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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Fully agree with cranebump. THis is one of those "you folks do whatever you want to in that room. does not concern me in the slightest." I do point out once or twice a day in LFG that you can make an alt account and PL yourself, and AFK farm if that is your thing, way faster than being one of 7 doorsitters on in a farm. I have no idea if that helps anyone but I try to be polite and mention it. But if people want to doorsit. Okay. they do not want to play. okay. Somebody is willing to farm them. okay. None of these things affect me.
  2. Thank you. I am going to go Assault Core. THis (I believe) will help in my harder fights with endless mobs I need to burn down 1 at a time or the giant Health Blob a League is burning.
  3. Dark! And loving it. Someone told me one of the Hybrids breaks stealth. Which one?
  4. Did you say blood? I heard someone say blood.
  5. I actually have a giant open base, open sky. about 50% graveyard and 50% cavernous workshop. I do have one corner where I put the floating cube and tons of magic / fire effects. I had to remove some of them. So much noise. 90% are still there including one giant one I think is still causing too much noise. But I love watching it burn.
  6. I have added some red silk roses and skulls here and there. But after the maid goes through most of the body fluids and crypt dust is gone.
  7. sometimes. But for the times I alt acct PL myself or use Discord it is truly easy.
  8. I was going to pay someone 100 mil if they could fancy mine up. You are so cheap!
  9. I went to Ikea and got two "tables" the glass with hex patterns. They came with small double sawhorses. Those you seein the picture. I went to HomeDepot and got some wood and made a couple open cabinets underneath for paper and comps. The long return is 4 pieces of hard wood just laid flat to hold the weight. I construct a lot of stuff like this. Not high quality or "finished" but task oriented and exactly what I want. Stores never have what I want. So I just make my own.
  10. My setup. I have now mounted the TV monitor on the wall. (difficult task....) and sit in one of the legs kicked under you stools for posture.
  11. Well, I hope you have MiDs? If not, that is definitely a first step Second is a lot of questioning and exploring. How expensive / cheap? What are your build goals? What do you want the build to be able to do? There are some great builders on the boards. Finding their builds and copying is a great place to start. Finding who is good takes research. Hyperstrike wrote the book on Invul Armor. he has templates for each AT. Looking on the boards (long research I know) can be both confusing and rewarding. Focus on what you want and your budget.
  12. That one works for me. Now I can lurk. Thanks.
  13. This whole thread is my opinion and conjecture. I mostly play regular content on PUGs with 50+4 being comfortable for my 50s. i have run some 2 star stuff but do it just for the badges. Not a fan. I am almost a carry in a 4 star, though I try. And I have not tried much lol. Certain ATs and playstyles are just more efficient in the modern game. A 7 person team of one Tank and 7 random Corruptors could clear faster than almost anything else, in my opinion. I do not believe mixing Blasters with Controllers and Defenders equals out. Corruptors are just the bomb. But I do not enjoy the playstyle. My favorite Corruptor is a Dark Dark. I have basically two "phases" that synergize with Corruptor Scourge. 1) set them up, debuff. Tar patch, fear, to hit debuff. Really screw with the targets. 2) Burn. I have an Ice Cold which is powerful but I miss a hard hitting Nuke. My favorite current playstyle is a ranged Blaster. I have a Beam Temporal that I ran in endless Master of Incarnate Trials. It is probably more effective at high end content than my new love. AR Devices. With the changes to AR this is now a viable option to me. Better on trash mobs than Beam, With munitions getting a little debuff back. I love the toys, theme, and the mini strategy of caltrops, mines, gun drone, etc. My new "main" is a Dark Dark Stalker. This is the hardest hitting melee ST I have run. Insanely powerful. Melee is no longer my preferred playstyle. I do not enjoy Dark Dark on any non melee toon very much though. So my Vampire meme will be badging the year away on this one trick wonder. I am dusting off a Invulnerable Dark Tank and keeping them in the batters box ready if someone needs a heavy for a team. To me this is the ultimate Tank. (although Ice Ice has insane agro control, to me Invulnerable is just Tankier) But though my three "go to" toons are not what I consider the "best" AT for powergaming all three bring great playability to high end teams. What are your favorite toons and thoughts on how to be effective?
  14. I tried to join via that link and got an error. Me or you?
  15. I have played Dark Melee on Brutes, Tanks, and now a Stalker. I almost always pair it with Invulnerable or Dark Armor. To me there is no stronger melee pairing in game than Dark Melee Invulnerable Armor. Invulnerability lacks a few things and Dark solves all the possible issues except Psi hole. Need a quick heal to top off Dull pain? Dark. Need some End? Dark. Need some tohit debuff? Dark. It is, of course, very synergistic with Dark Armor as well. To hit debuffs, Fear, End, Heals, all of that is hand in glove with Dark Dark. Dark Melee is a strong ST damage dealer and a mediocre to poor AoE. It gets the job done against hard targets and works with your armor to patiently get around to the schlubs. I started on Super Strength. Played it for years. Knockout Blow. That sound! That impact! That animation! What is not to love? Well, corpse blasting when you are new to it lol. But you figure it out. Foot Stomp. So good they could not justify increasing the AoE for Tanks like they did all other AoE. Rage. Sigh. The reason I do not play the set anymore. There are probably 20 things you can do during the Rage crash. I am tired of all of them. Moved on. In hindsight (where I could squueze it in) I might have taken handclap more. Need to KB-KD it and enhance it. But it is a worthy power in the game. I have only flirted with other melee power sets. So I will let others describe those.
  16. Holy smokes we have a great base resource. I have friends who have built art work. Mine is big but clunky. The base builder interface is....difficult. Getting a basic base up is no issue. Anybody who knows it can have you on a huge base with a basic theme, teleporters to all zones, storage for salvage enhancers and inspirations in under an hour. Bare bones decorations. Its the decorating that can take days, weeks, months. Ask for help. People will help you. You can give base editing permission to a junior SG member, invite a helper to your SG as that rank, and they can set you up.
  17. .....sooo..... Is there a question in there somewhere 🙂
  18. We need a search party. I have a few cadaver dogs....but they don't find dead bodies. They are dogs that are cadavers. undead dogs are best. no need to walk them. nvm, probably not helpful here. Bueller? Bueller?
  19. I'll be damned. I assumed Gold. Nice catch! And actually with the tunnel being right there..... I think you may have given the best possible answer for how this occured....
  20. My two cents. I keep avoiding the "petless mastermind" option. But no. See, in my mind that is not a "valid" pick. That is like saying play a Stalker with no secondary powers (including hide) Or do not slot any powers. I want to give actual regular choices that just happen to be real hard to solo with. I have not looked deeply but Ice Control Force Field looks hard.
  21. You do miracles with PUGs. I got on one of your MoMagi and was so confused. I geared up to do it the way I knew. You had this long slow plan that was like nails on a chalkboard to me. Wwwhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Then....it worked. And I saw how trying to get a PUG League to do it the way I knew would....not have worked lol, But yeah, that League sucked. I only brought a 50+1 (my new Stalker) but is now a 50+3. I look forward to being on some of your future leagues. I was also on your MSR later. I tried to tell people not to KB targets up the bowl. (Stalker...grrr) I checked the league and I think there was one Brute / Tank. Who may or may not have been pulling. Sooo.... I took my Stalker Butt over the rim, turned off hide, and started pied pipering the aliens. Worked like a charm. No deaths.
  22. Not if they are gold. I have heard Gold can go to Ouro. Never done it myself. But they would have to go back Gold. Red Blue are no go It seems they made it to DFB…which will drop them right back in…. And how/why are they…..? People are endlessly fascinating.
  23. Here is the bedrock of the problem. Brutes were bent over and a…. Uh, modifications were made to the Brute inherent to ensure full Fury could not be achieved. So, any suggestions about Brutes getting that back I file under in the “maybe Santa will bring us something good this year” envelope. I bring up addressable issues. Like, hey, you guys made sure Brutes Fury was capped. And we all cap it pretty easy. So that makes a Brute ATO proc that gives Fury about as useful as pouring water into the Pacific. Maybe you could make it useful. (What the Devs just heard: Hey, can you guys buff Tanks? Brutes have Fury after all…)
  24. I looked back at some of the original posts. Of particular interest was the "everyone is happy with where Brutes are now" *blinks. Where would you like me to start? Oh, it doesn't matter. What you will hear is buff Tanks. But, having given up on the hot mess that Rage was turned into. How about giving us ATO procs that actually do something. Useful. Chance for Fury bonus? After the nerf bat that Fury was hit with? Possibly the most useless ATO proc in the entire game. but it really does not matter. You heard, should we increase Tanker AOE a little more? Or maybe bump the power of their ATO proc? Tough call, either/both are needed. Both you say?
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