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As the title says, I can't figure out how to give a custom critter the "Elbow Strike" power from Arsenal Assault by adding it to their critter file. City of Data seems to indicate that the power's name is Mission_Maker_Attacks.Arsenal_Assault.Elbow_Strike, but as the attached images show, that doesn't work. I've also tried: Mission_Maker_Attacks.Arsenal_Assault.ElbowStrike Mission_Maker_Attacks.Arsenal_Assault.Elbow Strike Mission_Maker_Secondary.Arsenal_Assault.Elbow_Strike Mission_Maker_Secondary.Arsenal_Assault.ElbowStrike Mission_Maker_Secondary.Arsenal_Assault.Elbow Strike ...but none of those worked either, and I can't guess what else it might be. Any help would be appreciated! EDIT: I also tried testing to see if it actually did work and the power just wasn't displaying properly. Unfortunately, the enemy never used it.
I finished Praetor Sinclair's arc (and thus the Loyalist Power storyline in Imperial City) and chose to remain with the Loyalists. I was told I had a message from Provost Marchand as normal, but when I called him, the only contact he only offered me was Interrogator Kang, the beginning of the Loyalist Responsibility storyline in Imperial City. At this time, I was level 14, which should have been high enough, but I nonetheless tried running a few missions from Clockwork A87952 to reach level 15. However, when I called Provost Marchand again, he still only offered Interrogator Kang instead of Dr. Hetzfeld (Power, Neutropolis) and IVy (Responsibility, Neutropolis). Dr. Hetzfeld also did not appear in the "Find Contact" menu; the only Power storyline contact I found there was Bobcat. Additional note: this bug did not prevent me from continuing the Power storyline, as Dr. Hetzfeld still offered me missions when I spoke to him. However, in order to find him, I had to look him up on homecoming.wiki and follow the coordinates listed on his page.
I appreciate the response! I'm not sure I need Conserve Power, but I remember experiencing a net loss of Endurance over time while testing on the beta server. It was a fairly slow decline, but I'm concerned that I'd eventually run out in prolonged fights without it, and replacing it with another toggle would only make that worse. Giving CS some End Mod enhancement helps with this as well, but didn't seem to be enough on its own since its +Recovery buff only lasts 30 seconds. I might need to test it again, though; it's possible that I forgot some changes I made to the build since then. The defense looks decent as well, but remember that Power Boost/Power Build Up also increases the defense provided by toggles, and that extra Def only lasts as long as Power Boost itself. With the way I've slotted Farsight, it grants 22.14% Def when Power Boosted, meaning that I'd need at least 22.86% Def before Power Boosted Farsight in order to hit the softcap, which Preemptive Optimization slotted in Chrono Shift and Frozen Blast slotted in Cutting Beam both help with. In the case of the former, I'd still hit the requisite Ranged Def without it, but the set's 5-piece bonus is a bit of extra global recharge, and at that point it's just one extra slot for 3.75% more Ranged Def. In the latter's case, I'd be less than 1% shy, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Slotting some range in Cutting Beam would help it hit more targets, yes, but that isn't the issue I'm having with it. My problem is that Cutting Beam wants me at range, while Time's Juncture wants me in melee. So, should I keep Cutting Beam, or should I drop it altogether and take Piercing Beam instead?
I've seen a lot of differing opinions about Beam Rifle; currently, I skip Single Shot and Piercing Beam. With Power Boosted Farsight, my ranged and AoE defenses are softcapped, and Time's Juncture covers the gap in melee defense. I've heard Distortion Field is skippable, but I like the extra mitigation offered by its -Recharge and occasional holds. With both Hasten and Chrono Shift, I barely have enough recharge to make the latter permanent, although I have to remember to use it on cooldown. My main questions are: Should I keep Charged Shot for its higher DPA (if target is Disintegrated), or take Single Shot for the extra -Regen? Between Disintegration, Time Crawl, and Time Stop, I can apply a total of -300% Regen to a single target. Is that enough for AVs and GMs, or would the extra -75% Regen be more beneficial than the extra damage? and Should I drop Cutting Beam in favor of Piercing Beam, keeping all the same enhancements? Time's Juncture seems to reward jumping into melee, which puts it at odds with cones like Cutting Beam that encourage staying at range. But for particularly hard targets, I'd already be trying to maintain debuffs from 3 separate powers (all the -Regen ones mentioned above except Single Shot, which I'm not including because it would be part of my standard rotation), so adding a fourth in Piercing Beam seems like a bit much. Is the added -Res worth it when I already have Slowed Response? Here's my build; I don't include any Incarnate abilities because I like to make characters that work without them.
I logged a character out next to the base portal in Nova Praetoria, and when I logged back in, I was greeted by a group of protestors right next to the portal: Being neutral, the protestors didn't attack me, and I could still interact with the portal just fine. My concern is that, aside from feeling a bit jarring compared to the placement of other base portals, someone with an aggressive toggle aura (e.g. Icicles, Hot Feet, or Rise to the Challenge) may accidentally aggro or outright defeat the protestors upon exiting from this particular portal. I know this is rather a small and insignificant problem, but I suspect it wasn't intentional and thought it would be good to at least make people aware of it.
While running First Ward missions solo, I began on the mission "Drive away the D.U.S.T. Cell" as part of Nadia's arc. I didn't look at the mission objectives in the navigation window until I had cleared the first few groups of enemies; according to the Paragon Wiki Archive, they should have been "Find Captain Muldoon" and "Decide Captain Muldoon's Fate" (here). But when I looked at them in-game, they were... well, see the attached image. So far, this is the only mission that's like this. If anyone else has run this arc recently, did you notice this as well?
Architect Entertainment - Content Ideas
Bilious Slick replied to Arcanum's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
A bit over a month ago, I made a thread regarding stuff I'd like to see in the AE system. It's pretty long, so I felt it would be better to simply share a link to the thread rather than copying and pasting its contents. -
TL;DR: New power sets for custom NPCs in AE, one primary and one secondary. Primary contains every power currently available to them, including toggles and autos. Secondary contains mix-and-match auto powers for partial customization of passive bonuses without worrying about unwanted FX or secondary benefits. I've been playing around with the Architect Entertainment system a lot over the past few months, and though I love the degree of customizability it offers, I can't help but feel frustrated at the areas in which it lacks. Personally, I would love to be able to have a finer degree of control over custom NPCs' powers - and I don't mean recoloring them (though that would be nice too). Let's look at Baron Zoria: if Paragon Wiki is accurate, he uses powers from no fewer than five different sets (Dark Blast, Dark Miasma [or Darkness Affinity], Psychic Blast, Mind Control, and Stone Control). I don't know about you, but to me, it feels unfair that players can't create their own custom enemies that do the same thing. So with that said, here's my idea: add two new power sets exclusively for custom NPCs in AE, one primary and one secondary. No new tabs needed, though the secondary set would likely involve the creation of dozens of new, but simple powers. I'll get to that in a bit; first, I'd like to discuss the primary. The primary set would be a "master list" of all the powers already available to custom NPCs, including toggles, autos, and maybe variants of the same power from different sets (for custom NPCs, Dark Blast's Life Drain does less damage and takes longer to recharge than Dark Assault's Life Drain, for example). I know it would be a pain to scroll through dozens, if not hundreds, of powers just to find the few you're looking for; to that end, I suggest that the powers be organized within the set, first by theme (Fire, Ice, Dark, ...) and second by category (Melee, Ranged, Armor, Support, ...). However, I acknowledge that this could allow players to give enemies conflicting power sets, such as Dual Blades and Shield Defense, or Staff Fighting and Titan Weapons (the latter two of which I believe use the same costume slot). Because of this, some powers may need to be excluded entirely, or relegated to their own separate versions of the "master list" set, e.g. "Master List+Shield Defense", "Master List+Titan Weapons", "Master List+Staff Fighting", et cetera. I don't know if the latter option would be as simple as copy/pasting the code for the "master list" and swapping out a few powers, or if it would be more involved than that. Regardless, let's move on to the secondary set, which I'll call the "passive bonuses" set. As previously stated, it would almost certainly require the creation of many, many new powers. However, every power in the set would be an auto power, have no FX attached, and would only apply a static (de)buff to a single attribute like damage, max HP, recovery, Energy damage resistance, recharge debuff resistance, and so on. Ideally, each attribute would be represented by ten auto powers total - five buff, five debuff - in standardized increments, such as 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, and 80%. Like any other power set, players could choose several of these powers that affect the same attribute, effectively allowing for semi-custom strengths and weaknesses. Let's say a player wants to create a fire elemental: they could give it the +10% and +40% Fire resistance powers for a total of +50% Fire resistance. Next, they make it vulnerable to Cold by giving it the -5%, -10%, and -20% Cold resistance powers, for a total of -35% Cold resistance (or they could pick -40% and +5% to achieve the same effect!). Perhaps you could make a "pseudo-sniper" with bonuses to range and perception radius, or an Arch-Villain with high resistances and regeneration that would almost certainly require a team to overcome. Maybe you could create an ambush of weak but Untouchable enemies that would follow and pester you throughout a mission, or you could make an entire enemy group meant to challenge well-built Incarnates by giving them moderate-to-high buffs across the board. "But what about status protection?" you might ask. "That doesn't come in percentages!" And you'd be right. For those, the increments would need to be different, and would have no "debuff" equivalents. Here's what I picture: 2 (enough to protect against a single application of weaker control powers, as well as certain IO procs) 3 (enough to protect against most control powers) 4 (enough for two applications of weaker controls, or one application from a Controller that procced Overpower) 8 (enough for two Overpower procs) 100, or some other ridiculously huge number (for effective immunity to that particular status effect) Then you could combine 2 and 4 to protect the NPC against a single application from a Dominator boosted by Domination, or 4 and 8 to protect against two such applications. Now, what about farms? Yes, enemies could be given massive debuffs to make AE farms even more efficient than they already are. To counterbalance this, I suggest making the debuffs decrease enemy rewards if possible. As it is, custom enemy rewards (or at least the XP they give) are calculated based on certain "point" values of each power; why not give certain powers negative point values? I admit, though, that I don't have a thorough understanding of how said point values work despite the explanations provided in-game. Negative values might affect the calculations in unexpected ways, or might not even be possible; I never claimed to be a programmer! If it's possible to implement these in the way I've described, I believe they would go a long way in improving the customizability of NPCs in AE, despite the possible tedium of creating these sets. What do you all think? Does this idea hold water, or is it doomed to sink? Would it be more difficult to implement than I believe?
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My (unreasonable) AE Wishlist thread
Bilious Slick replied to Sakura Tenshi's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I've been playing with AE a lot lately, and I cannot express how much I'd love to have those themed sets. Better yet, a "masterlist" set that includes every power currently available to custom NPCs, including secondary sets (Thermal Radiation, Invulnerability, etc.) and different versions of the same power (e.g. Dark Blast's Life Drain has lower damage and longer recharge than Dark Assault's Life Drain). Pre-made NPCs like Baron Zoria draw from no fewer than three themes (Dark, Psychic, and Earth) across five different power sets (Dark Blast, Dark Miasma/Darkness Affinity, Psychic Blast, Mind Control, Earth Control); why not let players do the same for their own custom enemies, right? While we're at it, I'd also like to see a "custom passives" set for all kinds of passive buffs - or even debuffs! That way you could, for example, make a fire elemental that's hugely resistant to Fire but vulnerable to Cold. To make it easier, the increments could be standardized. Here's how I picture it: You'd have separate auto powers for each of the following: +5% Fire resist, +10% Fire resist, +15% Fire resist, +20% Fire resist, and +25% Fire resist. To continue the fire elemental example, you could choose the +25%, +15%, and +10% Fire resist powers to give it a total of +50% resistance to fire. Then you could pick the -25% and -10% Cold resist powers to give it -35% resistance to Cold damage. In an ideal scenario, such powers (both buff and debuff) would exist for every individual attribute in the game: Lethal resistance, cold resistance, toxic resistance, ... negative energy defense, psionic defense, melee defense, ... max HP, max End., regeneration rate, recovery rate, damage, to-hit, accuracy, recharge speed, movement speed, perception radius, ... confuse duration, fear duration, knockback magnitude, ... knockback protection, hold protection, stun resistance, immobilize resistance, ... defense debuff resistance, recharge slow resistance, movement slow resistance, End. drain resistance, taunt resistance, ... untouchable, only affect self, ... ...et cetera. Though I can't fathom how tedious and exhausting it would be for the devs to create every individual power like I suggested, it would allow an obscene amount of enemy customization without worrying about the FX or End. drain attached to toggle shields (note that such shields would still be available in the "masterlist" set that I suggested at the beginning of this post). -
Focused Feedback: Pineapple vs. Pizza
Bilious Slick replied to Obsidian Light's topic in Open Beta Testing
I wrote a very short poem to express my feelings on this topic: Pizza is savory, Pineapple's sweet, And never the twain shall meet. -
Bilious Slick changed their profile photo
Update: I tried respeccing a second time, and it threw an error again. On a third attempt, all my Enhancements re-appeared in the allocation window, ready to be either moved to my inventory or slotted into a power. I placed them all in my inventory and finished the respec without any further issue, so it seems like they were "stored" somehow, or perhaps it was simply a display issue. During the period of time when my Enhancements were missing, they didn't appear in the vendor window; however, after they reappeared, they showed up in both my inventory and the vendor window just fine, and I was able to sell them. I didn't gain any more Enhancements while the original ones were missing, so I'm not sure how that would affect this bug, if at all.
Someone had just powerleveled me from level 13 to 33 via an AE farm, and I realized I made a mistake in power choices when I was training up afterward, so I decided to use one of the respecs I gained from leveling. After reselecting all my powers, allocating slots as desired, and moving all my Enhancements into my inventory (none into my powers), I clicked the Finish button, but it threw an error and didn't save any of the changes I'd made during the respec. I seem to recall hearing that's to be expected, so in hindsight I'm not sure why I tried to use a respec without having trained all the way up - but what I didn't expect was finding that every last one of my Enhancements had been deleted, even though I had moved them all into my Enhancement inventory. Fortunately, I had yet to actually start slotting Enhancements into my powers, so I didn't lose anything besides some potential vendor trash - but I could see this being immensely frustrating for someone who had already started slotting standard and set IOs in their powers. Edit: Corrected a typo.