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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. They also really need to fix the power to not toggle off when you get mezzed. Less of an issue for sentinels but HUGE annoyance on other ATs especially blasters. I would care less if it suppressed but tbh one of its main things always was that it could attack WHEN you got mezzed. Would be nicer if instead of toggling to keep it on, if instead the toggle meant that it would proc a new sentinel every 20ish seconds that would replace the previous one. Point being for its intention that it would work when mezzed, this way even if suppressed, it shoudl always one have being active generally even if you do get mezzed, but having to toggle it on all the time is getting REALLY old fast on my blaster with it. It's an offensive power after all, even if they just made it so that it suppressed as it's an offensive toggle that's definitely needed. Its end cost also is honestly a bit high for it only doing a single target charged bolts as well tbh.
  2. Well the others are pretty much where they were before, axe cyclone had its recharge increased a few seconds to make up for the shorter cast time and pull-in, but as I mentioned above the biggest issue is Pendulum. What you're noticing is that it's still at a 15s recharge and 14.35 end cost which is WAYYY too much on both for its new nerfed damage. As I stated, in relation to other like-attacks like those or bs and katana, it's recharge and end costs both should be about 8.5 seconds and end for its new damage and still 2 second cast time. Granting that it may be just a little easier to hit targets and works with the pull in (which they had to so it didn't work counterintuitively to the cyclone pull-in) and that it has some mitigation(which one could argue versus having -defense), this is where we could maybe see having a little more rech/end in compensation to that of 10ish end/rech, but DEFINITELY not 15 for those, it's quite absurd.
  3. @Booperany update on this as well? Assuming the current stats are "intended" like the energy absorption issue as clearly layed out here the stats are way off on this power since the damage nerf to it, was moved earlier, but it doesnt follow the end/rech rules of the lower tier powers either, just had a straight damage nerf without those being adjusted as well. Even with the other changes to the set this REALLY hurts the set/power with its end/rech values almost double what they should be per its new damage and 5 target limit. (especially that end cost oof)
  4. With multiple casts like I always did before, but now that main portion isn't stacking so it's a HUGE nerf to ice armor total defense. Only the pitiful additional targets are stacking, which is almost nothing compared to what I gave before.
  5. Not the move of the defense mainly to the first target, but that THAT is the part that isn't stacking which is obviously the more important part. That's a minimum 5-10% defense loss on scrapper/brute/stalkers, even more on tanks. I can't imagine a nerf like that was intended. Especially on ice armor who relies on that defense more than most others. That would be beyond dumb. Especially for how hard that typed defense nerf hit it too. There's just no way that's justified.
  6. Also @Booper any chance to get this fixed, its really hurting ice armor. Since, the change was to most of the defense on the first target, only the additionals are stacking. but not the first target, which is where most of the defense is now. It's resulting in a lot of defense loss, which is mainly what ice armor is about, which especially hurts since the dumb typed defense nerf, really hurts it as that was the sets main form of fire/cold defense that it doesnt get from capping s/l on most attacks as well.
  7. What is that controller/dom slotting difference thing? I've only looked on trollers for slotting so far (not work/use) As to the dot replacing, if its not a bug, i'd like to EXTREMELY suggest that it doesnt, and actually stacks like it should. For the da,age it does, both initial, and dot, this is an extremely bad decision for the dot to not stack. This makes it both, and not necessary to slot for damage,. It means the damage is both inconsequensial to use the skill for actual damage, yet means its damage unslotted isn't worth the ability to not have the advantage of being able to use without being notified. Basically any time its used on the same target, before those 30 seconds, the damage it does is REALLY pathetic given its base hit, and the DOt is only valueable per cast when the target lasts for most of that 30 seconds anyway, which if you waste slots on slotting damage on the power, you get a REALLY bad return on them since the initial hit is so minimal, and essentially, within 30 seconds, additional hits DON'T get the benefit of the dot, so theyre DPA get royally screwed. The only way for the DOT to even mean anything is if its literally cast on a new enemy in a mob and the whole mob takes like a minute to kill, its really quite horrid how bad it is without stacking the DOT. PLEASE for the love of god reconsider and fix this. Even in a long AV fight, with the DOT stacking it wouldnt be anything near OP damage levels, and it still wouldn't even be the most damage of a control set on said AV either. And obviously anything below, doesnt usually last the 30 seconds anyway. And this EXTRA hurts controllers. who would need to rely more on that damage as well, hence the main reason why my one troller is still shelved waiting for this to be fixed. PLEASE correct this.
  8. Oh thank god I fixed it, in case anyone has this sort of thing happen to them I had to completely reload the bind file, and then reset up those attacks to the mouse key (my keybind file is for other keys that are the same for all characters like pressing B to target closest enemy)
  9. It's also not even doing this on my staff stalker or tanker, only this scrapper. It also did not happen for as much as I can recall until I got innocuous strikes, even though it happens when i cast serpents and eye, does not seem to happen when i cast precise strike. don't have sky splitter yet, but obviously whether it happens or not with that, there is a terrible bug that is making the character unplayable please help!
  10. On my staff scrapper, i have the keys bound to my mouse like i have for every other character, but for some reason after I press the keys for serpent's reach, innocuous strikes, or eye of the storm, it is automatically queuing up guarded spin, sometimes even casting it BEFORE the power that I'm trying to execute! It's not a bind issue, at least not typing it in wrong I have that right. IE /bind mousechord powexecname serpen'ts reach, etc, i do this for every character I have, but for some reason this keeps happening with this character in particular! Please help it's driving me INSANE. I have even re-bound the keys, deleted the powers from the tray and re-added them (to check recharges), and it keeps happening no matter what I do! Hellllllp lol
  11. Would definitely be nice to have this fixed asap as part of the next patch, pretty important key power for a whole armor set.
  12. Would definitely be nice to get this fixed asap so i could play my toon 😕
  13. The toggles don't drop now but because of the stupid suppression you still get mega screwed quite often, basically forced to go psy epic for the mez protection. I agree too while rad can be very nice, the toggles can be annoying every mob too, but at least they're faster to cast now.
  14. Also, since the dumb defense nerf so defense only works against one type, defense sets like, and if not especially ice armor should have also had fire and cold defense reworked into their primary armor toggles, as these are sets that were DESIGNED with that dual-type defense in mind, they got hit extra hard by the fire and ice damages coming through now where the smash/lethal defenses aren't protecting them from that any longer. Stone armor, though the revamp was nicer, still also greatly suffers from this and should also have those defenses included in the defense armors, though ice notices it a lot more IMO, the same logic applies.
  15. Ice Armor: Wet Ice (all ATs) - This power now adds Psionic and Toxic defense. Energy Absorption (all ATs) - This power now grants Psionic and Toxic defense. Up-front defense increased from 1% to 4.5%. Per-target defense reduced from 0.6% to 0.25% (Tanker values). Total Defense at 10x targets remain the same. Moisture Absorption (Sentinel) - This power now grants Psionic and Toxic defense. Permafrost (all ATs) - This power now grants 5% resistance against Smash/Lethal/Energy/Negative/Toxic/Psionic (Tanker values). Since this change took place, there is a bug where now the main buff of the power is not stacking. Only the tiny miniscule additional target buffs are stacking with the power resulting in a HUGE loss of defense for ice armor which has always been key to it's survival as it's mostly all defense as an armor. Especially with more of the defense being IN that up front buff now, this REALLY hurts ice armor. Praying for quick fix on this one. While we're at it, chilling embrace on scrappers also needs it's taunt back. As the reason other armors on scraps get taunt is that it's needed for their survival or damage for the enemies to be in their aura, ie AAO on shield for more damage, or the resist aoe on bio, invincibility on invuln etc, the EXACT same thing would be said for chilling embrace, so the enemies have their recharge reduced, AND more importantly keep that -damage on them. Please fix this as well. Less important but also should have always been the case, to allow to slot wet ice for defense for set/proc mules, woudln't cry if this didn't happen but just doesn't make sense it's even there if you can't slot it even if it is tiny.
  16. Right, I have thought several times if 12end/rech would work, but even then that would be the absolute MAX for those for the powers current damage. Even then it's still high though. That would make it a 50% tax for the set synergy/taoe nature which is still a bit much, I can't think of another partial or full aoe that has that much of a tax on it just for knockdown, and even then it would be debatable if that 50% knockdown is better than guaranteed -defense, -resist, slow, stun etc, at which point I wouldn't even say its better, just different, even if it was guaranteed KD. I certainly wouldn't complain if cyclone was 100% kd chance, but given the shorted cast time I think the power itself was balanced as is with the longer recharge time and pull-in addition. I think pendulum at the 5 target cap though, only a 50% chance to KD seems pretty weak even with corrected end/rech values meaning only 2-3 enemies KD'ing at a time. (especially given its current rech/end costs, but lets assume that would get fixed properly given this thread I'd hope)
  17. I'm not missing your point, I'm explaining that you're bringing up a point, that is just semantics, and didn't need brought up at all because you don't understand what I was saying. You: "this word means this, it can't mean something else" Me: It CAN mean something else, there just wasn't another word I was aware of. Lots of words have different meanings based on context. In this case, from here on out as mentioned, I will refer to the aoe types as full aoe, partial aoe, and nuke aoe.
  18. I understand what it says, again, you're arguing semantics. I get what it's "classified" there, but you're looking at the wrong argument based on a word that in this case had two meanings because I'm unaware of another term for it. You're not WRONG, you're just arguing the wrong thing. To sum up, we'd have to clarify the types of aoe, easiest way is "full" aoe, which means and aoe with the maximum targets for that type, ie in this case, 10 targets for those aoes in the 11-20ish second recharges, like cyclone, whirling sword, whirling hands etc. Another example, while technically frost is a cone, it's area size and 10 target cap, basically puts it in the "full aoe" column. Then two more "melee nukes" or "nuke aoe" which isn't part of this but just for reference, like lightning rod, shield charge, savage leap, and ground zero. And then the main one in this discussion, which is "partial aoe" which can be usually cones, or in this case pendulum, since it only has a 5 target cap. So from here on i'll reference them as such as to avoid this confusion for you. As Pendulum is a "partial" aoe, it's end/rech for it's damage as such then should be 8.5, adjusted for set synergy, 10.5 would be agreeable, 15, is FAR too much. Edit: "Edit: So insisting on calling it something other than what it is classified as detracts from your argument." It doesn't detract from the argument, it's just a semnatic you're bringing up which isn't actually part of the argument, and is just a terminology miscommunication, and again, I didn't CALL it a cone, I sait it should be TREATED like a cone.
  19. That basically IS what is considered in that though. You can't just claim it's an "aoe" in regard, but not account for it's 5 target cap. Technically the sentinel heal/regen power in dark armor is an "aoe" at 30ft radius, even though it only hits 1 target. You're talking semantics, and the wrong one at that. It should be considered as it's cone in these regards i've mentioned. If you want to consider it an "aoe" then you also have to account for it's 5 target cap. Which MANY times, per damage value, I've mentioned, the end/rech values are still not in line with the power and are way too high. It's like you're trying to argue something that just isn't there and I'm explaining it. You're arguing a semantic, that doesn't apply basically. Basically, there are two descriptions of "aoe" in this scenario. One meaning it's round, and another, that I keep quoting cause I'm not sure of another proper name for it, meaning that it should hit the capped targets for it's appropriate values, which on melee scrap/brutes, is 10 targets in this situation. Given it hits 5, even though, yes by semantics, it's an "aoe", but it's not a "TRUE aoe" by what I'm saying. I'm sorry i dont know of another term to describe what i mean when i quote aoe, but you should be able to understand what I mean. Maybe "full" aoe would be a better terminology, given the 5 target cap though, even though yes *technically* as a circle it's an aoe, it's STATS need to be CONSIDERED as a cone. So i guess there, "true aoe" or "full aoe" would be the term I'm meaning by this, but again, call it aoe if you wish, the issue is, at 5 targets, its new damage needs the end/rech values to be lowered to compensate, and yes, as also mentioned, this is GIVEN the rest of the set updates. Values per damage, would be 8.5ish end/rech, values adjusted for set synergy/radius, 10.5ish would be fair (certainly not 15 is the point of this thread). Edit: reading that last sentence of yours too, I'm not CALLING it a cone, again, stop with the semantics. I'm saying it should be TREATED like a cone statwise.
  20. I didn't now the right term, that's why i put it in quotes, obv it's an aoe, even cones are an "aoe" by definition. But aoe in this context referring to 10+ targets. As a 5 target power, it is essentially a "cone" the only reason it's a "taoe" is to so the cyclone pull in wouldn't be detrimental to it and NOT work with it. For all intents and purposes this power still needs to be thought of as a cone power given the 5 target limit etc.
  21. If you have to think of it this way, the "needs fixed" essentially is that same argument. If this WAS intentional, it was just a plain wrong assessment. The end/rech values are literally almost DOUBLE what they should be compared to like-powers. No secondary effect in the game on any melee attack is worth that amount of a use-tax. (and certainly not compared to mace which let's face it has always been its co-partner regarding effectiveness, which smashing damage also makes mace more-often better alone vs lethal) I'm not saying I don't understand "A" tax in a situation like this, I'm just stating that 14.35 end and 15s rech is FAR too much of a tax for the power's new damage and tier placement. If whoever intentionally left these as is for this thinks that's appropriate, then it might be time to replace that person with someone who understands powers and sets better, because these are far from appropriate values for the power, looking at the entire axe revamp as whole (even worse looking at the power on its own).
  22. Versus new costume parts and base items? Definitely. Versus mew missions and task forces? Personally yes but I feel equal. Versus power balancing? If that means fixing powers that are underperforming if they actually do it properly yes. Versus things like fixing Pendulum to have the proper end/rech values? No Versus spending all that time just to nerf defenses to one type only changing the way the game has worked since the beginning in a completely unneeded change? 100% absolutely yes. Ie, its still on the list and where on thar list is malleable. Super Packs alone? It's more tolerable than trying to claim character items but apparently it's all the same thing. They are also different departments i hear anyway. So fixing this, doesnt mean we dont get those other things per update.
  23. I never said it was a bug, I said it was an oversight, or just plain wrong decision. I understand what you're trying to say but your missing the entire point. That is ALL taken into consideration, but the power is still nowhere near justified with everything considered at this end/rech values. As mentioned, when a power is an earlier tier like that, yes, it makes sense having the damage lowered, but ONLY if it's endurance and recharge values are lowered with it as well. The power did NOT need a straight nerf by far. This wasn't (or SHOULDN'T) have been meant as a nerf, but rather a lower tier rework, which should have justly then meant it would have it's end and rech values lowered as well. "In reality" it's a wasnt adjusted properly "suggestion" to which the numbers CLEARLY speak for themselves. It's insanely baffling you don't see that, without trying to be rude, you're just plain wrong, thus power needs fixed. Since you havent been paying attention or arent grasping it, that tax was already considered at about 10.5 for end/rech, where it should actually be at 8.5 for both. Anything more than that is gravely underwhelming the power for what it should be, especially at an insane 15end/rech that it is now. It's appalling and honestly almost insulting that it's values are at that.
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