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Posts posted by starro

  1. There is probably just not enough data yet to act. While the problem seems quiet direct  -- in the code it is probably a hot mess for a volunteer to work on and piece together in their spare time.   All that can be done for now is to patiently provide further examples in context with dates/times/screenshots/log files and anything else a volunteer Dev could use to diagnose and develop a plan to fix.    It would not surprise me this sort of bug has lurked since the AH was launched.



  2. 36 minutes ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    while this is an interesting suggestion it begs the question what happens to your costume when you get healed? does it magically stitch up? i could see this working with magic chars and even tech (unstable molecules) but how bout natural heroes in plainclothes? Maybe once the costume is damaged you gotta get repairs (inf sink). Maybe you hafta switch costumes to repair. It might be easier to code parts of your costume vanishing as your take damage? this idea requires some fleshing out.


    i got you on this one. 


    Science - burnt up costumes fade in and back out until fixed.

    Tech - Nanites and tiny robots step in to help you out, bud!

    Mutant - healing factor - minor green glow fixes stuff.   Ugly festering wounds fixed with boils n stuff.  If you could smell the process you might barf.

    Magic - gnomes!  Fairies!  ghosts descend on you to heal in a swirl.

    Natural - You meet your incredibly high deductible for the year.  You still get a bill 4 months from now.


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  3. Villain Cape mission:  the story was you could not wear a cape until you took down a hero at level 20.  My stalker and dominator villain died many times on the mission and I usually played solo and I struggled. My dominator villain often died a lot and likely died in a stiff breeze.  I still loved those characters. 


    I finally traveled to the top of a building, stun the hero, knock back, they drop to one health point and I finish the job. I figured that out by accident the two weeks I was home with pneumonia one summer. 

  4. For one million (inf) Statesman shows up to your Birthday Party, for five million (inf) he will be alive.... and at your bday party.


    I like the idea in theory, but curious about practical application and ability for systems to potentially handle stress if several players cashed out at once.

    • Haha 3
  5. I like my sniper rifle / traps blaster. Pop some red inspirations and pick up the kill x  of this type of villain in a given zone.  Good sometimes for pulling one  from a large group too. 

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