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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. 4 hours ago, Tad Cooper said:


    I will admit I was aiming for witty and jovial, I guess it failed. Aww well...


    How are any of these balance changes?


    Your suggestion for AoE holds alone... Well ok So if you reduce the recharge people are STILL going to be taking hasten and all the things that will make them recharge proportionally as quick.

    Now with said reduced recharge, AoE Holds are now in effect perma duration. I'm going to set aside the "average lifespan of a mob" as an argument purely because that could be used either way. Yes I get it mobs due quick and people want to use AoE holds more often. But flip side if you AoE hold every group, then it's not really a fight now is it. Also most stuns can be perma'd and have a lower recharge and are almost as effective as hold.


    The armor T9's.... Well I rarely feel a need to use them.


    And the Pet recharges, I have no strong feelings. But I generally manage as is.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    I did not strawman you, your "evidence" was an argumentum ad populum fallacy, the most bog standard form there is in fact. Your case of fallacious reasoning couldn't be any more cut and dry, you could use your post as an ideal example of it.

    My post you are criticizing has nothing to do with my stance on the status of Regen. It was a criticism for the OP's choice on how he was claiming "As you know Regen is unpopular to play in the high end game for anything but a sentinel." My Opinion, which stands on it's own, is that regen by in large is fine, and people should just leave it alone. There are likely just as many people who think it needs nerfs as there are that think it needs buffs.

  3. 8 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    I'm just here to post some bog standard support of IH being a toggle again in some fashion, Regen, Absorb or otherwise.


    ...Oh, and rain on the parade of the usual fallacy that gets posted involving Regen.




    Once again someone who didn't read the VERY FIRST SENTENCE of the Thread! I was using evidence to invalidate something, not validate anything. I'd say your fallacy is https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman, however you didnt actually make an argument, you were just attacking mine.

    • Like 1
  4. 98% o Enemies don't have -regen. So I'm really failing to see how this is going to make peoples lives much better. But I already made the concession that Reconstruction could use some -regen resist and a slightly lower recharge time.


    Also my regen is nigh unstoppable, and that is without Instant Healing running w/ IH Regen skyrockets to 1806% :



  5. 6 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    As I said in my post about it, it would be a layer that is always there, essentially rapidly refreshing to the point of never ever going down

    I don't agree with an always there layer, but something to this effect might be a more "useful" version of Unstoppable.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Menelruin said:

    If my Earth Dominator's EQ and Animate Stone can't stick around after I go squish, and my Mastermind has to resume his bots from square one any time he dies, why should mobs get to keep there pets? *grumps*

    I think a Masterminds pets should "desummon" and run away, since their master isnt there to tell them what to do. I don't feel they should just die.

  7. WHY!? WHY is this being debated soooooo hard! Most people wont even use the option, this will not affect market price on white salvage and you know why?? Because if I put up a "Luck Charm" at 250, as soon as ANYONE wanting ANY white salvage is willing to pay more then 250 the market will sell my Luck Charm to them so they can have their "Spell Ink"! That's right ALL THE COMMON SALVAGE IS POOLED!


    There will be plenty of people like myself who keep selling white salvage at vendor price!

    • Like 5
  8. 5 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Again, popular =/= good. Regen is a major trope so people will take it by name alone. That said, Willpower is much closer to the "Healing Factor" trope most associate with regen, and as @Zeraphiasaid it suffers from an almost Jekyll/Hyde syndrome where its either amazing or awful. 


    There are buffs that would make it a smoother experience for all that I think are warranted even in an IO world.

    Mind you my statistic graph posted by Cypher is also only those who have made it to 50. So it's good enough to play through up to max level. Not good =/= Bad and in need of fixing at this time. I still feel there are other powersets that are in much more need of love then regen.

  9. 8 minutes ago, macskull said:

    Elec and Mental require hit rolls on their sustain power as well.

    But they aren't single target either. In elec's case you dont even need a target for it to give you the regen/recovery. And in Mental, well it can be crazy powerful if you get enough guys with it, but that is offset with it's longer recharge and shorter duration.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

    Yes, but IMO it critically needs the higher mag, though I would be okay with gutting it for Engulfing Darkness or a really good power.

    Also considered this, but I feel blasters got enough AoE's in general so I was looking for utility in this slot thus my Range Boost choice. But Engulfing Darkness would defiantly make the set stand out for people that want a blapper build.

    • Like 1
  11. 10 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

    My thoughts on the others...

    I'm of a different mindset to this actually. I actually *greatly* enjoy the utility of a single target ranged immobolize with decent DPA. The problem lies, that this does NOT have decent DPA due to its cast. I think the approach to this could be to reduce the cast to 1.07s-1.33s and improving its damage. I am pretty supportive actually over these powers, the utility they bring to being "pure ranged" is a huge DPS buff, you no longer have to chase down AV's solo with them, they're one of few controls that work via purple triangles, and they bring a lot of survivability due to how enemies have to use ranged attacks to hit you, where so much of the ATOs and IO's make ranged defense for Blaster plenty. So IMO, change the cast rate of the power and tweak the damage up a little and it's great, also stacking immobs is not a bad thing IMO, but I do think Midnight Grasp is a little "eh" because it wants you to be in melee thus don't really gain a huge benefit out of the immob. So I am sort of at a toss-up about this one. Your suggestion to changing it to a Fear power, eh, not feeling it. I get it, I even agree with your logic that it is thematic, but I think fears are neigh-useless and would make this power imo just a straight set mule unfortunately rather than a real utility (how I see Fear is that it acts like a lesser "sleep" where if you hit the target, it will fire back, you want that target to die right? So you're kind of going to waste the effect unless you really need that "deep breath" moment which... I find there are more reliable ways to achieve that.)

    You like the range Immob, that's fine I work with that. I also think you are underselling the power of fear, I find I like it a lot. It reduces the attack rate, it's a half Immobilize half hold, sure they can retaliate but it's not after every attack, and the fact that fear powers have an absurdly high -tohit... there is a fair chance that when they do attach you back from a fear it's got a good chance of missing.


    How about: Keep Penumbral Grasp if you find the ranged ST immob a blaster staple, and instead we can modify the Midnight Grasp at the T9 level give it the fear effect and rename it to something fearish related, you make a valid point that an immobilize at a melee range does little good to a blaster, but adding fear to the melee might be a little more impactful.


    10 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

    I like the new DM version of SM, I felt like it should've been ported over, but I think your suggestion is decent and well-thought out, but I'd rather this just be a pure AoE damage dealer with the large radius... I like the Stun idea though! An idea could be to replace it with Engulfing Darkness from the Dominator assault, but I can understand people being "married" to this and wanting it for thematic reasons, which I fully understand. But I definitely think the radius needs to be drastically increased, I'd even give it room for far higher than even your suggestion to 70 degrees, I'd say 90-120 degrees to be "competitive" as the only aoe power in the set. But then again, my ideas can be a little ambitious so I will say this is a great start/suggestion 🙂

    I really don't want to over shadow the melee classes version of SM, as you said some people just love them some Shadow Maul. That's why my suggestions just nudged the power a little bit so it has some value over the old painful wiffing sound effect trigger. (And I say that because even if it did hit, it probably wasn't hitting everything you wanted it too)


    10 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

    See, I would normally try to defend this, in that the Holds from some of the other sets are really great and keep my Blasters alive during the really "oh ***!" moments. However, given this is a Mag 2 Stun that even just decently-resisting Lei can totally ignore it... I think it needs to be either totally replaced or tweaked for better effectiveness. I like the Boost Range idea! Another idea is to take the Stun from Mag 2 -> Mag 3 so then it DOES stun Lei's and becomes a truly potent power! Just to add a bit here, there are other Stuns that ARE mag 3, this one being Mag 2 is a bit of an odd-ball to me and it probably took a hit for some reason due to a mechanic that honestly just doesn't merit the "hit."

    And I did consider just bumping up the mag and calling it good, but then I said to myself, we are on a blaster not a controller and this just seems completely out of place and under-performing, the only other three AoE disorients for blasters (that I saw with a quick glance) were Atom Smasher and Psychic Shockwave reasonably powerful PBAoE attacks, and Time shift which completely outclasses Dark Pit at the cost of a higher recharge time.


    Thank you for your input and support.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Nanolathe said:

    Many Armour T9s are designed in a way that is not in line with their use. When you have a powerful 'click' power you are under constant pressure to hold off from using it until absolutely necessary. However, CoH gives the player very little information before a fight is started as to whether using the T9 is worth while, or better saved for a different fight. Consequently the T9 is not popped until either it is blindingly obvious that the fight calls for it (AVs, GMs, etc) or not used until it's too late. The average Armour T9 is not a "reset fight" button, and is rarely worth clicking as a panic button.


    If the idea of a T9 is a "prepare for a tough fight" power, then the only way the player will ever use it is if they feel they completely understand the odds against them, and feel that the T9 is able to swing the fight in their favour. However, it doesn't last long and (sometimes) has a period of weakness after the power expires. Meaning the player has to understand not only the strength of the combatants, but the likely time period in which the fight will occur and judge if they can win in time before the debuff kicks in. This is compounded by the possibilities of harder encounters further into the mission, and the long cooldown of most of these powers is a deterrent towards misjudging the use and being flippant with when you activate it. A player, unless they have back-to-front, upside-down knowledge of a mission, the enemy and the troubling spots ahead of when they need to be used is not given enough information to make these calls with any degree of accuracy. Experience is the only way to know these things, and once you have experience you don't need the T9 anymore; you've already learnt other methods for success that will be more effective, and dealing with the backlash of the power expiring will slow down your progress more than the T9 will speed it up.


    If the idea is for the T9 to be a "panic button" then many of these T9 powers are equally ill suited to their roll as they are not actually powerful enough to turn an imminent failure into a salvageable situation. Most don't heal you or give you a sudden burst of endurance to fire off your headliner attacks. Most don't give you enough time to regain the upper hand if you were already outmatched. Most won't let you finish the fight any quicker in your favour and you've still got that debuff coming down on you... and that's only going to make the situation worse! They're fundamentally unsuited to being a panic button, since unless you're experienced in how the fight is changing moment-to-moment, you're not going to see the suckerpunch coming. A major issue is that the Brute, Tanker, Stalker and Scrapper all get access to what is essentially the SAME power, that is supposed to compliment their vastly different pay styles. Each Archetype is going to want something different from a "Oh God, Help!" power. Again, the only time this could be used properly is if you're prescient by about 10 seconds. And the only time that could happen, your so experienced with the game that you'll avoid the situation before the T9 is necessary.


    There's one of two fixes needed. But first you have to decide which of the two situations the T9 is going to cater for.


    Is it's purpose success through superior planning, or snatching victory from the jaws of defeat?


    More thoughts on this as time permits.

    This really was the "Insight of the Thread" award right here.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    A small absorb layer will not plug a psy hole

    a "small layer" might work on a ranged character like a blaster or a sentinel, but lets face it. On an invuln? You are going to be in the thick of it and you knew that when you rolled up the character. If you are going to put absorb in invuln it's going to be a substantial layer or incredibly fast reapplying. In either case it can help mitigate a hole.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Monos King said:

    Yeah that sounds perfect, I'd like those terms. I'm sure a lot of other people would too (although I'm sure there'd be the odd few that insists on getting the full extent of rewards).

    Well tough for them they can go to Ouro and then grow a pair. I have absolutely no idea what kind of work code wise this requires, and for the current devs it really is a "Is the juice worth the squeeze" issue.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    One idea that floated around was like, a Perma-Absorb layer from an auto power that behaved like a small amount of "Damage Negation". To emulate how an invulnerable character simply cannot be harmed by certain amounts of damage, this layer would subtract X damage directly before ever touching your HP and allow you to actually be "Invulnerable" to a certain small threshold. 

    Maybe in unstoppable... Else basically you are just trying to plug the psi-hole without plugging the psi-hole. Because frankly you got enough resistance for everything else that you are skimming plenty off the top...

  16. OK the ONLY WAY I am agreeing to any of this is if the following rules are observed:

    1. "Outleveled" contacts only offer a players contacts from the players current level when introducing a new contact.
    2. You can't just go introduce yourself to an outleveled contact that you haven't been introduced to. (So if you want to use your time getting everyone as a contact over actually doing any of those contacts and you want to do them later because, I won't presume to fathom your reason, that's up to you. But no "collecting" old contacts, thats what Ouro is for, if you outleveled them without being introduced, tough use Ouro)
    3. Mission rewards have to hit the same rate of diminishing return as mobs do, so if you are barely out leveled and still fighting blues or greens with a +0 notoriety then the mission bonus is appropriately reduced as well, if you aren't getting any xp from the mobs well then don't expect any at the end. (I might be willing to bend on this one)
    4. No merit reward. You want 'em? Go to Ouro! (Why should you get anything special for ignoring your contacts so long that someone else could have solved their problems and now they are trivial.)
    5. Don't make scaling enemies, I don't like them in invasions, I certainly don't want them in my missions; And scaling up low level enemies not designed for high levels might have undesired results.

    I just feel doing this is putting more spaghetti in the pot for no good reason.

  17. 47 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    The reason people want to see it improved IS because it is so popular, and it only needs a few things to really "click". Yes, it can work well but when you compare it to other sets that also give layered defenses on top of the ability to boost regen or self heal.... yeah

    So it's good enough to be popular, and for people to play... a lot... But it's not good enough so we absolutely have to make it that much better? Perhaps championing some of the lesser played sets that are suffering much more due to poor design should happen before ones that are currently being played on an incredibly wide scale and only are marginally less powerful...

  18. 5 minutes ago, 0th Power said:

    Me not reading his argument doesn’t mean I agree with yours

    Fair enough, I will say though your suggestions aren't bad, and I guess they wouldn't be unwelcomed as they seem relatively balanced. I dislike #2, number 2 should be reduce reconstruction's recharge to 45 seconds, and have it contain a stackable -regen resist.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Popular =/= amazing. 


    Regen is an incredibly THEMATIC pick, so yes it will be incredibly popular. Similarly, Elec/Elec blasters are very popular for theme despite Elec Blast being lacking.

    Not every set needs to be AMAZING! Why do people default to this? "It didnt knock my socks off." "I've seen other people do more with something else."
    Regen works just fine for the people who learn how to use it. Pre set bonus' I might have agreed with you all but you can do plenty with sets and IO's.

    There have been more then a few times, I've seen the whole balanced team go down except the regen scrapper who just stopped caring, and decided that if it was breathing he was going to make it stop.

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