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Everything posted by Seigmoraig

  1. I agree, that these power are mandatory for almost any melee char, but to say "screw all melee characters because I need to take these" is a smidge extreme
  2. my bad was saying from memory
  3. Momentum lasts 5 seconds, when it's up the moves don't apply momentum and you have to re-swing a slow attack to get it rolling again. Or hit build-up
  4. You need to get Enhancement Boosters from the merit vendors to do this. It will run you 25 merits per power you want to get to +5
  5. TW is definitely not for everyone. The early game is very brutal for the very reason you enumerated. It really comes into it's own starting at level 32 when you get the last power. Good luck on your quest to finding your perfect character 🙂 I went through 3 pages of characters before I settled on my TW/Bio Scrapper !
  6. Defender gets the bigger debebuff values but corrupter will deal significantly more damage with their higher base damage values (.750 vs .650) and scourge crits Personal preference for me is towards Corrupter because I find it more fun to play since you get your damage set as primary
  7. /Dark is definitely a great choice full of debuff goodness. Debuff, especially -regen and -tohit is extremely powerful when fighting AV type enemies. My first 50 on live was a /Dark MM and I loved every minute of it Personally, I don't really like /Storm, the single target heal combined with the need for KB>KD in half of your powers turns me off.
  8. I would get rid of Mystic Flight and use a 5000$ jetpack to pick up Crushing Blow instead. It's a good power to have when you need to switch from AoE to single target as it gives you a 3rd skill to use in those cases. To slot it I would switch 3 slots from Defensive Sweep into it. DS doesn't really do much damage anyways, I use it as a +Def enabler to take the Alpha Strikes easier and as a Luck of the Gambler +haste mule. Crushing blow with a 4 slot Kinetic Combat has some very nice set bonuses to +Def. I can't see what your Def numbers are because I don't have mids at work but judging by the previous post they might need some work. On top of the Kinetic Combat in Crushing Blow, you could look into getting a second one in Defensive Sweep, here's how I would do it: Currently it's sitting at 6 slots. Take away 3 to add to Crushing Blow. Take away 1 from Health (the Generic Heal IO) to add a 4th to Defensive Sweep. Next take away 1 from Hasten to add a 5th to Defensive Sweep (you only really 2 recharge in it at lvl 50+5 look at the merit vendor for Enhancement Boosters). This will leave you at 5 slots in Defensive Sweep: add in 4x Kinetic Combat and 1x Luck of the Gambler +Hasten !
  9. I ALWAYS go for these hehe. I usually go for 1 or 2 Perf Shifters (depending on build) along with Numina and Miracle in health. Then the rest in 25 IOs until 50. I'll add in some more along the way as slots open up but usually only in my attack powers and only when I have a batch that I can do. I suppose though that since this is a solo stalker build it might be a good idea to keep all slots filled !
  10. The end drain from /Electric is nothing to write home about. It's more of a thematic thing that anything meaning that you will never "end-lock" enemies with /elec. /Radiation on the other hand has some fantastic end regen in Gamma Boost on top of the other things it offers. My buddy plays a Rad/TW Tanker, TW being an extremely end heavy set the only time his end drops is when he suffers from the Meltdown falloff
  11. Ageless is nice and all but I try not to be dependant on it because when you exemplar down to do various TFs for dailies and such Ageless doesn't work and you find yourself gimped
  12. The ATOs require level 10 minimum, so you could totally put them into your build right away and have them level up with you. As for the rest, I would look into Performance Shifter, Miracle, Panacea and Numina procs as they are low level. Possibly also look into Steadfast Protection +def, Luck of the Gambler +haste and other such frankenslot sets that offer good 1 off bonuses available at low levels
  13. I use Q and E for Build up and Hasten. Also I have removed the mousechord (hold left and right click) function for autorun on my mouse so that it just runs normally /bind MouseChord "+forward"
  14. Seigmoraig


    Holy crap ! I just went and checked those changes out for myself. Guess who is rolling a tanker !
  15. TW/Regen is rough because when you click on the stay alive buttons it messes with Momentum
  16. What powers instead of Tough and Weave exactly do you need so badly that it gimps your concept to the point of not playing the character ? I find that in most builds I always have some free space so that getting the 3 fighting pool powers isn't even an issue. And thematically speaking being tougher and weaving around in combat is on theme, no ?
  17. Still though, skipping defensive toggles is generally never a good idea. I would need to check it out in game because I am at work, but you are right finding precise info is kind of a pain. I got the recharge info from one of the wikis. " When faced with danger, your Bio Armor reacts by becoming incredibly durable as well as infecting nearby enemies, lowering their resistance to damage. While active, Evolving Armor will grant you small amount of damage resistance, plus an additional amount for each nearby target. Nearby foes will also be taunted and have their damage resistance reduced. While no Adaptations are active, this power grants a moderate bonus to Regeneration and Recovery plus a tiny amount of both for each nearby foe up to 10 foes. While Defensive Adaptation is active you gain a very minor amount of defense and damage resistance for each nearby foe. If Offensive Adaptation is active you'll gain a moderate recharge bonus, plus a tiny recharge bonus for each nearby foe up to 10 foes, as well as empowering Evolving Armor's resistance debuff moderately. These special bonuses are unenhanceable. Recharge: Slow "
  18. The damage resistance of this power scales the more targets are around you so it becomes sizable when you are in the fray. Also do not forget that these powers give additional benefits when you are in one of your forms. In Offensive Form, the one i'm in 95% of the time, it also gives a bonus to recharge and recharge per target. But like you said, the only real skippable power is Parasitic Aura
  19. All the powers are skippable because you can get tough, weave and maneuvers ? You must really like to play on -1/0 and get CCed every 3 seconds....
  20. None, they are all very good. But if I absolutely had to choose, it would be the last one, Parasitic Aura, because it's the one I find myself pressing the least. Especially so once you get Incarnates. But it's still pretty good in the end as an "oh crap" button and I wouldn't skip it.
  21. If you don't have access to it, it's most likely because you are Exemplared. Follow Through and Whriling Smash both require Momentum to get going. Hope you get out of that DFB soon because level 1 Titan Weapon suuuuuuuuuuuuucks XD Once you get Whirling Smash at 26 and Arc of Destruction at 32 is where it gets serious. TW/Bio Scrapper is my main currently and I am enjoying it very much, good choice !
  22. You are really going the hard route building /fire on a non farmer. While /fire does have it's upsides (lotsa damage and cap fire resist) it's downsides are also very present. There is no + defence in the set meaning that you will be investing significantly in IOs to get everything running and until then you will be meatshielding everything with your 75% resist cap. It also doesn't have any knockback protection out of the box but that it less of an issue since you can pretty cheaply IO it. It's not like it can't be done it's just that you would get a lot more mileage out of your inf with another defence set. As for farmers, you don't absolutely 100% NEED to be spines to farm, it's just that Spines is good because it's slightly faster than the others so the min-max crowd will make you believe it's the only way to go. A Claws/Fire brute would do very well in Comic Con farm maps and game play wise it's basically the same thing as a scrapper but with 90% resist cap that you can hit naturally with /fire. I personally farm with a TW/Bio scrapper in Comic Con S/L farm maps, sure it would probably be faster with another build but I really enjoy playing this one and it is not completely reliant IOs to do any other content. Not trying to discourage you or anything, it's just the way it is with /fire EDIT: Here's a couple notes on your actual build, while I am not a pro yet, I have looked at a good number of them : You should have a second Knockback protection IO somewhere in there because enemies that knockback a lot will go through that mag 4. Look into Steadfast Protection for it Stamina should only have 2 slots in it. I Performance Shifter +end and Performance Shifter End mod level 50+5. Look to merit vendor for Enchancement boosters Same for Hasten, 2 slots level 50+5 crafted recharge SO Usually Build Up would be 2 slotted (gaussian refresh + 50+5 recharge SO) also but since it's an attack in Claws i'm not sure how it goes Maneuvers should only be 1 slotted with a Luck of the Gambler Def/Global Recharge (the bonus is so small that actual investment in the +def is not really worth it) Combat Jumping and Tough also need Luck of the Gambler Def/Global Recharge This 7.5% haste bonus from LotG is extremely powerful and is the cheapest way to get perma-Hasten. It's probably doable in /fire but it will need to happen more heavily in IO sets since you can only slot 4 Luck of the Gamblers from power pools. Other sets with naturally occurring +defence skills have an easier time achieving this. You should look into getting the 2 Scrapper only sets. One gives a great proc, +50% crit chance, and the other gives a flat 6% crit to all attacks. Scrapper's Strike and Critical Strike are the names of these 2 sets. These can also be upgraded to purple with Enhancement Catalysts that you can buy or get as drops at lvl 50. Hope this helps !!
  23. Great build, thanks ! I will be using this, slightly modified to my taste but 95% this one 🙂 cheers
  24. One of the nice things about TW is that Defensive Sweep gives 11.25% Smash and Melee defense for 10 seconds and has a 4s cooldown. I know a lot of builds skip this power but I find it really useful to shore up the D hole that /Bio has.
  25. I run my main account on my primary monitor, and my 2 bots on my secondary monitor. It's possible when running the 2 secondary clients in windowed mode to resize them so that they fit side by side on the same monitor.
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