM
  2. I haven’t had much difficulty against the Vahzilok for some reason, and I’ve recently taken 10 toons from 1-15 doing The Hollows and Midnighter, Vahzilok Pollutant Plot and Lords of Death arcs, but the goddam igneous are doing my head in. Why? Because they run about like they’re on amphetamines and the goddam knockdown from having rocks thrown at my head makes me AAARGH lol. I don’t have any toons above lvl 16 yet, but I look forward to hating the carnie illusionists and Malta sappers and gunslingers all over again. As someone else said, I’d fight Malta sappers every day until my deathbed if it meant COH was still Up then :D Worth. Every. Whiff. MCM
  3. I thought this said ‘Kinkdependence Day’ for a moment. Was not the thread I expected. 😂 MCM
  4. Ajax, love it. Succinct and tells a tale. Love the Mountain Dew detail. Mouse, Ellie is awesome. Wonderful take on the fairy folk lol. Fenris- well I did not expect the Bobo ending! Love it all :) MCM
  5. Nice! Love the King In Yellow. Typo in ‘it’s awful essence’ - no need for the possessive apostrophe there :) MCM
  6. Is it possible to fight through it slowly? And then Luck Up and ignore the final boss, as Ewa did? MCM
  7. Speeding through content seems like watching a great movie on fast-forward, to me, but... It’s not necessary that I understand or agree with the appeal that something has, to understand that it DOES have appeal for others, and that diversity of play styles is a good thing :) So if that time is like really fast for an LESF and you’re proud of that time, then my sincere Congratulations! :D MCM
  8. Oh that’s awesome to hear :D MCM
  9. I’m so pleased the TF starting requirements are solo-friendly now (I specify the starting requirements as being solo-friendly, I’m not referring to the difficulty of the TFs themselves). I remember a thread on Live which got quite heated when someone suggested lowering the minimum team size to 1. The usual complaints about ‘CoH is a MULTI player game, go play Cod if you hate grouping!’ etc. Well done Homecoming team :D MCM
  10. Soloing the CoT? That would be madness! I’m going to duo it with my gf. XD MCM
  11. Are he minimum team size starting requirements for TFs the same now as they were on Live? And does the cavern of Transcendence still need 8 players to simultaneously click 8 glowies? MCM
  12. There’s an Epic Flounce power pool now? Best tantrumpost I’ve seen in ages. You have my sympathy, OP, about the time you put in whilst misunderstanding how the mechanics work. But this information was available to find. Perhaps other ATs might be fun too? MCM
  13. And if you have any toons on Reunion, you are very welcome to send my global (@MrCaptainMan) a message, and if you're on when I am and you want to duo, to drop in to one of my missions or have me come buff you or help with one of yours, I’ll be happy to help. You can treat me like a bot if you like, no need to talk if you feel introvert, and you can go AFK or log off without notifying me. Another option for you to help with the 30-40 arcs of you don’t like them is the MA. Search for SFMA and you will find story-focussed Mission Arcs that can be a great alternative to the normal content. MCM
  14. Thanks for playing it PW and I'm very happy you enjoyed it :D MCM
  15. A ponzi scheme made of nested pyramid schemes guaranteed by the winnings you’ll get from playing the shell game! It’s money in the bank! MCM OH! So... a casino. I'm in. Nested pyramid scheme? That's right! It's pyramids all the way down! :D MCM
  16. OK, I will try to address your points. First, this is you explaining how I have used slippery slope, I gather? I don't know why this is slippery slope. She said No to him, he decides that VIOLENT REVENGE is needed.We can assume either that this is normal healthy behaviour or that it isn't healthy or reasonable. I can't imagine that you seriously think that violent revenge is a reasonable reaction to someone declining romantic interest. It says clearly in the arc that the actions 'against' him were her refusal to go out with him and his colleagues mocking him. Vderbal bullying in the workplace is absolutely a horrible thing, but a healthy reaction to it is not murdering your co-workers. So either he is an asshole or mentally ill. What else is he, in your opinion? And one more thing - you added a conjecture about Page for some reason. The arc makes it clear that they did not have any relationship. Nowhere in the arc does it imply that she has abused him except for in his dialogue ranting about her not reciprocating his romantic feelings. Again, I am only pointing out the nav instructions, which everywhere else in the arc portray that they are simple instructions to the player, no any sort of 'contact's view' or whatever. And nowhere in the arc does Harris have any dialogue which names her as his girflriend. I never said HARRIS was misogynist. I think the writing is accidentally misogynist because of the whole 'woman must die to enable man to undergo change' cliche. And Page is portrayed as having no mental health issues at all. She behaves entirely as we would expect a professional soldier in her position would. You're question about her being crazy is strange and irrelevant. No, this is not at all what i said. I am not saying that if you think violence against women is ok, then you think pedophilia etc is ok. I am not saying that if you think this arc featuring violence against women is ok you will think an arc featuring pedopfilia etc is ok. I am saying this: You think that pedofilia is wrong and doesnt belong in CoV. But you think that violence against women is ok. And let me be clear, when I say 'violence against women', I am not referring to street sweeping mobs who are women or even defeating ghost widow or Clamor. I'm talking about THIS SPECIFIC ARC This seems a bit reaching tbh. If you insist on jumping on exact words not parsing my sentence for the fairly obvious meaning, I will explain so you can understand: I think as written, Page is a bit meh. I think that the arc would have a better emotional hit if she was a more memorable and formidable opponent. This isn't because I think all women should be portrayed as awesome. It's because I think Page should be portrayed as better than she is in this arc. This point is really quite minor, howver, so we can agree to differ on it if you like You absolutely failed to answer your own 'Why?', I'm sorry. 'because shit happens' is not enough of an answer, to me at least. You don't owe me anything, if you want to just shrug and say 'your argument is null because I say so', then that's cool, but I don't have any more comment on this part because it's weak and flippant. I'm not sure I actually stated that anyone who likes the arc is bad or entitled. I thought the slippery slope argument had to actually be cited ("OMG they're allowing 10' tall toons now? Next they'll be allowing Lusca in the costume creator!") in order to be used. Ironically, I'd say that your description of my 'slope' is an example of you using the slippery slope argument lol, because you're extrapolating to an extreme from something smaller that I have said. But I can clarify if you need it: I am not calling anyone posting in this thread (or anyone who wants this arc to stay as is) a misogynist. I am saying that the writing in this arc is unintentionally, casually misogynist and I would like to see it tweaked slightly so that it is not offensive to ANYONE who plays it. MCM
  17. So you are fine with just "killing people" for fun, but "killing a female" because a psycho can't handle rejection is too much? Every time a villain character goes about a mission that results in the death of innocents that are accepting that as "right". Period. Rather than looking at the characters as having an option to agree that this was right, what should stand out here is that they have an option to decide that the mission was wrong. "Hey villain, I need you to go here and kill these guys for not paying their protection". A few minutes later they are all dead, you are getting rewarded, and the contact is pointing you towards your next victim. Here, in this case, you get to say "No. That was wrong, and while I did the larger mission in service to Arachnos/Lord Recluse, what you asked of me was wrong, and now you will pay for that". That is not a common occurrence. The issue is that by and large society accepts that killing people for money is bad and there's not really any discussion around it. It's just... what is. But with men killing women over rejection, there's people who cheer for it. Who -laud- it. Same thing for racists killings. There are people who basically cheer on Reddit whenever one of these bigoted murder sprees happens. Makes it a particularly touchy subject for some people. Like I said, before, put a note on it so people who would be made uncomfortable can avoid it and that should be enough, largely, to fix the perceived problem. The people "cheering" violence against women are also psychos cut from the same cloth as Harris. Let's not pretend that mainstream society in the US is all about beating up some women because it's fun. I can find people that think that killing for money is okay. After all, the killers must have really needed the money and the person that had the money was no doubt some corrupt rich guy that got it by ripping other people off, right? You don't think that those people are out there? What makes this a "particularly touchy subject" is that some people have decided to be particularly touchy about it. IF you were a victim of domestic violence then I can understand that this could be a touchy subject, but anyone that has been mugged, robbed, or assaulted could find a whole lot of villain content uncomfortable for that same reason; It hits too close to home for them. If playing the bad guy is a major issue for someone then I suggest they not play the bad guy, not try to demand that the bad guys should be portrayed in a less-bad light. One thing lots of men assume is that violence against women just means domestic abuse and the more obvious things like murders and whatnot. But I gather from listening to women that they have to live in a quite radically different and dangerous world to me. The old adage about walking a mile on someone’s shoes comes to mind. Because it’s very difficult for some men to understand or believe that women’s experience every day, all the time, is not the same as theirs. Especially when there’s such pushback against women who do say ‘hey, we get paid less and are afraid more’. I don’t personally believe that people generally choose to be upset or hurt or afraid or depressed, I mean if given the choice, I’d choose to be happy and feel secure and other nice feelings, so I don’t assume that other people’s unhappiness is always their own choice. MCM
  18. Yes, I seriously would. Those characters are VILLAINS, by their very definition, evil. As for my personal line? There is one - some things would serve as triggers - but I'm not going to explain, because the causes behind them are quite intensely personal. Nonetheless, as long as that sort of content wasn't required to advance, I wouldn't insist it be changed or removed. Because I can easily separate the fantasy of the game, from the reality of the world around me. That's a little trick I picked up from forty-plus years of playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. Speaking of which, I have played actual, "needs to eat the living flesh of sentient beings" undead in D&D. And in Shadowrun, for that matter. And oh hell, anything in the World of Darkness array of games. (I should also point out, flipside, that I have played literal Angelic beings, along with more mortal champions of Justice and Good.) Thank you for your RPG CV lol but you didn’t exactly answer my question. However, at least you say that you DO have a line. That’s nice to see at least. What’s not so nice is that if a dev went mad and added an arc where a contact says ‘hey villain, there’s an orphanage full of dead children to molest, go fill your boots!’ and the map was full of body bag glowies and each click gave you ‘sexually assaulting corpse’, and the text in the clues was extremely graphic, and someone came here with a ‘wtf? Remove this arc!’ suggestion thread, you’d apparently be ‘nope, that’s fine! Leave it in! I’ve done worse in World of Darkness!’ (Unless your line is drawn before that but after neck-biting and sunscreen). MCM MCM
  19. You're either for changing it, against changing it, or don't care. You are against changing it, based on your statement. Your reason for being against changing it is that you don't like the reasons presented to support changing it. This is an entirely valid position to take. It's very simple. This isn't computer science. There's no need to add in a Null State for this one. I am not for or against this specific change. I am not for or against change in general. I am against changes to null state that are presented with flawed logic. I will only consider a change that is presented syllogistically. These statements are incongruous. This is not a subroutine. This is not a program. There is no Null State, here. You're not coming back with no data and not changing the program. You are making a Value Judgement to the strength of the argument that the OP initially provided. This is not a Null State result. This is a rejection of input data in order to determine a decision. Your penchant for obfuscating noncomplex logical conclusions through superflous circumlocution is positively exasperating. Syllogistic Logic? Really? For those who don't know what Syllogism is, it's a situation where you have two statements and based on those two statements create a third, whether it's true or not is irrelevant. "All dogs are animals. All animals have four legs. Thus all dogs have four legs." The first statement is true, the last statement is true barring deformity or injury, but the middle statement? Not true. Syllogistic reasoning is why Diogenes ran into Socrates' classroom holding up a plucked chicken screaming "Behold a Man!" when Socrates described men as Featherless Bipeds. Well, this thread went places I never thought it would! I’m certainly learning things even if some other men here aren’t! XD MCM
  20. For what it's worth, I find Harris questioning if he was in the wrong to be incredibly unlikely. His level of obsession also shows signs of corrosive narcissism. If anything, he would find ways to justify his actions even if he found killing Page unfortunate. You could argue that trying to turn him into a relatable character is the wrong way to portray a straight up villain (this isn't Praetoria, after all). You don't get to kill someone because of your ego and then get to be a victim, too. Regardless of gender, that just doesn't work. Rewriting the story from that angle could also provide some room for addressing some of your concerns. At least turning him into someone more despisable reinforces the wrongness of his actions. I agree. I said a good few pages back that I think the arc would be less sexist if he felt no remorse for her death. Your point about him being a victim is spot on. MCM
  21. This is patently false because you do not speak for me. And I'm part of "everyone." <SNIP - overly wordy and not constructive> In essence, while I see the OP has an opinion, so do others. Both are valid. Each vote has merit. Opinions are not facts. Fallacy of logic is not syllogistic reasoning. 1.) Never used the word "everyone". I said the only people who are suggesting that future content would be changed are those opposed to the change. It's not a line of reasoning, it's a fact. 2.) The OP never made any such argument...Maybe you want to use the quote feature and help me out 3.) This is all opinion. Except for the FACT that the only people bringing up changing additional content are people who are opposed to the change. However opinions lead to actions (hence a suggestion board), and actions have consequences. So we get to debate consequences here... Much of your wording is over my head, which I believe you intended, rather than stay on topic. But if not, please rephrase your points so that the lay person might have a better understanding? Correct, I used the term everyone in quotes, as an antonym for "only people who" as I am not necessarily opposed to the change, but I vote no because the argument used to justify the change is logical fallacy. You said that only those opposed to the change use the argument of slippery slope. The OP relies heavily on slippery slope, and I stated that, and I'm not opposed to change. So, I said you don't speak for everyone that states the point. Me. My vernacular is simply the way I speak, and write. The OP's entire argument is slippery slope, hence, I cannot value the argument where is lacks syllogism. Should the OP do more research, and present a case for change that is syllogistic, I may then be persuaded. Until then, I say no change because logical fallacy invalidates the case for change. Logical reasoning would persuade me. My no vote is based not on change, but on the flawed argument for this specific change. Could you expand on why you think I used slippery slope reasoning in my OP? I have not asked for any changes to be made to any other arc etc. MCM
  22. So you are fine with just "killing people" for fun, but "killing a female" because a psycho can't handle rejection is too much? Every time a villain character goes about a mission that results in the death of innocents that are accepting that as "right". Period. Rather than looking at the characters as having an option to agree that this was right, what should stand out here is that they have an option to decide that the mission was wrong. "Hey villain, I need you to go here and kill these guys for not paying their protection". A few minutes later they are all dead, you are getting rewarded, and the contact is pointing you towards your next victim. Here, in this case, you get to say "No. That was wrong, and while I did the larger mission in service to Arachnos/Lord Recluse, what you asked of me was wrong, and now you will pay for that". That is not a common occurrence. This is a valid point. I still think that Page (And social justice lol) would be better served by an alternative reaction from Harris, but you’re right about highlighting the player’s choice to not agree with Harris’s actions. MCM
  23. Seriously? You’d be happy to have your character perform really morally repulsive deeds? Where does your personal line lie in terms of what you’d be fine with in a CoV arc? What would an arc have to contain before you would +1 a call to change it from someone like myself? MCM MCM
  24. Women who need rescuing from domestic violence don't exist? Cool story bro. Maybe she just needed to suddenly become an Uberfrau like in your dialog edit. What are you talking about? It's not a real story...It's a story that HE wrote...Are we in such a place that we can't even criticize our own writing? Seriously...If you don't like the changes he's suggesting than don't like them - but attacking people's morality over this? Seems unnecessary This is where that whole "self awareness" concept I was talking about. Nowhere in the post you quoted, did he attack someone's morality. He literally just made a post about not liking the suggested changes and nothing more. Seriously, he suggested that the poster doesn't think women of domestic violence are worth rescuing. Seems like a morality attack to me I changed my arc because I think that women should be PORTRAYED less often as hapless victims or princesses needing a man to come rescue them, in fiction. I don’t want to propagate the image of women being helpless and abused etc. MCM
  25. It's exactly that. Soon we're changing terra arc and then the orphanage arc, and then we're removing "Hellion girlfriends" and soon there just won't be target-able women in the game. This entire thread is one person over-reacting to a story line. Changing this story line just because shes a women and therefor nothing bad should happen to her is probably more sexist than the actual story line. "Shes a women so she shouldn't get killed" ok bud You are the only person who has mentioned any of those extra things in this thread. And you misunderstand the objection. My call for changing the story is not because ‘nothing bad should ever happen to a woman’ in CoH story arcs. I did not say ‘she’s a woman so she shouldn’t get killed’. I said ‘she shouldn’t get killed just to provide emotional labour for a man’ MCM
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