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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. Apparently same bug is happening with the reverbs confuse too.. So many things wrong with I can't believe it went live like this let alone seems like they aren't looking at it still...
  2. And if oddly not fixing storm cell, then at least fix jet stream to do KD with a kb-kd, not remove the knock, at leats one or the other must be true
  3. I would generally agree with you, but that change, with nothing else,really doesn't do anyting to help the set much. cat 5 aka maelstrom/tempest i hope lol, well its' a nuke so 2s isn't huge really, the issue is it not doing much up front but tolerable if the main issues with the set are fixed. And storm cell, yeah regardless I'd advise a faster cast time I'm with you on that, but especially faster with it being self-placed shorter recharge instead of the funky slow-follow pseudopet issue.
  4. Illusion is most definitley hamstringed on it. It's easily the worst control set otherwise. The only other thing it has is spectral terror which is nice but not any full lockdown, and the aoe holds, well every set has the same issue of the too long of recharge, and still for some odd reason a lower base accuracy too. Flash is also the worst of them needing you to be in melee AND taking 3 seconds to cast of and actually effect the mobs. Illusion has WHOLLY been centered around phantom army since I can remember. And you'll really notice what i said above if you do, that's the problem. Pretty much WHY the set only works with storm cell. It is, again mainly due to the jet stream issue. Can't effectively use it as is due to the repel, and for the dumbest reason that it's knockdown disappears if you use a kb-kd. They NEED to fix the power so that a kb-kd only removes the repel, and turns the knockback into knockdown. That, or fix storm cell as suggested so it's recharge is much lower so we can cast and place it at will. Otherwise as is, it's just too big of an issue one way or the other.
  5. I have, it's VERY anemic, and gets a lot more problems with jet stream. Especially since doing so WOULD require the kb-kd for sure then, and for some super dumb reason doing so instead of converting the kb-kd and removing the repel, it also completely removes any knockdown it does too leaving you with practically no mob control. This is where the original problem with jet stream was. If it was kb (or kd with converter) with no repel then it would be usable outside of Storm cell, Which is why storm cell is SO crucial and needs to be fixed so we can always have it where and when we need it., if not then I'd go way back to jet stream needing fixed. Tbh regardless of what happens to Storm Cell, they need to fix the kb-kd in jet stream removing it's knock, it needs to keep that knock and covert it to knockdown while removing the repel if you slot one. This is precisely where that was such a big issue before, especially as it's your only group mitigation if you don't have Storm Cell up. Jet stream ONLY works with storm cell unless they do (and should) fix it to still have its knockdown when you use a kb-kd. Edit: Seriously Jetstream is a lose-lose without storm cell, can't use it to attack with due to the repel, and thus needing a kb-kd, but then it does no knock at all, and you're left completely defenseless.. So again, regardless, Jet stream needs fixed so a kb-kd changes the knockback to knockdown, NOT remove it (just the repel gets removed)
  6. This is a big part of it, it's already annoying when I wait for creepers to pop up ok the next mob, and I was already waiting a lot testing this for storm cell from mob to mob. I think it would help at least giving it the speed cap, but there is usually still that "ok It finally GOT to the mob, but now it has to take a second for the ai to choose a target and get to that target" I just don't see any logical reason for the devs to be so stubborn on this for how crucial it is for the set to work properly. Just 45rech/60sdur the power as immobile (tweaking cast/end) and be done with it.
  7. Lovely even happening with confounding chant, the main power that needs to not happen on generally speaking as you get higher up and use that the most to start a mob :/. Definitely had the confuse hit a lt, even checking combat logs that it hit (didn't lose LoS at all so not that) and they didn't confuse, juicer chief so no protection. twice, and took till the 3rd hit for them to confuse, so that old bug is back, hopefully the fix for the LOS bug will fix that one too, but literally every power except the ST hold and i'm assuming aoe hold since it does no damage, is notifying the enemies before the actual mez takes place..
  8. I like this, especially with most of the aoes being cones, and being dumbly 10 targets. It at least means, you won't do as much damage in the alpha with aim and a higher target cap, but more overall in the long run. TBH, even if this takes the place of aim as an autopower similar to RFTL but instead of a one time buff, it builds up like current defiance.
  9. I mean, faraday recharges in 15 seconds, and lasts 4 minutes and has a whole slew of things that help the team including mez protection to all, that is wholly difference from a 30s recharge, that lasts 45 or 60 seconds and is immobile or even better tbh 45s rech wit h60s duration. Again, think disruption arrow or glue arrow esque. You're already suggesting pretty much the same thing anyway, so the only difference is losing the ability for it to move on its own as a compromise to not making it immune to recharge which puts the where and when in our own hands. So yeah, take what you said, remove the immunity to recharge, and thus make the pseudopet immobile, win!
  10. Not pointless, thats basically the whole issue we have, is that it's making you rely on the slow movement and ai of the pseudopet. edit: IE the ability to perma isnt tough, it's having it where and when you want it. It's a QoL issue.
  11. It is, but it's also a power that does MAJOR things on it's own, and not something that requires the other powers to do it's job. It also is a power buff that stays with you as you move anywhere. If you're going this route, and want to just make storm cell a self buff, I'd be fine with that, but I also DO like the location power, just not with the current rech/movement of the power. And again, you keep saying "its not going down without a duration cut," but there is literally NO reason that the devs couldn't simply do that after hearing all the input from people. To say that without accepting that it is 100% up to the devs, and not something LITERALLY impossible. Again looking at those 4 mentioned TA powers as an example, it's entirely possible to have the power recharge on 30 or 45s, and last 45 or 60 seconds
  12. I like the thinking here, though i'm not sure on anything that would be adding a longer recharge version unless it also lasts long enough to perma like soul drain/rage etc. Could be something that just adds the to hit and extra stun chances (with a longer guarantee on incinerator for example). This could also be a toggle with to hit and stun chances as well., similar to how swap ammon on DP changes the one power from a stun to hold, it could simply just add the stun to incinerator etc. I definitely would not want a click power with short duration though just to grant the stun. Generally, when i'm going to use beanbag, i'm doing it cause i need to control, not cause I need to boost something (usually if BU is recharging to rather just kill them instead), in cases where you need to stun, and not waste time casting a power before it, or the power isn't recharged yet.
  13. Right exactly. On top of that, they don't (and really should get) a chance to stun proc in a stun set. It's even worse that that proc is knockback, and not knockdown, so it actively pulls me away from using that full set anyway due to that. Always thought that is the best set to change that proc to work like OF, where it adds an extra stun chance or knockdown, and also converts kb-kd, so you can use the full set that way in powers like hand clap and lightning clap, and still help negate the KB. (and if it's the kd chance, another set should really have a chance to disorient proc so we can stack it in powers like you can with the lockdown proc in holds)
  14. Also do major things on their own, and are not a core set mechanic. Fulcrum also stacks. It's not spamming, it's counterpointing.
  15. *stares in glue arrow* *stares in disruption arrow* *stares in flash arrow* *stares in poison gas arrow*
  16. 3 recharges needing to be slotted into a power that is a core set-mechanic is.. not good. Edit: ANY recharges needing slotted.
  17. Those are also powers that do a major, intended thing ON THEIR OWN, as well though. This is a completely different type of power, that hardly does anything on it's own, as the debuffs are super minimal, and it's all about just being a set-up power, so that rationale does not apply for a power like this. It would entirely be within it's realm to have a shorter recharge, even if everything else about the power, including it's duration, and ability to "move" (quotes cause still too slow) stayed the same.
  18. I have a quick input/request to this. Before the changes are starting to get worked on for the next pages, could we, or is there a place I'm missing, to see the list of things being addressed? Like the psynado cast time, so we can alternately add the suggestions in THERE first so they get worked on at the same time so part of the code (as i would imagine, but you know, spaghetti) can help save you guys time by working on similar items together? Like if fixing psynado cast, fix other powers with the same animation, and/or similar powers that relate to it etc? Or if going to change beanbag to aim (while i think most agree aim is better), but then gives the people who want to keep beanbag, or find some other set fix like a follow-up type power instead? Cause as of right now, I usually just see random, and sometimes duplicated individual threads, so it's hard to keep track, or actually know exactly what is being "currently" looked at for the next patch. so a Pre-"we're going to work on these things next" thread before actually starting to work on them can be done? So: "These are what we are focusing on for next patch, here are our ideas" and then people can dissect initial thoughts of changes, and propose solutions before any actual work is being done?
  19. Right, perma should, and for the most part is a given. The problem is it being when and where you need it, which the pet ai and movement speed can't account enough for, so the logical fix is just having it recharge in 30s and not move like glue arrow. That being said, working like that, there still isn't anything OP about it lasting 60s, that just means you font have to recast it as soon ON THE SAME MOB, which is exactly the QOL fix they gave to glue arrow. While we're at it, it seems weird it can only be cast on the ground, and not in the air, but that's not usually a huge concern for most fights.
  20. Well where they create the power yeah. But again, I certainly didn't get a notification for it as many others. So it's not out of the realm where they may not have proper people in thar stage of the process. Especially given how many have a problem with it. It's not like it's changing what the power DOES, we're only talking about changing stats like its recharge/fixed location etc. That should certainly be in their realm of understanding to tweak it.
  21. Wait there was another testing BEFORE this one? I thought beta was like first run. Regardless doesn't mean they can't realize their mistake and correct it with more and more people saying how it needs adjusted. Prepare for even more if it goes live like this.. Edit: seriously I can't commend the creating devs enough for making a set like this. Obviously this is very near to my heart given my name, but the adjusting devs who say "this is it and is intended" without listening to player concern have been making some very unnerving "cryptic feeling" decisions lately. Hopefully this is one they'll realize they're wrong in and correct. I want this set to be the best that it can be.
  22. Actually a player, not dev said that. There is absolutely zero reason a power like this can't be on a 30s recharge with 60s duration if it makes sense for the power. Ie: see glue arrow. So it is absolutely within the devs ability to make it 30s tech/60s duration non mobile. Edit: I'd MUCH rather see this get fixed now before it goes live rather than wait for it to go live and then have to wait even longer for the patch after people not on beta start complaining about its recharge/duration/pseudopet issues. clearly, it's an issue for a lot of people already for how pivotal it is. The same issues exist with creepers, but for how it works and how generally good plant control is without it, that's why complaints on that power are fre and far between, but this power is just too pivotal to the set.
  23. I didn't not see a specific no anywhere regarding that (unless I missed it but don't think I did, the only response I saw was to fixing storm cells graphics,) and if it's reworked to not move which Is a concern, that would also denote other changes like the rech would be adjusted as well, so hopefully these are all addressed.
  24. Or just have it not move at all with a shorter recharge like glue arrow. This is immensely important especially when pairing it with any other location power such as tar pit, glue arrow, caltrops, ice patch, etc. Plus it goes you more control on where the field of play is, as it let's you use the code code keep them there, when it moves around you can never tell/be sure when it's going to do that or not. It needs to be a fixed location, rech sooner, and cast faster/cost less end.
  25. Yes! I kept thinking how weird it looked too don't know why I didn't just think of the elec affinity shock animation but that would make a lot more sense than the weird ball to me.
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