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  1. Thank you so much, anything helps 😄
  2. Howdy everyone I can't find any builds for fire melee rad armor scrapper and was wondering if you all had any builds you could share with me. I mostly just solo everything if that helps.
  3. I did Who Will Die as a hero, then a villain, and then decided to do it again as a hero but for some reason on the final task force for Who Will Die everyone treats my character like a villain, I even had to fight Manticore in the end even though I went through all of it as a hero this time.
  4. When using the dark color choice for Psi Blade Sweep the sound doesn't work.
  5. Is there a way to add as many colors to auras as the powers have?
  6. I noticed that Powers have a lot of color options for customization but Auras have a limited color selection so some colors wont match up with the colors you choose for powers. I was wondering if it were possible to add more colors for Auras and maybe clothes?
  7. Thank you for confirming it, it's been driving me crazy trying to figure out where it came from.
  8. I haven't done the Mot storyline but for some reason I have the withered piece of mot souvenir, has this happened to anyone else? I did the New Praetorian storyline so maybe that messed it up.
  9. Thanks for the info y'all, does anyone have a good build for Psi/Da?
  10. I've been going crazy trying to make a new character, I've tried to make another character but always restart for stupid reasons like if the secondary is to cluttered visually, or will it really benefit a damage dealer., I have been looking at Dark Armor, and it seems to have a lot going for it, but would it be good for a AT that's meant to do a lot of damage, is it good for soloing? I'm hoping for any advice for Dark Armor, or really any secondary that would work well, and hopefully look nice on a psi melee character.
  11. I guess soft-capping if I want to solo stuff.
  12. I'm level 50 and have one respec token left, I cant decide how to build my character and can't find any guides for it. does anyone have any builds for this kind of character?
  13. I know this is minor but the sound on Psi Blade Sweep doesn't play when you switch it to the dark color set. Every other powers sound effect plays but psi blade sweep doesn't when switched to dark.
  14. Sorry it took me so long to reply, but thank you all for the RP info it made me go back to play my energy aura character, and I just love the set so much 😄
  15. I've heard that Willpower is a really good secondary, and was wondering if is good for a psi melee scrapper, also if anyone knows how to build for it?
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