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Everything posted by Ghost49X
Devs Stance on PvP and Balance of the Game?
Ghost49X replied to Solarverse's topic in General Discussion
About jousting and kiting... Sounds like they felt like the situation needed an emergency fix and they didn't have any good ideas so they went with the best they could think off. We should consider reversing this decision at some point but until they can come up with something better we better leave it alone. -
On top of having access to more powersets and powers as described above. I'd like more control over most aspects of the AE. Allow me to script AI, to have more freedom in where I place mobs and how they can interact and so on. Lastly but significantly more difficult, allow me to craft custom pvp scenarios. If you think that people will exploit this for free rewards, then I'm find with rewards being taken away unless certain rules are followed.
Why not just give Defenders the option for an assault secondary? You could do something similar for corrupters if you really wanted to push it. But for Defenders, their main role is supporting so they're not going require a focus on melee or range damage. The players can decide just how much they want to stick around or stay away from melee. This is by no means a request to replace the current defender secondaries, only to add more options.
Hi, I was looking at the beam rifle animations and I'd love to see a variant option where you shoot beams out of your eyes instead of using a gun. I looked through all the animations and I think they can already be converted over with minimal fuss and I think this would be great. Not to mention a very common super power from the earlier ages of super heroes. Of course I'd want this with both light and dark tintable particle colour palets.
For those who don't play Redside - why not?
Ghost49X replied to Legree's topic in General Discussion
I chose content, but it's not the lack of quantity but rather the lack of appealing quality content that demotivates me from playing red. Playing red, especially lower level doesn't make me feel like a villain. At best I think the current red content fits a rogue alignment instead of a villain alignment. Villain aligned content should be the sort that would make heroes want to stop you or should be part of arcs leading to some villainous plans. Rob bank (get resources) > build super weapon > enact evil plan. Playing anti-hero type missions should be for Vigilantes, and Rogues missions should have anti-villain type missions. Make me feel like a villain early on and keep it up. -
I like to play both sides but I'll roll characters for each side as opposed to lean on Null de Gull when I see the opportunity to join a team on the other side. I don't see the need for him especially since people can pick any side with any AT and even convert over later on. Maybe starting off as a Vigilante or Rogue should be an option but Gull is kinda redundant to me. Also on a side note, I'm perfectly happy rolling a new character to match a specific need for a team. With the current Sidekick/Lackey system there's no need for me to be any set level to enjoy any group content (maybe aside from high difficulty end content) I typically get invited for.
That and if they're going to cater to those who don't have the patience and need to grind multiple toons to 50 in the matter of hours by giving them XP Boosters to farm they might as well give those on the other side of that scale the same catering. Besides it's not like those who use the boosters and farm the AE and DFB would have done anything different without the boosters.
Doing something like that would cause more problems in the long term for those having trouble finding a team. As toons created after that weekend have trouble finding players their level as everyone else are now close to or at cap already. Besides, the type of players this would attract aren't the type to read missions and enjoy lore. They'd stash themselves at the AE or what ever content is rated to be the best xp/min and farm that until they hit cap or whatever their goal is (probably before switching over back to blue). I think the best option is to advertise on other servers, in the forums (here and elsewhere) and recruit like minded people into your SG. Then you can slowly build a community and do content together. There are indeed nudges that the devs could provide, but it would need to be additional interesting content starting at the lower levels to draw and keep a crowd interested. Bonus xp is just going to be taken advantage of and won't have the desired effect, worse it'll probably have a counter-productive effect unless what you want is more people strictly for level cap content.
Actually I wish the Dom secondaries were available on a lot of other ATs, it would allow for more hybrid melee/range type characters which would be sweet.
I don't know about waiting in queue. Hero side when looking to build a team for something we ask around, personally messaging people of the right levels and sometimes ATs that we think we need to see if they're up for it. On top of advertising in LFG for the content we're trying to build. That's how it worked red side back on the official servers too. It was way more engaging and personal than relying on a "join queue" system. I get that people especially kids are used to that sort of thing in MMOs but then again also people say that the advent of the LFG/LFR systems killed the community in other MMOs (thinking of wow in this case). If you get the right type of group going I'm more than willing to switch toons to red side to join in a taskfore or other group content, hell I'm even willing to join an arena team for some fun and I'd be surprised if I was the only one who felt that way. If you're alone and looking for a team, think about setting your search comment and tag so that people looking at building a team know you exist and that you're interested.
This can't be the normal pace, I finish contacts in my zone and I have to skip up to two zones ahead of where I should be. Even without DFB, the AE or boosters I've made almost 10 levels after running with a team for for about 6 hours. Maybe set the xp rate after inf boosters to be close to what it was prior to issue 11?
In addition to the existing controls -- Although it would probably take some heavy redo-ing of the aI -- Ranged vs Melee commands. Where rather than just leaving them with one attack it would weight the AI's preference one way or the other. I expect zombies to go around pimp-slapping things. It makes me a bit crazy when a robot runs in to do it. And a shorter "wander" radius for the "goto" and "stay" commands. I think that being able to set them in a stance to only use range vs use range and melee (or only melee) would be great. The more tactical control given to MM the better their gameplay will be.
Funny enough when I look through the search window for team mates I rarely find any villains who are anything but "not seeking". We should use the tools given to us when we can.
If you want to focus on support, consider taking Mastermind as your AT, then you can focus on your support secondary and let your pets take care of the damage. Your starting alignment is no longer based on your choice of AT so you can play either side with this concept. I think I read about this concept in a similar discussion on Empaths, not sure if it was on the forums or in game though. As for wow, healers are required for most group content in wow (at least back when I played) hence they were very well in demand, not so much in CoH. The equivalent role for wow would be the support role, as in the guy who brings buffs or debuffs to the party. I mean didn't care if you threw down a curse of weakness here or there, but they preferred that you brought more dps or healing and no one to my knowledge sought out support roles in wow. (if I lost you here, I played wow during vanilla, through to Lich King, I know the game has changed a lot since then) Defenders themselves are still useful and appreciated for their buffs and debuffs, it's just that pure healing is very situational and even then people will prefer resistance or defence buffs over reactionary healing.
This exactly, While I could reduce the challenge, most of my fun in this game comes from punching above my weight. Also I doubt inf boosters or even just a booster that cuts xp would be all that hard to code in. I mean they copy what they did with the XP boosters and switch the numbers around.
Yeah it'd be great. But it could also be quite wonky as it would either require that all powers be given modified animations to go with the rides unless they were built to only partially animate. Or players wouldn't be able to use powers while on or in a ride. If the Devs can figure out an easy way to do this I'd be all for it though.
Feel free to delete this comment when it's no longer needed This thread is a great idea, but please put in the current server for your SG in your post. So people can search for and find SGs that operate on their servers. Including your old server is also a great way into draw people from that server in too.
Not to be mean, but people seem to think Empaths are bad especially if they do nothing but heal and hand out leadership buffs. Some heals are nice, but fights don't always require them and you could be doing damage or providing some other form of active utility while waiting for your team to take damage. Other defender powersets bring a lot more to the fight, with buffs and de-buffs that help the whole team in most situations. I'm not saying this to dissuade you from playing empathy, but to let you know what you're up against so that you can compensate and work something out. You can play compensate for Empathy's shortcomings by delving a bit more into your secondary, not just for damage but for utility as well. PS: I have found memories of my Empath back on the official servers, so I hope you can find a good team.
Please tell me about these acts that are "utterly reprehensible" playing on red side I do a bunch of stealing from other crooks, with a side of sticking it to Archanos. I'm sure there are some decent plot lines some where but as a player I'd rather go through content I have a reasonable guess will be engaging which I'm finding on blue side for now. If only I didn't out level these contacts so fast it'd be heaven.
Requesting a non-AE server #TBL on July 1st
Ghost49X replied to pattycake's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I don't want them removed, AE in particular has great RP potential. But doing any of the stuff you mentioned jumps me way ahead of mission arcs I'd like to complete at a normal pace. If they must have xp boosters, let them make it entirely optional and off by default. Stopping by the P2W vendor to grab a boost and rushing past content you don't want to do isn't as bad as trying to complete stuff that you want to do and out-leveling zones faster than you can complete them. It's also better for the player base to start slow and learn of the boost than rushing past the option. -
Requesting a non-AE server #TBL on July 1st
Ghost49X replied to pattycake's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
If we were to start any "new server" I'd like it to be a regular xp cure without boosts. It's really annoying to outpace zones before I've had time to finish them. And no I don't like the idea of constantly freezing my xp because it gives me the impression that I'm not improving. Maybe this could apply both to regular content and xp from AE. On a side note, I'd be more open to trying AE missions if I wasn't under the impression that they were all farms and that it didn't jump me off course of my already fast xp curve. -
How about giving players the options to choose their own colours for each alignment? Would allow colour blind players to set colours to something they can actually differentiate. But yes setting the default to something like above wouldn't be bad.
How about this for a fix: [*]Rage is a toggle [*]The endurance cost/upkeep for rage keeps increasing the longer it's maintained. [*]Rage crash is still a thing, it happens when either it's turned off manually or when the character runs out of endurance. [*]Recharge lowers the rage crash duration. This way you can slot for buff, endurance discount or recharge. Would you rather rage harder, longer or be less winded at the end? I'd also see an IO that influences the rest of your team with your rage. Sharing some of the buff (and crash) with team mates.
Honestly I'd like to see some pet skins to add variety, like different zombies or different uniforms and weapons for mercs (Storm Troopers!). I'd also like to see some "weapon" options that change the weapon MMs use as part of their primary powers. Archery mixed with Ninjas have never really been my thing, not when I could have shurikens or dark magics or something. The previous idea wouldn't need any changes to the powers save from new weapons and animations. On the other hand being able to pick some form of melee option like the Martial art powers would be great. Could always leave my pets on guard to make myself survivable enough for melee.