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Everything posted by EiricEPadraig

  1. Many thanks for this!!!
  2. Wow. I guess I need to get on Discord more often!
  3. Ninjitsu seems to be the way to go. I have a Pistols/Ninjitsu I rolled tonight and the synergy is amazing.
  4. Ninjitsu also works great with Pistols! I just ranted about this is another post, so I won't get into all the details here, but it's amazing fun!
  5. I have fallen in love with the Pistols/Ninjitsu combination! It is fast-paced with killer animations, the stealth/gun-fu combos are ridiculously awesome, and I don't even need a Travel power thanks to the stealth/speed power plus two slots in the Speed and Jump Fitness pool. How I have not found this before after 23 alts?! Ah. I love this game.
  6. And please - this is not a dig at our marvelous devs, who brought the game back to us; I love you guys - but I miss the GMs who could find that last Glowie for us on those expansive maps because good golly Miss Moley am I STUCK trying to find it. I love you guys. ;D
  7. I have tried so many combinations to get the Hami Golgi Enhancements that I am pulling at my non-existent hair! Please help.
  8. While I am waiting to get all the Enhancements on the character, I tried to use the Sting of the Wasp attack and the sword was not rendering at all. I know, not Sniper specific, but still.
  9. Wow. I started way back in the day with Ultima Online. From there, I went to World of Warcraft where I Beta tested and hated it. Then, I came to City of Heroes since Beta to Sundown. I did take a few breaks from City of Heroes to try other games, but I was still going back to CoH regularly. I played WoW for a while (just because every one of my friends were playing and I wanted to game with them), EVE, Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars, Legacy and when CoH went off-line I was among the many who tried Champions and could not stand it. And now I am back to the City. God, I missed this game!
  10. After creating the correct folders in my coh directory and restarting the game, I still can't seem to get this to work. I should mention that I am not tech savvy and could have made a simple mistake somewhere.
  11. Someone should post a response for Heroes Reborn... 8) Just sayin'...
  12. I already have a character there that I'd love to play more often!
  13. I have done both of these back in live. Nowadays, I just hit 50, so all my Influence is going to... well, you know....
  14. Me? Caves. The small ones. My character? Beards. and Comic Books.
  15. Do I have to use Dropbox for the zip file? I never use Dropbox....
  16. Windowed Mode! That's what it was called! Thanks a tonne!!!
  17. Um... what about players who don't use Discord...? :o I know. Don't hate me. But here's the info in case someone can post it for me: 1) Two players 2) Both Level 12 3) Mission Owner Level 12 4) Regular Mission 5) Each of us, once per attempt at the mission. 6) Unadjusted Difficulty Setting.
  18. When I play CoH, it is 1080 and fullscreen. I need to find a way to show the Windows Start bar while playing the game. Before Sunset, this is how my game was set up, but I can't remember how I set this up. Any suggestions?
  19. My team and I tried this Level 11 mission in King's Row twice. We defeated everyone but could not find the shipment itself. There were no Glowies for it, and we cleared the map three times each run.
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