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Savantir last won the day on June 3 2022

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About Savantir

  • Birthday 05/28/1999

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  1. The Brickstown Conspiracy [A City of Dread Story] Official Release A mysterious prisoner has broken out of the Ziggurat to speak with you. Will you uncover the heinous crimes and put an end to the mastermind behind them? Five missions, with an intriguing narrative that has a beginning and an end. Three Elite Bosses, two of which you must defeat without an NPC ally. Takes place after the events of the City of Dread saga, Priscilla's Behest, HoHL, and T&T. Thank you for playing City of Dread, The Complete Saga, Priscilla's Behest, HoHL, T&T, and The Brickstown Conspiracy.
  2. This is amazing news! Congrats everyone.
  3. Ageless incarnate roots the player if using any Shield Defense power, no matter the archetype. Ageless incarnate does not root any other powerset in the game (that I am aware of.)
  4. Bumping this. I'm still surprised that the animations have not been sped up. Energy Melee was/is top tier single-target DPS, yet it got buffed. What about these two powers? Will we ever see an animation cast time buff? Wishful thinking?
  5. Is there a way to make it RNG on which title screen and theme song play? So sometimes it's CoH, sometimes it's CoV. I play on both sides quite regularly, and figured I'd ask so I get more variety when booting up! Silly, I know. 😆
  6. It's down for me as well. I asked Excelsior's General & Help chats but received no reply.
  7. If I have Spider's Bite slotted and Degenerative interface, if I were to hit [Bane Spider Soldier.Shatter], would it stack all three toxic DoTs?
  8. Didn't know about this link. Thank you! 🙂
  9. Dude. We're playing a fictional game, you know, with heroes and villains.
  10. I actually did not know it was the fastest. Interesting. Still seems slow to me. Edit: I think part of me is a bit spoiled since my first dominator was Plant/Fiery, and Fiery Assault's damage is not only fast to cast but incredibly hard hitting. Perhaps I need to get out of that head space where I want every dominator secondary to be as good as Fiery.
  11. Anyone know if these powers were sped up? If not, here's hoping!
  12. I think speeding up the cast time would be beneficial. The cast time to damage ratio makes it not worth using, everything is dead before I can complete the cast.
  13. Just an update for folks who might also have this issue. To fix it, you need to edit your published AE arc then "republish and exit." After this, it should display the correct enemy groups that appear in your arc. What causes and how to prevent the initial issue is still unknown.
  14. Ran into a rather annoying bug today. I checked my published AE arcs and on multiple occasions, there are enemy groups that are listed to be in the arc but aren't and then the correct enemy groups aren't listed at all. For example, in my arc #10860, Void Hunters and Shivans are listed despite never being used but Arachnos and Longbow are missing despite actually being in the arc. In my arc #42618, Wailers are listed incorrectly, but Arachnoids are missing completely. There are many more like this, but just wanted to give a few examples. Thanks.
  15. Their powersets went through a lot of trial and error because I wanted a variety that was perfect. The costumes were an absolute blast to create, I kept having ideas one after the other then I had the whole group envisioned quite fast. For the final trilogy, I know I needed to go the extra mile, so that's why there's not only a custom group, but many arch-villains as well.
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