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Everything posted by Seigmoraig

  1. Hello, Since I can't easily find this info on the forums (maybe looking in wrong place). Am I allowed to dual box, as in having 2 accounts logged in at the same time on my computer so that I can self power level/buffbot/get more money ?
  2. With Spines/Bio you can get the double pbaoe damage aura !
  3. Leadership would depend on where you are in your defences, if you need a few more % to reach your cap, or more likely if you need the specific slot to put in a fancy IO set As per the Paragon Wiki here are the numbers for a Scrapper. Note that Scrapper is at the bottom tier for bonuses from Leadership : Maneuvers: 2.275% Def Assault: 10.50% Damage Tactics: 7% To-Hit Probably not worth the power investment unless you really need the slot for a set you want
  4. You can't be super strength scrapper though
  5. Doesn't have Health either, possibly the wrong version of the Planner, one that was used in the olden days
  6. I notice you don't have Stamina in this build, you neeeeed it
  7. I am wondering why you chose Fireball at level 38 ? it being a level 2 spell you should take it asap because if you exemplar to do some lower level TF/SF content below level 33 you will not have access to this spell. Same with aim and build up
  8. I changed my Global Chat Handle and I did not need to open a ticket or anything /changehandle New Hero Name
  9. Not sure if this is a custom change or a late change from live, but when your toggle target dies, the toggle "falls" on the ground and keep working for a while
  10. thanks a lot for the info was much help ! I had skipped the melee powers in the set for fear of getting pwnd in melee, but I will try at least the first 2 to see how they feel. The build I'm currently playing is Fire/Temporal
  11. New to blasters here and I can't find much information on /temporal online. How do you guys find the set ? it seems like a well balanced set will some self buffs and even heal potential but I would like some feedback on it before committing thanks !
  12. Not sure if it's the best but Titan Weapon has a ton, 3 cones and a pbaoe
  13. I was wandering if there is a place, not in-game or in a builder program that I can consult the various power sets (at work) available to Sentinels. Since all the /xxx sets seem to have modifications done to them I cannot rely on info from the various legacy wikis. P.S I'm playing an Archery/Bio Sentinel and it rocks ! :D
  14. The reason you never played them on live is that they are a custom class created by the Homecoming team!
  15. I picture a tiny WB cartoon character sneaking around with a ridiculously large mallet behind its back when I think of stalkers with titan weapons. I fail to see the problem with this though XD :O
  16. Not sure if it was mentioned at all in this thread, a quick ctrl+f (Merit) didn't return anything sooo.... you can get purple Enhancements from the merit vendor, if you dislike doing the farming thing and don't mind getting them gradually by playing, you can just run random Task Forces and collect merit points and buy your purples for 100 merits a piece
  17. I noticed you don't have any slots in Health and Stamina. Stamina needs to be 3 slotted ASAP ( I usually put my 2 slots at level 3 into it so it's out of the way). Drop in 3x Endurance Modification to significantly increase your stamina recovery. I also add a 4th slot to drop Performance Shifter until I get my Big Boy IOs and can run 2x end+PS I also run 2 slots in Health to slot in Numina and Miracle for even more +recovery
  18. Superspeed at level 44 is way too high if you want this for TF content. Unless you exclusively deal in end games content you need to take it at a lower level because TF function with the sidekick system meaning that you will get leveled down to the level of the TF you are currently on
  19. Not sure if it was mentioned, but the Rooted skill doesn't actually immobilize you, it just dramatically lowers your speed. If you slot for +SPD IOs you can still move around
  20. All you need to do is farm Merit Reward and you can get them for free basically just from playing the game. Look into doing tip missions, story arc missions or task forces to get the merits then you buy them from the Merit Vendor
  21. Not sure about your build but if you are running out of end you can look to getting Miracle and Numina IOs. Both of these sets have a single slot +recovery enhancement . They are also healing sets so you can put the +recovery thing into the slot of your Health power and have it always be on. Also 3 slots into Stamina with endurance modifications goes a long way
  22. it's 5 seconds for the Momentum to wear off and about 5 seconds swing animation without it :p
  23. Titan Weapon and never attack when Momentum is up, should be like 10 seconds between swings
  24. I'm running mine with Kinetics. Time is really fun too though !
  25. I really enjoy this power. It is in my opinion the crown jewel of the Elec Control set. I have mine slotted with 2 end and 1 acc (only level 26) and it does much more work than others you have you believe. Combine this with Static Field and Tesla Cage and the group drops down to 0 end in seconds. I think it does resleep but I am not 100% sure about this, I would have to test it (pay attention to it actually). Also it is not a -Recharge but a -End that has a chance to give end to your teammates
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