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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. This mission is from a tip redside, and it does randomly drop. About as often as you randomly find a bread aisle in a grocery store.
  2. Proc is an acronym meaning that something is happening, and hence a verb. My 2 inf
  3. As I understand it…sort of. Part of it was general education. Even the rich thought taking baths caused diseases. And as some have pointed out that is a Europe belief, not necessarily a Native American concept. While the Japanese treasured baths. A hundred differences like this all based on cultural beliefs, education, and available resources were linked to lower life expectancy. But in Shakespeares time being 14-16 would be considered “working adult” age. As it would it most pre 19th century cultures around the world. Not all, most.
  4. human brain development "finishes" in the late 20s. people vote when 18. in europe STILL the age of consent is below the US. Everything is cultural and in context. Yes, I am saying in Shakespeares time these two were of marrying age. That is not even brought up in the play. 30 may have been average, and people may have lived to 80 (ancient wizards by the times standards) But in earlier times (In EVERY human culture) when you hit puberty it was time to stand up and lead.
  5. so, you are saying the average lifespan was 30..... and therefore teens are middle aged....
  6. But in shakespeares time that was middle aged
  7. My new Mind/Dark/Soul Dom is very nice. I have my standard Nosferatu costume and my signature name, Snarky on it. Just one leetle issue.... So, Domination, perma, is great. Excellent. But... this is so embarrassing, ... it... sparkles... suppose that is just baked in with no options....?
  8. On my current build I just ran a kill most LGTF. During extremely constant fighting my end bar was depleted very regularly just as perma dom clicked back on and refilled. Wasnt pkanned but is sure nice
  9. It is probably a bit different for each powerset. For my new Dom I looked it over. As a Mind/Dark with a LOT of global recharge and perma I decided Intuition Radial Paragon. This gives +33% hold ans Damage, and a buff to Darks To-Hit Debuffs, 20% Plus a Range buff 20%. All these looked like the best package I could find. What are some other gems you guys have found?
  10. Schedule has been very busy but this is the toon i am still working on. Really liking it Now at low 30s. I farmed up to 18 or so and did DFB for badges. Then a posi 1 + 2, a Synapse and a Tarikoss. Even with mostly SOs and no perma Dom this thing is very satisfying. Great assistance to teams being overwhelmed by Longbow or whatnot. Then a steady chain of ranged ST. I like the narrow cone on Dark, this allows me to miss those I have slept! The PBAoE is a 15 radius and actually respectable. Most importantly this really looks like a vampire standing around screwing with people!
  11. Spaghetti Betty was spot on. My personal picks are almost always Panacea, Miracle, Numina, then Perf shifter proc and perf shift endmod, then a IO endmod. If slots are free… never are start slapping in heal procs. It would bd nice to get the Synapse Shock 3 slot bonus…. But i cannot justify going that deep. On toons with no end issues i may only go two slots in stamina, both perf shift, if i am slot hungry
  12. all drama is manufactured. "haters" are rarely expressing honest fear or hate. They are generally pandeering to others emotions to generate interest, and CASH.
  13. I enjoy the depth of lore on each group and how those plotlines are woven through the larger tapestry of the game
  14. thank you. again, theses (seem) to be as rare as can be. as rare as it gets. i keep monitors on my res values so i know if i need to pop an orange or play different. but generally with high resistance (100%) you are immune from resistance being debuffed. in practice if not in theory. can happen, almost never does. 100% res will protect you from all normal res debuffs including the non stop brickers in Dr Aeon
  15. Supremely lazy. I drop an empyrean into email so it defaults to me and then take it back out and e-mail whatever. Long term storage does not get this, but few things are stored in email long term
  16. I run cardiac. Because of putting the final element of Endurance protection AND as importantly, buttressing resists. Yes, my build is rock solid at 50 without incarnate abilities. Even the Brute could Tank Recluse in a Master run, without any incarnate abilities. But I build to theory, and like a vampiric pit bull never stop. So at Incarnate I just keep solving the same issues and buffing the same strategy. You CAN go Musculature. But it will make an old vamp cry inside a little.
  17. You are saying stuff them in peoples trunks and then let the machine hide them?
  18. most pressing issue....where to put the bodies. it is a neverending struggle. you have no idea. you can only fit so many in any one grave, even if you are willing to keep re-shoveling. ponds fill right up. and smell.
  19. Built correctly the Dark Dark Brute, pound for pound, is one of the flat out meanest creatures walking. But….it is not for newbs or idiots. No offense meant. Just setting an expectation level You have to understand HOW Dark works. Dark takes the standard CoH Def>Res>Heal and puts that right in the trash compactor. Then dares you to say shit about it. Dark uses AoE stun and AoE fear to mezze the nobodies. This gets rid of a ton if annoying incoming attacks. If you do not take both those toggles do yourself a favor and quit reading. Dark Dark uses to hit debuffs to also reduce incoming attacks. Dark has non suppressed stealth. When they cant see you eating their friend twenty feet away you can call that defense. So Defense strategy is this. Do not waste resources building defense. you have no DDR and shit is worthless in a tough fight, it goes the F away Now, your big bads ignore most of that. Soooo… some of the best resists in the game. Do not neglect energy resistance. It can be built into a nice neighborhood. I have Tanked Rom on a Master Run because i have energy resistance BEST heal in the game. Available every few seconds. Top of my head i think mine sits at 8 sec recharge. From .0001 health to 100%. Dark Melee provides very good ST damage. Bolstered by Dark armor damage aura there is decent AoE as well. since a Dark Dark Brute is rarely killed you will win any and all DPS races. the most spectacular tacoing of my Dark Brute i recall was a shadow shard TF. A teammate got stuck in a crossroads in a cave map with tons of big spawns all around. My overconfident butt went in. Those F-ing eyeballs ignore steath. So part of my “defense” was gone. Then…..oof. Rikti, some Nemi and a very few Longbow Wardens do the same. You need to learn the groups and know the odds. Only bet on winning hands. that is the cliff notes. If you dig around the Tank and Brute Forums you will find my builds for each AT. They differ from how most people build the armor. A lot of people do not take all the toggles. Yeah, I do not think highly of that. A lot of people go “oh, I cannot have good energy resistance” Yeah, I do not think highly of that. Finally, Resistance is odd. It is very simple, and that places it as the odd duck in CoH game mechanics. I cannot stress this enough. Resistance is it’s own Resistance debuff Resistance. Weird sentence. What it means. If you have 100% resistance you can ALMOST never be debuffed. There are a very few (and i mean just a couple) beings in CoH that ignore res debuff res. One is an odd all Longbow Warden which you will encounter almost freaking never. But that shithead is out there. I am sure there are one or two others who do the same. They are much rarer than a sapper for instance. But just to be clear, that power exists in game. So… when I build a Res toon I build for 100% values rather than 90%. Then my Res cannot be yoinked out from under me. In say a Dr Aeon. Those brickers tear through resistance like its tin foil on a candy bar. Enjoy the ball of hate that is Dark Dark i will bump my dark dark thrad to top so you can look at that build.
  20. 17 rescues on a huge map….then it is a kill all you find out after the last one is found. Gotta love blueside
  21. The big powers and AoEs I am in love with. Dropping levitate is okay. I have not run it yet so I dont know what my ST burn chain is. (I never calculate these, I learn them by play). I will be surviving based on two-three things. Situational awareness, I do not draw agro first. Unless no other choice and dropping a big AoE control. I let the Tank/team make friends and back their play. I put a knockdown in the dark cone that is up every 8? Seconds. It is narrow but i know dark cones well. A lot of soft controls. I am not a premier damage dealer, not on this. I screw with everyone for my enjoyment and ST things the team is struggling with. When the combat comes to me i mez use PBAoE powers and then get 40-50 out of the way and cone/control My plan anyway
  22. here are my ideas so far. Snarky - Dominator (Mind Control - Dark Assault).mbd
  23. I have taken a couple months break and now want to wander back in. My thoughts wander to creating the "perfect" vampire and, right now, I see that as a Mind/Dark Dominator. I have played Dominators occasionally over the years but am no master at running them. or building them. Any assistance would be appreciated. I will be taking no melee attacks but will have the PBAoEs, especially since Dark and Soul get a nice toolkit out of that niche. I am arguing with MiDs right now. I am truly unfamiliar with Mind. Any suggestions about powers there and how to slot them would be a great help. Thanks.
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