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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. No I was aware of that. If you're telling me that there wasn't a change to it I swear then I had a dream that it had the same one hand lift that gust has and the cloud instantly appeared/formed over the enemies head and it was AWESOME lol. I still say give it the gravity distortion animation, bump its damage a tiny bit to match and give it a KD chance to really oomph it. Also what about the cat5 knockdown proccing, that doesnt lockout every 5 seconds i hope on the same target (same with cell?)
  2. Ewww, that seems arbitrary especially again with outside buffs being fairly nonexistent on it and it has to roll a chance on a hit too. Like, I woudln't expect it to be used *mainly* for st damage, but I guess i'm more concerned, is that JUST for the damage, or does that mean the knockdown may only proc once every 5 seconds too? Also, what about adding KD to cloudburst as well, would help give the power more oomph feeling, and not sure if my earlier post was seen about it's animation/cast? Could have sworn there was an update with a new animation and having the cloud instantly form over their head, but when i just logged in again to test, it looks like it's back to the dumb whirlywater animation and and the cloud taking time going from you instead of instantly showing over their head.
  3. Right, I agree too, but saying that's part of the tradeoff, but for it to be hit with such an acc issue too is extra bad and definitely a big point of concern, doesn't seem out of realm to boost in addition to little shorter rech, but definitely the acc bump.
  4. Right don't mistake me, i'm not saying its completely horrid and doesn't have a slightly different use, what i'm saying is that it DOES have those caveats though, and give the ACC issue is a big thing too, I don't think it would be out of line to have it and storm cell have an even higher base acc, and cat 5 having a little shorter rech than normal nukes too at like 150s or so.
  5. Yeah they were talking about on top of that since not really any buffs you can provide will extend to help the storm cell and cat 5 out over their duration which is an issue, so since to hit buffs are out of the question, you're relying on the powers themselves. Especially since cat 5 is a nuke too, other nukes already start at 1.4x and you can always use aim/bu to boost those. Given that I don't think a 1.5x all the time acc on them would be out of the question given these issues since they basically rely only on themselves for ACC. Also, major kudos to fixing the animation/casts on chain lightning and cloudburst. Though I'll say cloud burst still kinda *feels* like it is missing an oomph, seems like adding a KD to it would help that a good bit. Edit: actually was the cloudburst change rerolled? I could have sworn i went to test it the other day and it wasn't that "whirlywater" animation anymore and the cloud instantly formed over the enemies head. Even adding a tiny bit of cast time (1.83s versus 1.67s) to also go with the added knockdown, I think that the gravity distortion animation makes a lot more sense for the power to have it instantly form over the enemies head.
  6. Thanks! So again, almost the same damage, applied in 3 seconds versus 30 seconds, with a shorter recharge on top of that too. Also of which non AVs ie regular 95% content, the full 30s of cat 5 is never being used also. Add in the accuracy issues as well now. I don't think upping it's base acc (and cells or giving -defense) and lowering its base recharge would be out of the question. Meaning it's more usable, but less damage in most situations, but more in the (much) long run and requires other power activations too.
  7. Ok, now do atomic blast with aim, gaussians, and procs. Also factor in that most mobs are dead WAY before those 30 seconds are usually up in most cases. Like cat 5, ice blast really should have a special aim that lasts 20 seconds so it lasts through the full duration of blizzard/ice storm. Likewise as mentioned storm really should have one thar can last longer for car 5 as well. Additionally given this nature too I wouldn't think a lower rech something like 120-150s would be out of the question, even at the cost of removing the damage buff in Intensify with a longer duration given cat5s use.
  8. I'm more concerned with chemical ammo, cause until they fix swap ammo, chemical ammo is the only ammo type that usually has any real impact. So for it's ST dps fixed to be nerfed when the others are not does not sound good at all. Especially when that was given to ice for the mag 4, yet it still gets the damage. Please god just make chemical ammo have the full damage that the others have.
  9. Yeah, the other stuff definitely needs addressed, it's kinda a core thing to aoe mez powers working, esp for the squishiest AT (trollers too) Regarding not being good on doms, well, that's kinda the caveat itself, being BETTER on trollers, sure, but should still be decent enough on doms. Most of that is getting attacked before the mez takes effect given the doms style of hold them first then attack. But I've played it on trollers and doms a good bit and there are still these persistent issues and bugs. Regarding the pet though, there really isn't a reason, unless it's a coding impossibility somehow (which i doubt), that the reverb pet couldn't at least continue to spam the last symph power used on both ATs. It wouldn't break anything given that they also have their own recharge on the pet too (when left to it's own accord) Certain powers (or maybe all and i was just too impatient) will be set to attack twice, like the st hold and confuse, and i think the cone immob. The others might as well but again, their rech value i possibly missed it. But that's still just twice, nothing would OP the pet by having it set to spam the last symph power used. Especially cause you're not going to only just use one symph power then none else ever again just to get the pet to spam one skill. So yeah, I think hands down the whole issue of being notified before the mez actually hits needs addressed first thing and foremost. Then fixing the pet to spam the last symph power used. Those two things would go a long way to fixing some of the main core issues. It still could use some other tweaks like i've mentioned but those two are the biggest things. Edit: In addition to speeding up the actual skills cast times themselves, they're all completely terribly long, especially the main sleep/fear/stun cones in particular. Like those 3 especially need at least a second shaved off their cast times. (would be nice if the ST confuse/hold would hit a little faster too.
  10. I know that for the pet, I'm saying, at least on dominators in particular, it's a very bad design on them. It's not as bad on trollers who actively use their attacks, but on either, pretty much all of the cast times need reduced a lot as well. But regarding the pet, it wouldn't be out of the question to have it work differently on doms than it does on controllers. See phantom army. I don't need a refresher, I'm saying that it should work differently on doms for the obvious reasons in that thread. On trollers though, since you have to use your own end to cast your powers to begin with, I think the pet shouldn't use any end, i think that makes more than sense. I know the confuse alerts, I'm not debating that, though I definitely don't think the damage it does with the DOT not stacking is worth it. The other powers, well, i still think the sleep should be an aoe toggle aura on you and the pet both and that would help the set out IMMENSELY for things not perfectly in your cones (thus moving the -damage to the cone fear/immobilize so you don't lose that, and adding KD to the cone fear), but there is also just no reason for them to notify the mob, and have them attack you before the mez actually takes effect. MANY other control powers, especially the aoe ones, do damage, but they don't have this issue. Stalagmites, Flashfire, etc. THIS is probably the biggest detriment on the set. I can't possibly imagine that it's intended for you to get attacked before the mez powers take effect, when literally no other control powers like them do, that's hands down one of the MAIN issues that needs fixed, and seems 100% like a bug. I'm saying, aside from if the notifying before the mez takes effect, that all the other WAI I'm aware of, but that definitely needs fixed, and that the set is still very poorly designed and could use some tweaks that I've mentioned. I'm aware it plays differently, but that doesn't mean that it's also up to par on that front either. But WAI or not, the getting attacked before your aoe mezzes take effect, 100% needs fixed. Edit: I'm also saying that regardless as well, the animations need sped up by far. But without changing how the pet works when you're actively using your attacks, they could also add it that it will spam the last symph attack you used, so that it still does stuff when you're not using your symph powers. Edit2: They also really need to fix the reverberant to accept the ATO sets. Other pets that have controls like sing, fly trap, jack etc can accept it, so the reverberant definitely should too, especially since that's more of it's niche than doing actual damage.
  11. On top of being 100% stupid that chemical ammo doesn't get the same damage as the other ammo types for suppressive fire, it's actually even LESS than they stated being literally almost zero damage on chemical ammo: Please for the love of god fix this for chemical ammo to be the same damage as the other ammo types, this is ABSURD..
  12. Well there are a crazy amount of storms more powerful that a cat 5 in the UNIVERSE lol And yeah I'm not saying what it MEANS is bad, just that the actual NAME sounds weird for a power heh
  13. I guess, I do like the name though. Tempest i think works really well though. When I think tempest I think of a really violent storm.
  14. I would love this, if it can be done. Seconded!! Thirded. I still think it just sounds too weird. But I'll say again: MAELSTROM!
  15. As an fyi, i've never once complained about it's damage, only it's mechanics with storm cell recharging so long/slow follow, and the jet stream knock/repel without storm cell. The only thing damage related i mentioned was having more of the damage on the nuke up front, but I'm fine with how it is given the other issues are fixed.
  16. The pet especially needs fixed too, It's already odd how you have to cast an attack for it to do that, but that was at least known beforehand, but the dumber part is that it costs the PET endurance too, so it's a double endurance tax. The powers are all WAY too slow too, it's always a hindrance, they all need massively sped up. But, ESPECIALLY on doms, this makes no sense for the pet to only attack when you do, cause after a hold, especially with how long of cast times literally all the powers have, you're going to be attacking with your dom secondaries, so the pet will end up doing nothing. Especially on doms, the pet should at the very least spam the last symph power you used, or cycle through the ones you've used per mob or something. It also really needs to accept the troller/dom ATO sets too.
  17. I think they meant reliable aoe, nuke recharges too long obviously, and jet stream, well, has those issues i mentioned when storm cell isn't up. I do notice the chaining to be kinda weird, especially when the mobs move after you cast it since it takes some time for it to actually hit. I wouldn't mind it just being a regular targeted skill, but i think a faster cast/hit would solve most of that too.
  18. Maybe the debuff, i haven't heard anything regarding a universal mez yet outside of the special hami-types but that's not till 47+ anyways so that doesn't really help. And yeah we definitely need universal debuff sets for things like fulcrum shift, sonic siphon, etc that don't take any IOs. They also need to fix heat exhaustion, WHICH EVEN HAS END DRAIN, to take end mod sets for that purpose too. For a 1 target, 120s rech/40s duratoin debuff , I'm honestly surprised it's not autohit anwyay.
  19. DEFINITELY not. Not unless they actually also make some "mez" IO sets that cover any mez type (esp that would include s/l defense since that's impossible to get in good values on ranged toons.
  20. Edit: These are the new patch notes that just dropped today 04/14/2023 Beanbag Lowered cooldown to 10s. Increased damage to scale 0.98. Added PvP Damage (1.43 scale). Welp, guess we lost aim XD Guess it's usable every other "tier 1" attack now though but still means a 4th power pick where the ST isn't really needed, especially with the ignite change (if it IS the ignite damage, not the "incinerator" damage which is fairly poor tbh. Tooltip only says the details without damage scale, not sure why forcing you to have to log in just to see a damage number, no thanks, just logged out of it, not going back in just for that. Psychic Blast Will Domination (Blaster Only) Renamed to Dominate Will. Recharge lowered from 20s to 4s. Cast time lowered from 1.1 seconds to 1 second. Damage lowered from 1.24 scale to 1.0 scale. Sleep duration reduced to scale 8. Moved to T1. UM... ok now i'm DEFINITELY calling that they change this back to will domination at a higher tier. The only thing that was making this change ok was that it still had a big long sleep attached to it (which again it's a sleep too so often minimally useful and can't stack). But to now nerf the sleep to be how low, especially since it's not something that anyone would ever slot duration into, ruins the use of the power to cycle it onto multiple enemies which was the whole point of it getting nerfed into the tier 1 spot cause you could at least do that. Please, if it's staying at tier 1, put back the higher sleep scale. Otherwise put it back at a higher tier with higher DPA like it was before! Suppressive Fire Cast time reduced from 1.67s to 1.5s. Recharge reduced from 20s to 8s. Incendiary: Scale 2 duration Mag 3 hold (stacks). Damage increased to 1.64 scale. Cryo: Scale 4 duration Mag 4 hold (replace). Damage increased to 1.64 scale. Chemical: Scale 8 duration Mag 3 hold (stacks). Damage increased to 0.87 scale. Standard: Scale 3.2 duration Mag 3 stun (stacks). Damage increased to 1.64 scale. Um, why is chemical ammo getting absolutely screwed on the damage on this. Please fix t his to be the 1.64 scale that the others have, this is quite absurd especially since it's the only ammo form worth using TBH. I don't even care if the hold is lower, but this power is needed to fix the single target damage issues in the set. Please fix the damage in chemical ammo to 1.64 scale. (if anything I'd imagine the ice ammo would have the lower damage scale focused more on holding, not the chemical ammo.
  21. It does both, there are two separate flags at least per the details, and i've seen it do both repel, and knock separately, though odd that according to the details as well, they both list there without a % chance, meaning they should both be 100% chance. Though logging in just now to double check, they did add the "if in storm cell". Which again then, if this is how jet stream is going to work, then they need to fix storm cell's base recharge (with no other nerf to like 45s besides lowering the cast time and end costs), or they need to fix jet stream to be usable outside of storm cell and still provide mitigation, ie full knockback outside of storm cell too, and thus converting that to KD when using a kb-kd. Additionally as mentioned before, chain lighting also makes complete sense to have knockdown on itself as well for some mitigation when inevitably storm cell isn't up or isn't getting to the next mob fast enough. But again, all these issues go away if they'd just stop being stubborn and lower the recharge to 30 or 45 seconds. I also don't get the "I bet the deadline is soon" it's not like there is a board of directors or anything that make money off the game that DEMAND a deadline. This is all player run and controlled right? So nothing that says they can't fix this first before it goes live and push the release date back a week. (or make it live now to play with, but fix it in a patch the following week) But you can be sure this issue is going to persist if they don't fix it. Whether you're the stormy dealing with it meaning you basically literally can't use jet stream outside of storm cell (cause at current, its not worth the kb-kd since you get nothing out of it for mitigation, and just makes the slot tax even worse to put a kb-kd in it and then still not have it even KD), or one is on your team messing up the mobs causing aggravation. It's one thing if the power itself is usable enough that someone should be using it properly to prevent that, it's a whole other thing when it's happening because storm cell isn't up fast enough, or it's not getting to the next mob fast enough, all which are within the control of the devs right now to simply fix and not CREATE issues like this. As to someone else mentioning about changing jet stream to be like a whirlwind, I would probably just die if they added the pull-in like sing has to storm cell then to also fix the issue, if not at least to the nuke. But a commandable power like axe cyclone (could be target based, but also have a cone that repels from your body like jet stream does, and like the [fault] damage cone does but also has a taoe component, or new cold snap having 2 cones etc), would also be super awesome and help solve these issues as well. (And on that note, i've been wanting tornado/water spout to have that sing pull-in since before even the sing had it, and makes complete sense that it should, hopefully those powers and the pull in on one of the storm blast powers could happen, but DEFINITELY should be in tornado and probably water spout too, it makes complete sense the way the cyclones work)
  22. No that was one of my first thoughts too, why i mentioned at least if it's a single target, they should still flee around on fire. Poison trap already has its own "puke" emote that the enemies do, don't see why this, or all dot fire powers can't have a "run around with hands in the air" emote the enemies would do lol.
  23. Just what I said up above, it's not even about procs, it's about mitigation and survival. Without storm cell, and then not having the knockdown on jet stream, the set is very anemic. Edit: it's about the Ughh waiting for storm cell to catch up cause it's not worth engaging without it, and really hinders the fun factor constantly being annoyed by it Maybe in case jet stream is odd to code, then like I said page's back, not only does it make sense, but perhaps simply add knockdown to chain lightning.
  24. I was saying that without storm cell, jet stream is either too much a hinderence due to the repel, or there is zero knockdown with a kb-kd and thus the set is extra terrible mechanically and offers zero else to help when storm cell is down. It's pointing out how crucial it is to have storm cell up all the time when and where you need it.
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