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Everything posted by Seigmoraig

  1. There is an invention set called Sudden Acceleration that has a special enhancement that, when slotted into a power with knockback, turns that knockback into knockdown. This enhancement is not unique and is of relatively reasonable cost to buy/craft. You could conceivably slot this enhancement in any/every power you have that has knockback thus turning them all into knockdown powers instead. There is also the Overwhelming Force set from the Summer Blockbuster event. This set can also be purchased from the Merit vendor. The pieces of this set are all unique so only one of each piece can be slotted. One of these enhancements in this set turns knockback to knockdown if the power has knockback OR adds a chance to knockdown if the power does not have knockback. This set is expensive. Great ! Thanks a lot for this, was exactly what I was looking for =)
  2. Thanks, but this is not the information I was looking for
  3. I have heard mention that there is a thing that lets you change your knockbacks to knockdowns. Where can I find this thing and what is it called ? Tnanks
  4. Hello ! I recently started an Electric / Kinetic character and I must say, I am having a really good time playing it ! Although I have not found much info on these boards about the Electric Control Archtype. I really enjoy the electric aura that transfers end from enemies around me. With this power up i never even come close to running out of endo, even when I forget to turn off ninja run and sprint. I'm not looking to play this character as a solo, going to be 100% group oriented so I went with Kinetics so I get to stack buffs and stuff while I'm not CCing. I'm looking for some general help with slotting and enhancements. Also I would like some feedback on interesting power pools and epic powers (I have not gotten a character to epic power levels yet) with considerations that my electric control power "conductive aura" seems to give me near infinite endo when I am in fights At level 22 here are the powers I have (Sorry no character planner software at work) Electric Control: Tesla Cage Chain Fences Jolting Chain Conductive Aura Static Field Paralyzing Blast (26)Synaptic Overload (32)Gremlins Kinetics: Transfusion Siphon Power Siphon Speed Speed Boost (28) Inertial Reduction (35) Transference (38) Fulcrum Shift Super Speed: Hasten Leadership: Assault Tactics
  5. You could also just go to the P2W vendor and get the jump pack and ninja run and just...not get a travel power until much much later in the build. Combined with the jetpack you get from banks you can toggle on/off only when needed it's very quite manageable to forego travel powers
  6. Also partially because those names were already takes, amirite ?
  7. There is an option to do so right on the character select screen !
  8. Thanks for the feedback guys ! I ended up going with WP for my guy. The staff set is very dynamic and I will have my hands full (because im total noob) trying to get the most out of the set so WP works well for me. I played him last night up to level 10 and I had a great time :)
  9. Thanks for the reply, I will look into these !
  10. Hello ! Like many people I have found this lovely server and gotten back into CoV. Back in the day I mostly soloed with a MM and I also had a Corruptor. This will basically be my first Melee character in the game. I found staff to be a cool looking Archtype with some single, ranged and aoe capabilities that looked interesting (especially since your weapon can be a giant pipe) I was wandering about which secondary power pool would pair well with Staff primary. I really have no idea what I am looking for in these power pools, as in what are some of the key power types I need to look out for when selecting powers. I would like to make an old monk type character with a beard that is so strong he doesn't need real weapons so he smashes faces with his pipe Any help would be appreciated ! :D
  11. You don't actually need to input them ingame, here is a better guide to the MM binds https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Mastermind_Numpad_Pet_Controls Basically what you do is copy paste the commands to .txt files saved on your PC. All you need to do it mount the "primary" text file. In the examples in that link, it would be the "mercs.txt" that need to be imported ingame. This is the master file which will tell the game to reference the secondary text files that contain the bind commands for each pet group Using this method there is just one command to use ingame : /bindloadfile "C:\covbinds\mercs.txt" You can then easily remake the files for your other Mastermind alts without having to slog through the manual copy/pasting in-game
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