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Posts posted by starro

  1. Welcome to the game! I love your post but you are locked into your power sets. 

    I liked Devices on my mastermind and blaster secondary when I wanted to solo play but have a tough boss to take down between acid, web and land mines. In team play those stationary objects seem less important but force field and the healing pyramid helps. 



    …however, you do have 1000 free character slots so let the character creating madness “alt-itis “ take over.  

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  2. I started playing COH on the big-screen in the living room with wireless keyboard and mouse.  I am in heaven.

    I don't consider this a bug, i don't think COH was ever intended to be played like this, but can I fix the letterbox or remove? 

    I am taking the default resolution and after trying several, no luck.  

    2021-11-28 11_58_01-Clipboard.jpg

  3. 8 hours ago, SuggestorK said:

    Yeah about 1 of 5 times doing that im doing too, but i fly up again until my char hit the water in front of the station then hit /stuck and im back on normal map... its like they placed a manhole trap in front of the exit ^^

    I do a /stuck command and I think that works most of the time.


    There is something about breaking out a guy from jail and together burning down the town that is so enjoyable.

  4. what makes COH better?  COH with friends.  Even if it's a small group that does not know your real name and only familiar with you by your global handle  - it just adds to the COH experience.  I have very few good experiences like that in other games.  PUGS in general are a 50/50 shoot depending on the complexity of the tasks at hand.


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