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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. game has a long history of people standing while being dead. look at me....
  2. i think wrestling teaches these guys to be such great actors. John, Cena, The Rock, Roddy Piper, on and on: everyone that comes out of that environment just seems to have great timing and has fun with the audience.
  3. When you talk about enhancement, you need the best advice
  4. i could never get the chroma down. too many buttons and combat is so fast. i use a two side button now. it would be nice to have two more buttons there, but...12? my thumb is not that smart lol
  5. light wall panels and glass tops do a lot to brighten up the old tomb.
  6. oh, Octopi are scary smart. only live a year and yet are incredible problem solvers. interesting theory on the evolution of the year cycle is that they are also natural cannibals. so the old gen dies before the next shows up....
  7. yeah, do to a mishap in my younger years my right hand is fubar. okay for weightlifting, but typing is right out. The Razer Tarterus giving me left hand control is a blessing.
  8. Yeah, i used to pretend I understood agro. With the latest changes? Nope.
  9. i also play wow.... but yeah, i dont even watch shows on the tv. tend to watch programs on my phone lol
  10. I have the TV wall mounted now, but this is my setup. The Razer Tarterus left hand is the key. movent by thumbtoggle with paddle thumb jump. 20 dedicated power buttons, basically two trays.
  11. yeah, because what the game balance needs at this point is for fire to do more damage...
  12. Well. You irritate a mob. This is really easy for me, I have a knack. Then that mob attacks you
  13. Personally my sarcasm is always pretty direct. Never understood why people call it passive aggressive. Unless you are an idiot it is pretty obviously in your face.
  14. Yeah. I am not sure how close you can get. I mean, we do not want to work HC staff overtime. They do this voluntarily and they have better things to do. At Disney Land/World you (past age 14?) cannot dress as a Disney character. This is not due to trademark practices, but because it can confuse young guests. So die hard fans that are pros do something called "Disney Bounding" where they dress with similar colors, maybe a ribbon in the hair to match, but do not "copy" a character obviously enough to fool anyone. An homage character, with "hints" at the influence, and a DIFFERENT name, might be fine. Or pick something that is in public domain, like, maybe a nosferatu lol.
  15. Yes. I have my own "political" (I am a vampire, do not vote, but follow the power lines diligently) views. Regardless of whatever the song/phrase meant originally it is now hyper charged speech and should be avoided like a ....russian minefield....?
  16. sar·casm [ˈsärˌkazəm] NOUN the use of irony to mock or convey contempt: "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment" synonyms: derision · mockery · ridicule · satire · irony · scorn · sneering · scoffing · gibing · taunting · trenchancy · mordancy · acerbity · causticity · mordacity
  17. That is what he said, he had to. What he meant is to run fades on other players if you don't like how they would respond. Obviously.
  18. This game has Stalkers in it. Technically enabling and promoting Stalking activity. Let us face facts. It is the Devs fault
  19. I am sure Crey and the Ritki have any number of substances. Then there js the multi year process to turn a volunteer into a council vampyr. They are just super soldiers, not undead, not vampyrs but just really heavily modded. Probably have a few things creeping in from Praetoria, Oranbega, and points unknown
  20. what if we just wanted to stand around the water cooler and laugh about it?
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